Added page about developing projects, targets, and apps outside of the

mainline Contiki tree using git submodules
Mariano Alvira 2013-02-07 20:37:54 -05:00
parent 7a9a87450f
commit ee91b1bee5
2 changed files with 377 additions and 1 deletions

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Building
* [[Contiki-Build-System]]
* [[Reducing Contiki OS firmware size]]
* [[out of tree|Creating "out-of-tree" project, apps, and targets using Git Submodules]]
@ -151,4 +152,4 @@ Help
<td>IRC</td><td>Join #contiki-os channel at for <a href="">live community discussion</a></td>

375 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
Out of tree development with Git Submodules
The best way to get started with Contiki is to read and modify the
examples in the `contiki/examples`. However, once you start making
your own project "from scratch", devloping your own code out-of-tree
in your own git repository dedicated to the project becomes
The following guide briefly explains how this is done using [Git
Including Contiki as a Submodule
Let's say we are working on a new project `foo`. `foo` for now, `foo`
is just going to be our own copy of the `hello-world` example, but we
will maintain it _outside_ of the Contiki source tree.
We will start by making a git repository named `foo`:
cd /tmp
mkdir foo
cd foo
git init
results in:
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/foo/.git/
A submodule is used to include one git repository into another (the
parent). The parent repository stores a reference to the submodule
which can be used by `git submodule update` to clone the included
To add mainline contiki as submodule to your repository you do:
git submodule add
This will clone mainline Contiki into a contiki directory and checkout
the current master.
Cloning into 'contiki'...
remote: Counting objects: 66414, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12986/12986), done.
remote: Total 66414 (delta 48050), reused 66177 (delta 47892)
Receiving objects: 100% (66414/66414), 50.86 MiB | 275 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (48050/48050), done.
Let's take a look at what's going on:
git status
# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
# new file: .gitmodules
# new file: contiki
Adding the submodule added a new directory `contiki` as expected, but
also a new file `.gitmodules`. This is a text file that keeps track of
where the submodules are coming from and what they are named locally.
Let's dig deeper:
git diff --cached
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d97e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[submodule "contiki"]
+ path = contiki
+ url =
As you can see, the format of `.gitmodules` is rather simple. The
`submodule` named "contiki" comes from, and has the local path `contiki`
diff --git a/contiki b/contiki
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..d746786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contiki
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit d746786709adb351c46bbadfac36265009db3169
The above makes it clear how the submodule "referencing" works. The
parent directory tracks that commit
"d746786709adb351c46bbadfac36265009db3169" should be used. This
reference is committed into the parent repository.
Submodules are git repositories that *do not have any knowledge* that
they have a parent module or otherwise. That means if you change into
the contiki directory it looks, feels, and works just as if you did a
regular clone. `git submodule add` simple adds a reference to a
particular commit of a particular repository that it will clone from.
The submodule references are versioned by the parent repository which
starts to get at the real power behind submodules. For sake of
argument, let's say this `foo` project is a little old and I haven't
kept up with the latest Contiki. But I know Coniki 2.6 very well. So I
want to start there and develop for a while before I upgrade to the
bleeding edge development in `master`. Submodules makes this no
problem at all.
To do this:
cd contiki
git checkout 2.6
HEAD is now at a3e5637... Bumped version number
now lets see what happend:
cd ..
git status
# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Changes to be committed:
# (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
# new file: .gitmodules
# new file: contiki
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working
# modified: contiki (new commits)
We see that contiki is modified with "new commits". That is the
unstaged change of changing to tag 2.6 instead of master. To see this
git diff
which shows:
diff --git a/contiki b/contiki
index d746786..a3e5637 160000
--- a/contiki
+++ b/contiki
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit d746786709adb351c46bbadfac36265009db3169
+Subproject commit a3e56371a59e27f49464b41cdebc30c5e0ef00c1
where hashref d746786 is the master at the time of this writing and
the inital reference point for the submodule. a3e56371 is the hashref
for 2.6.
We like all these changes so let's commit all of them with:
git commit -a -m "adding contiki 2.6 as a submodule"
Great! Now we can get on with our top secret `foo` application
As mentioned before, `foo` is really just `hello-world`, so let's copy
that over:
cp contiki/examples/hello-world/* .
you will see:
contiki hello-world.c Makefile README
let's clean up:
mv hello-world.c foo.c
(your projects should always have READMEs. But this is a top-secret
project, so removing the README is recommended.)
now you must point your Makefile to where Contiki is located. Edit the
Makefile in your favorite way and change:
CONTIKI_PROJECT = hello-world
CONTIKI = ../..
CONTIKI = contiki
perfect. Where are we? run:
git status
which shows:
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# Makefile
# foo.c
We like what we've done so add and commit:
git add Makefile foo.c
git commit -m "our foo project is complete"
Bumping the Submodule
Ok, so we've done all that submodule work but what good was it? The
main advantage is that now mainline and your code are
__decoupled__. Mainline will move ahead (we hope) and you will hack
and hack and hack. The time will come when you want to upgrade. Had
you hacked your own fork directly, bumping the contiki version would
be a big pain. So how do you do that here?
cd contiki
git checkout master
cd ..
Your code might still be broken, but this way your versioning and
Contiki's versioning aren't mixed up. There is also nothing stoping
you from forking Contiki into your own repo and using that as the
submodule. In fact, this is a very good way to develop projects that
require your own changes to the core of Contiki.
At this time, you would test your code and if happy, commit the fact
that you want to use this version of contiki instead of the old
git add contiki
git commit -m "use the latest contiki HEAD"
Out of Tree Targets
It is also possible to compile against TARGETs that are not included
in mainline. This is great if you are developing your own hardware and
have prototypes or varients. It's another way to develop independently
from what mainline is doing but still keep most of code.
Going back to our secret project `foo`. Lets say we are going to run
`foo` on a new extra-secret TARGET hardware: `bar`. Lets make our own
targets directory:
cd /tmp/foo
mkdir targets
The `bar` target is a special form of econotag. So let's copy that
cp -R contiki/platform/econotag/ targets/bar
mv targets/bar/Makefile.econotag targets/bar/
Then edit the Makefile to add your new targets directory to the search
path for targets. Add the following line"
TARGETDIRS += targets
Now, you should be able to build your project against the super-secret
bar target:
make TARGET=bar
Out of tree APPS
You can also write and develop your own Contiki APPS out of tree as
Let's say your CTO walks into your office and demands that you develop
the a new APP to be the flagship product for your company. The CTO
says the APP should be --- the **baz**. You ask the CTO what the `baz`
should do, but he just rambled some vauge things that don't make much
sense. You shrug and decide to copy the `ping6` app. It seems close
enough. The CTO did mention that the **baz** should "leverage IPv6
full-duplex communication"...
let's copy the app:
mkdir apps
cp -R contiki/apps/ping6 apps/baz
and now edit your Makefile. This edit is more esoteric than adding
out-of-tree TARGETs... I apologize.
APPDIRS += ${addprefix ../apps/, $(APPS)}
now you can include the baz APP just like you would any other app.