pt3: some more size optimization

mostly combining common code
This commit is contained in:
Vince Weaver 2019-05-24 01:08:36 -04:00
parent df0e19cff9
commit ac1e471d6b
2 changed files with 94 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Code Optimization
Original 3407 22B 1F.22 31s 171s 18%
VolTableGen 3302 22B 20.0E 32s 171s 19%
SizeOpts 3262 22B 20.0A 32s 171s 19%
MoreSizeOpt 3203 22B 1F.1D 31s 171s 18%
Times: Validated

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
; + 3297 bytes -- remove some un-needed bytes from struct
; + 3262 bytes -- combine some duplicated code in $1X/$BX env setting
; + 3253 bytes -- remove unnecessary variable
; + 3203 bytes -- combine common code in note decoder
; move some of these flags to be bits rather than bytes?
@ -296,7 +296,10 @@ load_ornament:
adc #>PT3_LOC ; 2
sta ORNAMENT_H ; 3
ldy #0 ; 2
lda #0 ; 2
tay ; 2
; Set the loop value
; a->ornament_loop=pt3->data[a->ornament_pointer];
@ -324,7 +327,7 @@ load_ornament:
rts ; 6
; 86
; 93
; Load Sample
@ -435,21 +438,21 @@ pt3_init_song:
; default ornament/sample in A
lda #0 ; 2
ldx #(NOTE_STRUCT_SIZE*0) ; 2
jsr load_ornament ; 6+86
jsr load_ornament ; 6+93
lda #1 ; 2
jsr load_sample ; 6+86
; default ornament/sample in B
lda #0 ; 2
ldx #(NOTE_STRUCT_SIZE*1) ; 2
jsr load_ornament ; 6+86
jsr load_ornament ; 6+93
lda #1 ; 2
jsr load_sample ; 6+86
; default ornament/sample in C
lda #0 ; 2
ldx #(NOTE_STRUCT_SIZE*2) ; 2
jsr load_ornament ; 6+86
jsr load_ornament ; 6+93
lda #1 ; 2
jsr load_sample ; 6+86
@ -494,7 +497,7 @@ not_ascii_number:
; carry clear = 3.3/3.4 table
; carry set = 3.5 table
jsr VolTableCreator
jsr VolTableCreator ; 6+??
rts ; 6
@ -985,10 +988,14 @@ spec_command: .byte $0
; X points to the note offset
; Timings (from ===>)
; 00: 14+30
; 0X: 14+15
; 1X: 14+5+
; 2X: 14+5+
; 00: 14+30
; 0X: 14+15
; 10: 14+5 +124
; 1X: 14+5 +193
; 2X/3X: 14+5 +17
; 4X: 14+5+5 + 111
; 5X: 14+5+5+ 102
@ -1093,108 +1100,88 @@ decode_case_1X:
; -1
lda note_command ; 4
and #$0f
bne decode_case_not_10 ; 2/3
bne decode_case_not_10 ; 3
; 10 case - disable
; 10 case - disable ; -1
sta note_a+NOTE_ENVELOPE_ENABLED,X ; A is 0 ; 5
beq decode_case_1x_common ; branch always ; 3
; -1
jsr set_envelope ; 6+64
iny ; FIXME: combine?
jsr load_sample
iny ; 2
lda (PATTERN_L),Y ; 5+
lsr ; 2
jsr load_sample ; 6+86
lda #0
sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_POSITION,X ; ornament_position=0
lda #0 ; 2
sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_POSITION,X ; ornament_position=0 ; 5
jmp done_decode
jmp done_decode ; 3
; $2X set noise period
cmp #$20
bne decode_case_3X
lda note_command
and #$f
sta pt3_noise_period
jmp done_decode
; $3X set noise period (FIXME: merge with above)
; $2X/$3X set noise period
cmp #$30
bne decode_case_4X
lda note_command
and #$0f
ora #$10
sta pt3_noise_period
cmp #$40 ; 2
bcs decode_case_4X ; branch greater/equal ; 3
; -1
lda note_command ; 3
sec ; 2
sbc #$20 ; 2
sta pt3_noise_period ; 3
jmp done_decode
jmp done_decode ; 3
; 17
; $4X -- set ornament
cmp #$40
bne decode_case_5X
; cmp #$40 ; already set ;
bne decode_case_5X ; 3
; -1
lda note_command ; 4
and #$0f ; set ornament to bottom nibble ; 2
jsr load_ornament ; 6+93
lda note_command
and #$0f ; set ornament to bottom nibble
jsr load_ornament
lda #0
sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_POSITION,X ; FIXME: put this in load_orn?
jmp done_decode
jmp done_decode ; 3
; 110
; $5X-$AX set note
cmp #$B0
bcs decode_case_bX ; branch greater/equal
cmp #$B0 ; 2
bcs decode_case_bX ; branch greater/equal ; 3
lda note_command
sbc #$50
sta note_a+NOTE_NOTE,X ; note=(current_val-0x50);
; -1
lda note_command ; 4
sec ; 2
sbc #$50 ; 2
sta note_a+NOTE_NOTE,X ; note=(current_val-0x50); ; 5
lda #0
sta note_a+NOTE_SAMPLE_POSITION,X ; sample_position=0
sta note_a+NOTE_AMPLITUDE_SLIDING,X ; amplitude_sliding=0
sta note_a+NOTE_NOISE_SLIDING,X ; noise_sliding=0
sta note_a+NOTE_ENVELOPE_SLIDING,X ; envelope_sliding=0
sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_POSITION,X ; ornament_position=0
sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_SLIDE_COUNT,X ; tone_slide_count=0
sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_SLIDING_L,X ; tone_sliding=0
sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_ACCUMULATOR_L,X ; tone_accumulator=0
sta note_a+NOTE_ONOFF,X ; onoff=0;
jsr reset_note ; 6+69
lda #1
sta note_a+NOTE_ENABLED,X ; enabled=1
sta decode_done ; decode_done-1
jmp done_decode
lda #1 ; 2
sta note_a+NOTE_ENABLED,X ; enabled=1 ; 5
jmp done_decode ; 3
; $BX -- note length or envelope manipulation
cmp #$b0 ; FIXME: this cmp not needed, from before?
; cmp #$b0 ; already set from before
bne decode_case_cX
lda note_command
@ -1247,24 +1234,11 @@ decode_case_c0:
; special case $C0 means shut down the note
lda #0
; FIXME: merge with other clearing code?
sta note_a+NOTE_SAMPLE_POSITION,X ; sample_position=0
sta note_a+NOTE_AMPLITUDE_SLIDING,X ; amplitude_sliding=0
sta note_a+NOTE_NOISE_SLIDING,X ; noise_sliding=0
sta note_a+NOTE_ENVELOPE_SLIDING,X ; envelope_sliding=0
sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_POSITION,X ; ornament_position=0
sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_SLIDE_COUNT,X ; tone_slide_count=0
sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_SLIDING_L,X ; tone_sliding=0
sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_ACCUMULATOR_L,X ; tone_accumulator=0
sta note_a+NOTE_ONOFF,X ; onoff=0
sta note_a+NOTE_ENABLED,X ; enabled=0
lda #1
sta decode_done
jsr reset_note ; 6+69
jmp done_decode
jmp done_decode
sta note_a+NOTE_VOLUME,X ; volume=current_val&0xf;
@ -1635,6 +1609,35 @@ set_envelope:
; 64
; reset note
; common code from the decode note code
lda #0 ; 2
sta note_a+NOTE_SAMPLE_POSITION,X ; sample_position=0 ; 5
sta note_a+NOTE_AMPLITUDE_SLIDING,X ; amplitude_sliding=0 ; 5
sta note_a+NOTE_NOISE_SLIDING,X ; noise_sliding=0 ; 5
sta note_a+NOTE_ENVELOPE_SLIDING,X ; envelope_sliding=0 ; 5
sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_POSITION,X ; ornament_position=0 ; 5
sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_SLIDE_COUNT,X ; tone_slide_count=0 ; 5
sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_SLIDING_L,X ; tone_sliding=0 ; 5
sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_SLIDING_H,X ; 5
sta note_a+NOTE_TONE_ACCUMULATOR_L,X ; tone_accumulator=0 ; 5
sta note_a+NOTE_ONOFF,X ; onoff=0; ; 5
lda #1 ; 2
sta decode_done ; decode_done=1 ; 4
rts ; 6
; 69
; Decode Line