2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
; Uses the 40x48d page1/page2 every-1-scanline pageflip mode
; self modifying code to get some extra colors (pseudo 40x192 mode)
; try adding some sound support
; by deater (Vince Weaver) <vince@deater.net>
.include "zp.inc"
.include "hardware.inc"
PT3_LOC = song
; init screen
jsr TEXT
jsr HOME
; init vars
lda #0
2019-06-18 20:12:26 +00:00
lda #1
sta LOOP
; Configure mockingboard
; Check for Apple II/II+/IIc
lda $FBB3 ; IIe and newer is $06
cmp #6
beq apple_iie_or_newer
; Apple II/II+
bne done_apple_detect
lda $FBC0 ; 0 on a IIc
bne done_apple_detect
; activate IIc mockingboard?
; this might only be necessary to allow detection
; I get the impression the Mockingboard 4c activates
; when you access any of the 6522 ports in Slot 4
lda #$ff
sta $C403
sta $C404
; Detect mockingboard
; Note, we do this, but then ignore it, as sometimes
; the test fails and then you don't get music.
; In theory this could do bad things if you had something
; easily confused in slot4, but that's probably not an issue.
; print detection message
; lda #<mocking_message ; load loading message
; sta OUTL
; lda #>mocking_message
; sta OUTH
; jsr move_and_print ; print it
jsr mockingboard_detect_slot4 ; call detection routine
cpx #$1
beq mockingboard_found
; lda #<not_message ; if not found, print that
; sta OUTL
; lda #>not_message
; sta OUTH
; inc CV
; jsr move_and_print
; jmp forever_loop ; and wait forever
; lda #<found_message ; print found message
; sta OUTL
; lda #>found_message
; sta OUTH
; inc CV
; jsr move_and_print
; Init the Mockingboard
jsr mockingboard_init
jsr reset_ay_both
jsr clear_ay_both
; init song
jsr pt3_init_song
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
; Load graphic page0
lda #$0c
sta BASH
lda #$00
sta BASL ; load image to $c00
ldy #0
lda pictures,Y
lda pictures+1,Y
jsr load_rle_gr
lda #4
jsr gr_copy_to_current ; copy to page1
; GR part
bit PAGE1
bit LORES ; 4
bit SET_GR ; 4
bit FULLGR ; 4
; jsr wait_until_keypressed
; Load graphic page1
lda #$0c
sta BASH
lda #$00
sta BASL ; load image to $c00
ldy #0
lda pictures+2,Y
lda pictures+3,Y
jsr load_rle_gr
lda #0
jsr gr_copy_to_current
; ; GR part
bit PAGE0
; jsr wait_until_keypressed
; setup graphics for vapor lock
jsr vapor_lock
; vapor lock returns with us at beginning of hsync in line
; 114 (7410 cycles), so with 5070 lines to go
; GR part
bit LORES ; 4
bit SET_GR ; 4
bit FULLGR ; 4
jsr gr_copy_to_current ; 6+ 9292
; 5070 + 4550 = 9620
; 9292
; 12
; 6
; ====
; 310
2019-06-18 20:12:26 +00:00
; -3 for jmp
2019-06-18 20:46:05 +00:00
; 307
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
2019-06-18 20:46:05 +00:00
; Try X=14 Y=4 cycles=305R2
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
2019-06-18 20:12:26 +00:00
ldy #4 ; 2
loopA: ldx #14 ; 2
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
loopB: dex ; 2
bne loopB ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne loopA ; 2nt/3
2019-06-18 20:12:26 +00:00
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
jmp display_loop ; 3
.align $100
; Display Loop
; each scan line 65 cycles
; 1 cycle each byte (40cycles) + 25 for horizontal
; Total of 12480 cycles to draw screen
; Vertical blank = 4550 cycles (70 scan lines)
; Total of 17030 cycles to get back to where was
; We want to alternate between page1 and page2 every 65 cycles
; vblank = 4550 cycles to do scrolling
.include "rasterbars_screen.s"
; We have 4550 cycles in the vblank, use them wisely
; 4550 -- VBLANK
; -582 -- erase 22+4*(8+6+126) = 582
; -696 -- move+draw 4*(16+26+6+126) = 696
; -10 -- keypress
2019-06-19 17:33:02 +00:00
; -369 -- calc values
2019-06-19 02:48:00 +00:00
; -997 -- mockingboard out
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
2019-06-19 17:33:02 +00:00
; 1896
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
; we erase, then draw
; doing a blanket erase of all 128 lines would cost 3459 cycles!
lda #$00 ; 2
sta smc_raster_color1_1+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color1_2+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color2_1+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color2_2+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color3_1+1 ; 4
; 22
; erase red
lda red_x ; 4
and #$7f ; 2
tax ; 2
jsr draw_rasterbar ; 6+126
; erase yellow
lda yellow_x ; 4
and #$7f ; 2
tax ; 2
jsr draw_rasterbar ; 6+126
; erase green
lda green_x ; 4
and #$7f ; 2
tax ; 2
jsr draw_rasterbar ; 6+126
; erase red
lda blue_x ; 4
and #$7f ; 2
tax ; 2
jsr draw_rasterbar ; 6+126
; move red
ldy red_x ; 4
lda movement_table,Y ; 4
sta red_x ; 4
and #$7f ; 2
tax ; 2
; 16
; draw red
lda #$33 ; 2
sta smc_raster_color1_1+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color1_2+1 ; 4
lda #$bb ; 2
sta smc_raster_color2_1+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color2_2+1 ; 4
lda #$ff ; 2
sta smc_raster_color3_1+1 ; 4
; 26
jsr draw_rasterbar ; 6+126
; move yellow
ldy yellow_x ; 4
lda movement_table,Y ; 4
sta yellow_x ; 4
and #$7f ; 2
tax ; 2
; 16
; draw yellow
lda #$88 ; 2
sta smc_raster_color1_1+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color1_2+1 ; 4
lda #$dd ; 2
sta smc_raster_color2_1+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color2_2+1 ; 4
lda #$ff ; 2
sta smc_raster_color3_1+1 ; 4
; 26
jsr draw_rasterbar ; 6+126
; move green
ldy green_x ; 4
lda movement_table,Y ; 4
sta green_x ; 4
and #$7f ; 2
tax ; 2
; 16
; draw green
lda #$44 ; 2
sta smc_raster_color1_1+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color1_2+1 ; 4
lda #$cc ; 2
sta smc_raster_color2_1+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color2_2+1 ; 4
lda #$ff ; 2
sta smc_raster_color3_1+1 ; 4
; 26
jsr draw_rasterbar ; 6+126
; move blue
ldy blue_x ; 4
lda movement_table,Y ; 4
sta blue_x ; 4
and #$7f ; 2
tax ; 2
; 16
; draw blue
lda #$22 ; 2
sta smc_raster_color1_1+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color1_2+1 ; 4
lda #$66 ; 2
sta smc_raster_color2_1+1 ; 4
sta smc_raster_color2_2+1 ; 4
lda #$ff ; 2
sta smc_raster_color3_1+1 ; 4
; 26
jsr draw_rasterbar ; 6+126
2019-06-18 20:46:05 +00:00
; Play music
2019-06-19 17:33:02 +00:00
jsr pt3_make_frame ; 6+363 = 369
jsr mb_write_frame ; 6+991 = 997
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
; WAIT for VBLANK to finish
2019-06-19 17:33:02 +00:00
; Try X=125 Y=3 cycles=1894R2
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
2019-06-19 17:33:02 +00:00
ldy #3 ; 2
loop1: ldx #125 ; 2
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
loop2: dex ; 2
bne loop2 ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne loop1 ; 2nt/3
2019-06-19 17:33:02 +00:00
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
lda KEYPRESS ; 4
bpl no_keypress ; 3
jmp display_loop
jmp display_loop ; 3
2019-06-19 17:33:02 +00:00
.assert >loop1 = >(wait_loop_end-1), error, "wait_loop crosses page"
2019-06-19 02:48:00 +00:00
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
; Draw a rasterbar
; unroll as memory is free! haha
; X is location
; 2+22+24+24+24+24+6 = 126
ldy #0 ; 2
lda y_lookup_l,X ; 4
sta OUTL ; 3
lda y_lookup_h,X ; 4
sta OUTH ; 3
lda #$33 ; 2
sta (OUTL),Y ; 6
; 22
inx ; 2
lda y_lookup_l,X ; 4
sta OUTL ; 3
lda y_lookup_h,X ; 4
sta OUTH ; 3
lda #$bb ; 2
sta (OUTL),Y ; 6
inx ; 2
lda y_lookup_l,X ; 4
sta OUTL ; 3
lda y_lookup_h,X ; 4
sta OUTH ; 3
lda #$ff ; 2
sta (OUTL),Y ; 6
lda y_lookup_l,X ; 4
sta OUTL ; 3
lda y_lookup_h,X ; 4
sta OUTH ; 3
lda #$bb ; 2
sta (OUTL),Y ; 6
lda y_lookup_l,X ; 4
sta OUTL ; 3
lda y_lookup_h,X ; 4
sta OUTH ; 3
lda #$33 ; 2
sta (OUTL),Y ; 6
rts ; 6
.include "gr_simple_clear.s"
.include "gr_offsets.s"
.include "gr_unrle.s"
.align $100
.include "rasterbars_table.s"
.include "movement_table.s"
.include "gr_copy.s"
.include "vapor_lock.s"
.include "delay_a.s"
.word rb_bg_low,rb_bg_high
.include "rb_bg.inc"
red_x: .byte $10
yellow_x: .byte $20
green_x: .byte $30
blue_x: .byte $40
2019-06-18 20:46:05 +00:00
.include "pt3_lib_ci.s"
2019-06-18 19:49:35 +00:00
.include "mockingboard_a.s"
; include song
.align 256 ; must be on page boundary
; this can be fixed but some changes would have
; to be made throughout the player code
.incbin "../pt3_player/music/EA.PT3"