mirror of
synced 2024-09-10 21:54:29 +00:00
317 lines
8.2 KiB
317 lines
8.2 KiB
; %help
; diskinfo -- Display ProDOS disk/volume info.
; syntax: diskinfo
; %hend
.include "davex-mg.inc"
tptr = xczpage ; generic pointer
tmp = tptr+1
atflag = tmp+2 ; but 7 = off if AT present
spflag = atflag+1 ; zero if smartport
slot = spflag+1 ; slot address of device being processed
unit = slot+2 ; unit number being analyzed
devno = unit+1 ; device number being analyzed
drvr = devno+1 ; drvr = driver address
sessbuf = filebuff3
sessbufsz = $200
DEVCNT = $bf31 ; # of devices-1 (there must always be 1+)
DEVLST = $bf32
DEVADR = $bf10
DX_start dx_mg_auto_origin ; load address
DX_info $01,$12,dx_cc_any,$00
DX_desc "Display disk/volunme info."
DX_main main
.proc main
lda #$00
sta slot ; init low byte
sta devno ; init dev number
jsr atcheck
loop: ldx devno
bcc :+ ; not done yet
beq :+ ; nor if equal to
rts ; exit if greater than
: jsr doid ; identify/get info for it
jsr printinfo ; print the device info
inc devno ; next device
jmp loop
; See TN.PDOS.20 and 21
; expects device number (relative to DEVADR) in x
.proc doid
lda DEVLST,x
and #$f0
sta unit
sta spflag ; flag no smartport (spflag = nonzero)
lda DEVADR,x
sta drvr
lda DEVADR+1,x
sta drvr+1
jsr isslot
sta slot+1 ; zeroed if not slot device
beq :+ ; and done
ldy #$07
lda (slot),y
sta spflag ; otherwise set smartport flag as needed
: rts
.proc printinfo
jsr prheader
jsr my_crout ; header does not print it
jsr prslot
jsr my_crout ; extra space between devices
.proc prheader
lda unit
jsr xprint_sd ; print .sd
jsr prcolon
jsr maybeat
bcc :+
jmp printat
: jsr ismirr
bcc :+
jsr xmess
asc_hi "mirrored"
.byte $00
: jsr isslot
bcc :+
ldy #$ff
lda (slot),y
beq diskii
adc #$01
beq diskii ; 13-sector, should not happen
lda spflag
bne :+
jsr xmess
asc_hi "SmartPort "
.byte $00
: jsr xmess
asc_hi "device "
.byte $00
diskii: jsr xmess
asc_hi "Disk II"
.byte $00
.proc prslot
jsr tab2
lda slot+1
beq :+
jsr xmess
asc_hi "Installed in slot "
lda slot+1
sbc #$10
jsr cout
jsr my_crout
: rts
; check to see if current device's driver is in a slot
; return $Cn if so, $00 if otherwise, and Z flag set if so
.proc isslot
lda drvr+1
and #$f0
cmp #$c0
bne :+
lda drvr+1
: lda #$00
; check to see if current device is a mirrored device
; return carry set if it is, clear otherwise
; if carry set, A contains actual slot number of device
.proc ismirr
lda slot+1 ; high byte of slot pointer
clc ; anticipate no slot
beq :+ ; and bail if not
lda drvr+1 ; get driver address high byte
and #$0f ; mask off slot number
sta tmp
lda unit ; %DSSSXXXX unit number
lsr ; %0DSSSXXX
lsr ; %00DSSSXX
lsr ; %000DSSSX
lsr ; %0000DSSS
and #$07 ; %00000SSS forget drive
cmp slot+1 ; compare unit to slot
clc ; anticipate not
beq :+ ; if equal, it isn't
sec ; flag it
: rts
.proc printat
jsr prafp
jsr xmess
asc_hi "session "
.byte $00
ldy #$00
lda (tptr),y
lda #$00
jsr xprdec_2
jsr xmess
asc_hi ", ID "
.byte $00
ldy #$1f
lda (tptr),y
lda (tptr),y
jsr xprdec_2
jsr my_crout
jsr tab2
jsr prafp
ldy #$01 ; slot+drive and user flag
lda (tptr),y
ror ; bit 0 -> carry
bcc :+
jsr xmess
.byte "user "
.byte $00
: jsr prvol
jsr prcolon
lda tptr ; get tptr to AFP volume name
clc ; into AY
adc #$02
lda tptr+1
adc #$00
jmp xprint_path ; print pascal str in AY and leave
.proc prafp
jsr xmess
asc_hi "AFP "
.byte $00
.proc prvol
jsr xmess
asc_hi "volume "
.byte $00
.proc prcolon
jsr xmess
asc_hi ": "
.byte $00
.proc maybeat
bit atflag
bmi :+
notat: clc
.pc02 ; AT requires one anyway
: lda nument
beq notat
sta tmp
loop: lda #<sessbuf
sta tptr
lda #>sessbuf
sta tptr+1
ldy #$01
lda (tptr),y
and #$f0
cmp unit
beq :+
dec tmp
beq notat
lda #32
adc tptr
sta tptr
bcc loop
inc tptr+1
bra loop
: sec
.proc tab2
jsr xmess
asc_hi " "
.byte $00
.proc my_crout
jsr xcheck_wait
jmp crout
.proc atcheck
cli ; allow interrupts for AT calls
ATcall inforeq
ror ; move carry into high bit
sta atflag ; and use as flag
rol ; put carry back
bcs :+ ; and exit if none
ATcall filsess ; get sessions
bcc :+
lda #$00
sta nument ; ensure nument is 0 if error
: plp
; param list for GetInfo
inforeq: .byte 0,2 ; sync GetInfo
.word $0000 ; result code
.dword $00000000 ; completion address
thisnet: .word $0000 ; this network #
abridge: .byte $00 ; local bridge
hwid: .byte $00 ; hardware ID, IIgs only
romver: .word $00 ; ROM version, IIgs only
nodenum: .byte $00 ; node number
; param list for FIListSessions
; note format returned by FIListSessions
; is nument 32-byte entries in the format:
; $00 session reference number
; $01 slot/drive
; $02-$1D volume name
; $13-$1F volume ID
; the max number of these under P8 is 14, so the max data returned
; is 14*32 = 448 bytes'
filsess: .byte 0,$2f ; sync FIListSessions
.word $0000 ; result code
buflen: .word sessbufsz ; buffer length
bufp: .dword sessbuf ; buffer pointer
nument: .byte $00 ; entries returned
nument = atcheck::nument