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313 lines
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; %help
; mig.insp -- MIG Inspector by M.G., davex version
; Displays the MIG RAM from the Apple IIc Plus this is used by the 3.5 drive
; firmware and the accelerator.
; When run, 4 pages of the MIG RAM are displayed at a time. If a dynamic
; buffer is allocated, its address is placed on the screen in the lower-right
; corner.
; Keys:
; Arrows - change pages in view
; 0 - 9 - jump to page n*7, 0 = page 0, 9 = page 63
; ESC - quit
; ~ - Jump to page 0 and copy all 2K of the MIG to the buffer, if it's big
; enough. Beeps if not.
; %hend
; Technical:
; The MIG is briefly mentioned in the Apple IIc
; Techincal Reference 2nd Edition. It gives the
; pinouts of the chip and general function description
; but not the level of detail we are used to for Apple
; II technical manuals.
; I wanted to see what was behind the smoke and mirrors.
; The MIG RAM is a 2K SRAM that is accessed through
; a small window from $CE00-$CFFF (and $DE00-$DFFF)
; when the alternate firmware bank is active.
; 32 bytes of MIG RAM are accessed in 64 pages, with
; $CEA0 resetting to page 0, and $CE20 incrementing it
; All but page 2 is used by the 3.5 code. Page 2 is
; used by the accelerator code.
; Other locations in the MIG window are likely used to
; control the 3.5 drive control signals that the MIG
; outputs.
.include "davex-mg.inc"
; build options
SKIPROMID = 0 ; skip ROM identification
; lets you use on a non-
; IIc Plus, but obviously
; isn't useful beyond some
; testing purposes
; Our authorized zero page storage
BufFlag = xczpage ; if $FF, have big buffer
BufLoc = BufFlag+1
BufPtr = BufLoc+2
MigPage = BufPtr+2
; entry points
COut1 = $fdf0
TabV = $fb5b
PrByte = $fdda
Home = $fc58
VTab = $fc22
;KeyIn = $fd1b ; do not use for davex
PrntAX = $f941
; locs
CH = $24
CV = $25
AltBuffer = filebuff3 ; if we can't get big buffer
ROMBank = $c028
MigBase = $ce00
MigRAM = MigBase
MigPage0 = MigBase+$A0
MigPageI = MigBase+$20
DX_start dx_mg_auto_origin ; load address
DX_info $01,$12,dx_cc_any|dx_cc_40col,$00
DX_info $01,$12,dx_cc_iic|dx_cc_40col,$00
DX_desc "Display MIG RAM."
bra init
lda $fbbf ; davex says it's a //c already
cmp #$05 ; but is it a IIc Plus?
beq init ; all good!
lda #$01
jsr xredirect
jsr xmess
asc_hi "Requires a IIc Plus!"
.byte $00
exiterr: lda #$ff
jsr xredirect
jmp xerr
init: stz MigPage
stz BufFlag
lda #<AltBuffer
sta BufLoc
lda #>AltBuffer
sta BufLoc+1
ldx #mli_read
jsr xmmgr
cmp #$08 ; 8 pages available?
bcc :+ ; nope
lda #$08
ldx #mli_open
jsr xmmgr
bcs :+ ; shouldn't happen
stz BufLoc
sta BufLoc+1
dec BufFlag ; flag it
: ; moving on...
; davex does the below for us
;lda #$91
;jsr COut1 ; go to 40 cols if 80 col firmware active
jsr Home
lda #21
jsr TabV
jsr xmess
asc_hi "Arrows=Page, 0-9=Jump, ESC=Quit"
.byte $8d,$8d
asc_hi "MIG Inspector by M.G. 08/30/2017 "
.byte $00
bit BufFlag
bpl dispmig ; Don't print addr if using AltBuffer
lda #'@'|$80
jsr COut1
ldx BufLoc ; display buffer location
lda BufLoc+1
jsr PrntAX
dispmig: jsr get4mig ; 4 mig pages to buffer
jsr d4page
uinput: lda #' '+$80
jsr xrdkey ; davex read key
cmp #$8b ; up arrow
beq goup
cmp #$8a ; down arrow
beq godn
cmp #$88 ; left arrow
bne :+
goup: dec MigPage
bra dispmig
: cmp #$95 ; right arrow
bne :+
godn: inc MigPage
bra dispmig
: cmp #'~'+$80 ; tilde - git all MIG RAM to buffer, maybe
bne :+
jsr getallmig
bra dispmig
: cmp #$9b ; escape
bne jump
jump: sbc #$b0 ; check for digit for page jump
bmi uinput ; nope
cmp #10 ; 10 or bigger?
bcs uinput ; also nope
sta MigPage ; compute digit * 7
asl ; * 2
asl ; * 4
asl ; * 8
sbc MigPage ; * 7
sta MigPage
bra dispmig
; display 4 MIG pages on screen
.proc d4page
jsr rsetbptr
lda #$00
jsr TabV
ldx #$00
: stz CH
adc MigPage
and #$3f
jsr PrByte
lda #':'+$80
jsr COut1
jsr d4line
inc CV
jsr VTab
cpx #$04
bne :-
; display 4 lines at BufPtr, inc bufptr as we go
; assume CV is where we want it to be
.proc d4line
ldx #$03
: jsr dline
inc CV
jsr VTab
lda #$08
jsr addbptr
bpl :-
; display 1 line at BufPtr
.proc dline
lda #4
sta CH
ldy #$00 ; start hex display
: lda (BufPtr),y
jsr PrByte
lda #' '+$80
jsr COut1
cpy #$08 ; done?
bne :- ; nope, next hex
ldy #$00 ; start ASCII display
: lda (BufPtr),y
ora #$80
cmp #' '+$80 ; space
bcs :+ ; if not ctrl char
lda #'.'+$80 ; if so, use dot
: jsr COut1
cpy #$08 ; done?
bne :-- ; nope, next ASCII
; reset buffer BufPtr
.proc rsetbptr
lda BufLoc
sta BufPtr
lda BufLoc+1
sta BufPtr+1
; add A to buffer BufPtr
.proc addbptr
adc BufPtr
bcc done
inc BufPtr+1
done: sta BufPtr
; copy all mig pages (2048 bytes) to (bufptr)
.proc getallmig
bit BufFlag
bmi :+
jsr xbell
: stz MigPage
ldx #$3f
bra getxmig
; copy 4 mig pages (128 bytes) to (bufptr)
.proc get4mig
ldx #$03
; fall through
; copy x mig pages (x*32 bytes) to (bufptr)
.proc getxmig
lda MigPage
and #$3f ; enforce range
sta MigPage
sta ROMBank ; mig only visible when alt ROM switched in
jsr setmigpg
jsr rsetbptr
: jsr copymig
lda #$20
jsr addbptr ; next buffer segment
bit MigPageI ; next MIG page
bpl :-
sta ROMBank
; copy one mig page (32 bytes) to (bufptr)
.proc copymig
ldy #$1f
: lda MigRAM,y
sta (BufPtr),y
bpl :-
; set MIG page
.proc setmigpg
bit MigPage0
ldx MigPage
beq done
: bit MigPageI
bne :-
done: plx