
518 lines
9.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; Ride the bird past the mountain
; by Vince Weaver
TREE1X = $E1
TREE2X = $E2
; init screen
jsr TEXT
jsr HOME
; Init vars
lda #28
sta TREE1X
lda #37
sta TREE2X
; setup scrolling letters
; Patch the inverse values out (as used by check_email)
lda #39
sta ml_patch_dest+1
lda #$80
sta ml_patch_or+1
lda #$09
sta ml_patch_or
lda #' '|$80
sta ml_patch_space+1
lda #<letters_bm
lda #>letters_bm
lda #39
lda #1
lda #15
; Set draw page
lda #0
lda #0
; Load the background image
lda #<katahdin
sta LZ4_SRC
lda #>katahdin
sta LZ4_SRC+1
lda #<(katahdin_end-8) ; skip checksum at end
sta LZ4_END
lda #>(katahdin_end-8) ; skip checksum at end
sta LZ4_END+1
lda #<$2000 ; Destination is HGR page0
sta LZ4_DST
lda #>$2000
sta LZ4_DST+1
jsr lz4_decode
; attempt vapor lock
jsr vapor_lock
; setup text screen
; clear top 6 lines to space
; takes (Y/2)*(6+435+7)+5 = ?
lda #$A0 ; space ; 2
ldy #10 ; 6 lines ; 2
jsr clear_page_loop ; 2693
2018-10-14 04:50:15 +00:00
jsr draw_moon_sky ; 6+54
; vapor lock returns with us at beginning of hsync in line
; 114 (7410 cycles), so with 5070 cycles to go
; 5070+4550 = 9620
; -2757 (draw text)
; ===========
; 6863
;; Try X=97 Y=14 cycles=6875
; Try X=136 Y=10 cycles=6861 R2
ldy #10 ; 2
bmloopA:ldx #136 ; 2
bmloopB:dex ; 2
bne bmloopB ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne bmloopA ; 2nt/3
jmp bm_display_loop
; draw moon sky
; 54 cycles
; 1 2
; 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456
;line1:.asciiz " * . " $400
;line2:.asciiz " * . . " $480
;line3:.asciiz " * " $500
;line4:.asciiz " * " $580
;line5:.asciiz " . . . " $600
;line6:.asciiz " . " $680
lda #'.'|$80 ; print star ; 2
sta $420 ; 4
sta $487 ; 4
sta $4A4 ; 4
sta $601 ; 4
sta $61c ; 4
sta $621 ; 4
sta $68d ; 4
; 30
; draw the moon
lda #' ' ; print inv space ; 2
sta $403 ; 4
sta $482 ; 4
sta $502 ; 4
sta $583 ; 4
; 18
2018-10-14 04:50:15 +00:00
rts ; 6
.align $100
; Loop forever display loop
; each scan line 65 cycles
; 1 cycle each byte (40cycles) + 25 for horizontal
;Total of 12480 cycles to draw screen
;Vertical blank = 4550 cycles (70 scan lines)
; Total of 17030 cycles to get back to where was
; Text mode for 6*8=48 scanlines (3120 cycles)
; hgr for 64 scalines (4160 cycles)
; gr for 80 scalines (5200 cycles)
; vblank = 4550 cycles
; text
bit SET_TEXT ; 4
; clear bottom green
jsr draw_bottom_green ; 2209+6
; Draw Small Tree
lda #>small_tree ; 2
sta INH ; 3
lda #<small_tree ; 2
sta INL ; 3
lda TREE1X ; 3
sta XPOS ; 3
lda #28 ; 2
sta YPOS ; 3
jsr put_sprite ; 6
; 27
; + 576
; 603
; want 3120
; green -2215
; tree1 -603
; set_test -4
;=============== 298 cycles
; Try X=1 Y=27 cycles=298
ldy #27 ; 2
bmloop2:ldx #1 ; 2
bmloop1:dex ; 2
bne bmloop1 ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne bmloop2 ; 2nt/3
; hgr
bit HIRES ; 4
bit SET_GR ; 4
; Draw Big Tree
lda #>big_tree ; 2
sta INH ; 3
lda #<big_tree ; 2
sta INL ; 3
lda TREE2X ; 3
sta XPOS ; 3
lda #30 ; 2
sta YPOS ; 3
jsr put_sprite ; 6
; 27
; + 1410
; 1437
lda FRAME ; 3
and #$1f ; 2
and #$10 ; 2
beq bird_walking
; 2
lda #>bird_rider_stand_right ; 2
sta INH ; 3
lda #<bird_rider_stand_right ; 2
sta INL ; 3
jmp draw_bird ; 3
; 3
lda #>bird_rider_walk_right ; 2
sta INH ; 3
lda #<bird_rider_walk_right ; 2
sta INL ; 3
; must be 15
lda #0 ; 2
; Must add another 15 as sprite is different
inc XPOS ; 5
inc XPOS ; 5
inc XPOS ; 5
; 15 + 7
lda #17 ; 2
sta XPOS ; 3
lda #30 ; 2
sta YPOS ; 3
jsr put_sprite ; 6
; 38
; + 2190
; 2228
; Update frame = 13 cycles
inc FRAME ; frame++ ; 5
lda FRAME ; 3
and #$3f ; roll over after 63 ; 2
sta FRAME ; 3
; 13
; Update tree1 = 21 cycles
and #$3f ; if (frame%64==0) ; 2
beq dec_tree1
; 2
; need to do 19-5 cycles of nonsense
inc TREE1X ; 5
dec TREE1X ; 5
lda #0 ; 2
lda #0 ; 2
jmp done_tree1 ; 3
; 3
dec TREE1X ; tree1_x-- ; 5
lda TREE1X ; 3
bmi tree1_neg
; 2
ldx TREE1X ; 3
jmp done_tree1 ; 3
; incoming br 3
ldx #37 ; 2
stx TREE1X ; 3
; Update tree2 = 24 cycles
lda FRAME ; 3
and #$f ; if (frame%16==0) ; 2
beq dec_tree2
; 2
; need to do 19-5 cycles of nonsense
inc TREE2X ; 5
dec TREE2X ; 5
lda #0 ; 2
lda #0 ; 2
jmp done_tree2 ; 3
; 3
dec TREE2X ; tree2_x-- ; 5
lda TREE2X ; 3
bmi tree2_neg
; 2
ldx TREE2X ; 3
jmp done_tree2 ; 3
; incoming br 3
ldx #37 ; 2
stx TREE2X ; 3
; want 4160
; Tree2 Sprite -1437
; Sprite -2228
; Frame Update -13
; Tree1 Update -21
; Tree2 Update -24
; hgr bits -8
; ====================== 429 cycles
; Try X=13 Y=6 cycles=427 R2
lda #0 ; 2
ldy #6 ; 2
ldx #13 ; 2
dex ; 2
bne loop4 ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne loop3 ; 2nt/3
; gr
bit LORES ; 4
; Mockingboard went here***
; lores want 5200
; mockingboard -492
; softswitch -4
; 5196 cycles
; Try X=46 Y=22 cycles=5193 R3
lda $0 ; 3
ldy #22 ; 2
bmloop5:ldx #46 ; 2
bmloop6:dex ; 2
bne bmloop6 ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
bne bmloop5 ; 2nt/3
; vertical blank
; want 4550 cycles
; Try X=13 Y=64 cycles=4545 R2
jsr move_letters ; 6+126
; Blanking time: 4550
; move_letters -132
2018-09-27 04:00:36 +00:00
; check keypress -7
; JMP at end -3
2018-09-27 04:00:36 +00:00
;========================4408 cycles
2018-09-27 04:00:36 +00:00
; Try X=175 Y=5 cycles=4406 R2
2018-09-27 04:00:36 +00:00
nop ; 2
2018-09-27 04:00:36 +00:00
ldy #5 ; 2
bmloop7:ldx #175 ; 2
bmloop8:dex ; 2
bne bmloop8 ; 2nt/3
dey ; 2
2018-09-27 04:00:36 +00:00
bne bmloop7 ; 2nt/3
2018-09-27 04:00:36 +00:00
; Skip if keypressed
lda KEYPRESS ; 4
bpl bm_no_keypress ; 3
jmp bm_done ; 3
jmp bm_display_loop ; 3
2018-09-27 04:00:36 +00:00
bit KEYRESET ; clear keypress ; 4
rts ; 6
; lda KEYPRESS ; check if keypressed
; bpl wait_until_keypressed ; if not, loop
; rts
.align $100
; Draw bottom green
; using hlin 7127, optimized a bit but still awful
; this one is much better
; 2209 cycles
lda #$44 ; 2
ldx #39 ; 2
sta $728,X ; 28 ; 5
sta $7a8,X ; 30 ; 5
sta $450,X ; 32 ; 5
sta $4d0,X ; 34 ; 5
sta $550,X ; 36 ; 5
sta $5d0,X ; 38 ; 5
sta $650,X ; 40 ; 5
sta $6d0,X ; 42 ; 5
sta $750,X ; 44 ; 5
sta $7d0,X ; 46 ; 5
dex ; 2
bpl green_loop ; 2nt/3
rts ; 6
; 4 + (40*55) + 6 - 1
;.byte 1,15
.byte "T A L B O T",128
.byte 2,14,"F A N T A S Y",128
.byte 3,16,"S E V E N",128
.byte 1,15," ",128
.byte 2,14," ",128
.byte 3,16," ",128
.byte 1,19,"BY",128
.byte 3,14,"VINCE WEAVER",128
.byte 1,19," ",128
.byte 3,14," ",128
.byte 1,16,"MUSIC BY",128
.byte 3,12,"HIROKAZU TANAKA",128
.byte 1,16," ",128
.byte 3,12," ",128
.byte 2,13,"CYCLE COUNTING",128
.byte 3,16,"IS HARD!"
.byte 255
2018-10-06 03:57:39 +00:00
;.align $100
;.include ""
2018-10-17 15:40:03 +00:00
;.incbin "KATC.BIN.lz4",11 ; skip the header