spriteS: another erase attempt

weird co-incidence exactly same num of cycles
This commit is contained in:
Vince Weaver 2019-06-13 09:44:10 -04:00
parent c11eb1329c
commit 1d5b990e81

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@ -850,30 +850,42 @@ fire_line:
; Erase a line of a fire
; Y = y value
; 17+31+11 = 49
; 27+11+11 = 49
sty TEMPY ; 3
lda y_lookup_l,Y ; 4
clc ; 2
tya ; 2
lsr ; 2
lsr ; 2
adc #$8 ; 2
lda gr_offsets,Y ; 4
sta OUTL ; 3
lda y_lookup_h,Y ; 4
lda gr_offsets+1,Y ; 4
sta OUTH ; 3
; 17
; 27
ldy FIRE_X ; 3
lda #0 ; 2
sta (OUTL),Y ; 6
; 11
; ldx in smc should already be
; set to value from last draw?
; COL0
ldy #6 ; 2
lda (OUTL),Y ; 5+
sta fz_smc+1 ; 5
iny ; 2
lda (OUTL),Y ; 5+
sta fz_smc+2 ; 5
lda #0 ; 2
sta $c00,Y ; 5
; ldy #6 ; 2
; lda (OUTL),Y ; 5+
; sta fz_smc+1 ; 5
; iny ; 2
; lda (OUTL),Y ; 5+
; sta fz_smc+2 ; 5
; lda #0 ; 2
; sta $c00,Y ; 5
; 31