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synced 2025-03-10 23:34:08 +00:00
178 lines
6.3 KiB
178 lines
6.3 KiB
; %help
; afp.userprefix - Display or set the AFP user prefix.
; options: -s <path> Set to <path>, normally only if not already set.
; -f Force setting even if it is already set.
; -c Set current prefix to user prefix.
; Note that setting the user prefix uses undocumented features of the
; AppleTalk stack.
; %hend
.include "davex-mg.inc"
sptr = xczpage
setflag = sptr+2
pfxbuf = filebuff2
DX_start dx_mg_auto_origin ; load address
DX_info $01,$12,dx_cc_iie_or_iigs,$00
DX_parm 's',t_path ; path to set
DX_parm 'f',t_nil ; force setting
DX_parm 'c',t_nil ; set prefix
DX_desc "Display or set AFP User Prefix."
cli ; appletalk requires interrupts
ATcall inforeq
bcc :+
jmp noatalk
: stz setflag
lda #'s'|$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs :+ ; set not requested
inc setflag
: lda #'f'|$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs getit ; not being forced to set
lda setflag
beq :+ ; user said -f without -s, go to error
jmp setpfx ; -s and -f, set prefix
: lda #$01
jsr xredirect
jsr xmess
asc_hi "-f without -s!"
.byte $00
bra exiterr
getit: stz dirflag ; make sure we are getting, not setting
ATcall pfxreq ; get user prefix
bcc :+ ; if no error
lda setflag ; error, see if we should try setting it?
beq pfxerr ; nope, error out
bra tryset ; otherwise, try setting
: lda #<pfxbuf ; set sptr to prefix buffer
sta sptr
lda #>pfxbuf
sta sptr+1
ldy #$00 ; index of length byte
lda (sptr),y ; check length
beq :+ ; no prefix, see if we should set it
stz setflag ; have a prefix already, so flag don't set
jsr prpas ; and print
: lda setflag ; user wants prefix set?
beq :+ ; no, so skip doing it
tryset: jmp setpfx ; go to the set routine
: lda #'c'|$80
jsr xgetparm_ch ; change to wanted?
bcs :+ ; nope, skip to the end
P8call $c6,p8pfxreq ; enact the change
bcc :+ ; all good, skip error
jmp xProDOS_err ; if something went pear-shaped
: rts ; buhbye
pfxerr: lda #$01
jsr xredirect
jsr xmess
asc_hi "Get/set user prefix error!"
.byte $00
bra exiterr
noatalk: lda #$01
jsr xredirect
jsr xmess
asc_hi "AppleTalk offline!"
.byte $00
exiterr: lda #$ff
jsr xredirect
jmp xerr
setpfx: lda #'s'|$80 ; get the pointer to option
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs badpath ; shouldn't happen here!!!
sty sptr ; set sptr to check length
sty parm1 ; and parm1 for copy
sta sptr+1
sta parm1+1
lda (sptr),y ; check length
beq badpath ; and if zero, it must be bad
jsr xpmgr ; copy from user option to pfxbuf
.byte pm_copy ; davex function
parm1: .addr pfxbuf ; source, initially something not entirely insane
.addr pfxbuf ; destination
P8call $c4,fileinfo ; P8 GET_FILE_INFO
bcc :+ ; no error, continue
jmp xProDOS_err ; something went pear-shaped
: lda fitype ; get file type
cmp #$0f ; is directory?
bne badpath ; nope... error out
lda #$aa ; undocumented, found in LOGON program
sta dirflag
ATcall pfxreq ; set user prefix
bcc :+ ; all good, skip error
jmp pfxerr ; sigh... error out
: stz setflag ; avoid infinite loop
jmp getit ; wind back to get/print/maybe change dir
badpath: lda #$01
jsr xredirect
jsr xmess
asc_hi "Bad new prefix!"
.byte $00
bra exiterr
; increment sptr by a
.proc addsptr
adc sptr
sta sptr
bcc :+
inc sptr+1
: rts
; print pascal string at sptr
; leave sptr pointed at one past end
; of string
.proc prpas
ldy #$00
lda (sptr),y ; get length
next: lda #$01
jsr addsptr
bpl :+
: lda (sptr),y ; get char
ora #$80 ; make printable
jsr cout
bra next
inforeq: .byte 0,2 ; sync GetInfo
.word $0000 ; result code
.dword $00000000 ; completion address
thisnet: .word $0000 ; this network #
abridge: .byte $00 ; local bridge
hwid: .byte $00 ; hardware ID, IIgs only
romver: .word $00 ; ROM version, IIgs only
nodenum: .byte $00 ; node number
pfxreq: .byte 0,$2a ; sync FIUserPrefix
.word $0000 ; result
dirflag: .byte $00 ; direction flag (bit 7)
.dword pfxbuf ; buffer (at least 64 bytes)
p8pfxreq: .byte $01
.addr pfxbuf
fileinfo: .byte $0a
.addr pfxbuf ; buffer
.byte $00 ; access
fitype: .byte $00 ; want to see $0f
.word $0000 ; aux type
.byte $00 ; storage type
.word $0000 ; blocks used
.word $0000 ; mod date
.word $0000 ; mod time
.word $0000 ; create date
.word $0000 ; create time