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2023-09-06 04:21:25 +00:00
; code to use the FAC (floating point accumulator)
chkcom = $DEBE ; check for comma
ptrget = $DFE3
frmnum = $DD67 ; evaluate expression, make sure is number
movmf = $EB2B ; move fac to mem: round FAC and store at Y:X
movfm = $EAF9 ; move mem to fac: unpack (Y:A) to FAC
conupk = $E9E3
fadd = $E7BE ; FAC = (Y:A)+FAC
faddt = $E7C1 ; FAC = ARG + FAC
fadd_half = $E7A0 ; add 0.5 to FAC
fsub = $E7A7 ; FAC = (Y:A)-FAC
fsubt = $E7AA ; FAC = ARG - FAC
fzero = $E84E ; FAC = 0 (sets fac.sign and fac.exp)
fcomplement = $E89E ; twos complement of FAC
fmult = $E97F ; FAC = (Y:A) * FAC
fmultt = $E982 ; FAC = ARG*FAC (!!! Z must be properly set)
load_arg= $E9E3 ; unpack (Y:A) into ARG
mul10 = $EA39 ; FAC=FAC*10
div10 = $EA55 ; FAC=FAC/10
div = $EA5E ; FAC=ARG/(Y:A)
fdiv = $EA66 ; FAC=(Y:A)/FAC
fdivt = $EA69 ; FAC=ARG/FAC (!!! Z must be properly set)
; various round and store fac
fac2arg = $EB63 ; ARG = FAC
sign = $EB82 ; SGN(FAC) 1/0/-1
float = $EB93 ; signed value in A to FAC
fcomp = $EBB2 ; compare
qint = $EBF2 ; convert FAC to 32-bit int?
int = $EC23 ; INT(FAC) (clear fractional part)
addafac = $ECD5 ; add A to FAC (signed?)
printfac= $ED2E
sqr = $EE8D ; FAC=sqrt(FAC) [actually does FAC^0.5
fpwrt = $EE97 ; FAC=ARG^FAC
negop = $EED0 ; FAC=-FAC
exp = $EF09 ; FAC = e^FAC
; polynomial?
rnd = $EFAE ; RAC = RND() random number
cos = $EFEA
sin = $EFF1
tan = $F03A
atn = $F09E
; constants
; one
; poly coefficients?
; sqrt(.5)
; sqrt(2)
; 0.5
; -0.5
; log(2)
const_10= $EA50 ; 10
; billion
; 999,999,999
; 99,999,999.9
; log(e) to base(2)
; polynomials for log
; one
; table of 32-bit powers of 10 +/- for some reason
; pi/2
pi_doub = $F06E ; 2*pi
; 0.25 (quarter)
ARG = $A5
FAC = $9D
; code uses: 5E/5F "index" in load arg from Y:A
; uses ARG (A5-AA) for argument
; uses FAC (9D-A2)
; in memory, 5 bytes "packed"
; exponent, mantissa MSB, mantissa, mantissa, mantissa l.s.b
; top bit of exponent is sign (0 negative)
; so $84/$20/$00/$00/$00
; $84 = positive $4, subtract 1, so 2^3 = 8
; mantissa = 1.XX XX XX XX, in this case 1. (Sign)010 0000 = 1.25
; 1.25*8 = 10
; FAC also has sign byte at $A2
; to make constants
; A=10
; 804L, should be 41 00 - 84 20 00 00 00
; A - 5-bytes for 10
sin3 = $8000
lda #0
sta OURX
; 38+24*sin(3x)+16*sin(8x)
; ours[i]=round(38.0+
; 24.0*sin(3.0*i*(PI*2.0/256.0))+
; 16.0*sin(8.0*i*(PI*2.0/256.0)));
lda OURX
jsr float ; FAC = X
lda #<three_input
ldy #>three_input
jsr fmult
jsr sin
lda #<twenty_four
ldy #>twenty_four
jsr fmult
ldx #<$8100
ldy #>$8100
jsr movmf ; save FAC to mem
lda OURX
jsr float ; FAC = X
lda #<eight_input
ldy #>eight_input
jsr fmult
jsr sin
2023-09-07 04:21:33 +00:00
2023-09-06 04:21:25 +00:00
lda #<sixteen
ldy #>sixteen
jsr fmult
; add first sine
lda #<$8100
ldy #>$8100
jsr fadd
; add 38
lda #<thirty_eight
ldy #>thirty_eight
jsr fadd
jsr qint
lda FAC+4
ldx OURX
sta sin3,X
inc OURX
bne sin3_loop
jmp end
.byte $85,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $85,$40,$00,$00,$00
.byte $86,$18,$00,$00,$00
; 2^5 = 32, 1.0011 0000 = 1/8+1/16
; 3*2*pi/256 = .0736310778
.byte $7d,$16,$cb,$e3,$f9
; 8*2*pi/256 = .196349541
.byte $7E,$49,$0F,$DA,$9E