From f9c64692d318c14898e394736a8d1b646e4067d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vince Weaver <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 16:27:43 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] bubble_hgr: more optimization

 graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/Makefile      |  14 +-
 graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/bubble_blob.s | 353 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/bubble_rom.s  |  54 ++--
 graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/hello.bas     |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 403 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/bubble_blob.s

diff --git a/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/Makefile b/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/Makefile
index 70556f40..39c6ec4f 100644
--- a/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/Makefile
+++ b/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/Makefile
@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ EMPTY_DISK = ../../../empty_disk
 all:	bubble.dsk
 	cp $(EMPTY_DISK)/empty.dsk bubble.dsk
 	$(DOS33) -y bubble.dsk SAVE A HELLO
 	$(DOS33) -y bubble.dsk BSAVE -a 0x0C00 BUBBLE_TINY
 	$(DOS33) -y bubble.dsk BSAVE -a 0x0C00 BUBBLE_SQUARES
 	$(DOS33) -y bubble.dsk BSAVE -a 0x0C00 BUBBLE_ROM
+	$(DOS33) -y bubble.dsk BSAVE -a 0x0C00 BUBBLE_BLOB
@@ -43,10 +44,19 @@ BUBBLE_ROM:	bubble_rom.o
 bubble_rom.o:	bubble_rom.s
 	ca65 -o bubble_rom.o bubble_rom.s -l bubble_rom.lst
+BUBBLE_BLOB:	bubble_blob.o
+	ld65 -o BUBBLE_BLOB bubble_blob.o -C $(LINKER_SCRIPTS)/
+bubble_blob.o:	bubble_blob.s
+	ca65 -o bubble_blob.o bubble_blob.s -l bubble_blob.lst
-	rm -f *~ *.o *.lst HELLO BUBBLE_TINY BUBBLE_ROM
+	rm -f *~ *.o *.lst HELLO BUBBLE_TINY BUBBLE_ROM \
diff --git a/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/bubble_blob.s b/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/bubble_blob.s
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..451203a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/bubble_blob.s
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+; bubble universe -- Apple II Hires
+; even more size optimized version
+; by Vince `deater` Weaver
+; this version based on fast c64 code by serato_fig
+;	as posted to the sizecoding discord
+;	based on his TIC-80 variant
+; originally was working off the BASIC code posted on the pouet forum
+; original effect by yuruyrau on twitter
+; for this code I always is 1
+;  217 bytes -- original bubble_rom code
+;  202 bytes -- remove unnecessary code if I==1
+;  231 bytes -- add palette swap every 256 frames
+; soft-switches
+PAGE1		= $C054
+PAGE2		= $C055
+; ROM routines
+BKGNDZ		= $F3F2		; clear current page to 0
+BKGND0		= $F3F4		; clear current page to A
+HGR2		= $F3D8		; set hires page2 and clear $4000-$5fff
+HGR		= $F3E2		; set hires page1 and clear $2000-$3fff
+HPLOT0		= $F457		; plot at (Y,X), (A)
+HCOLOR1		= $F6F0		; set HGR_COLOR to value in X
+; zero page
+I		= $D0
+J		= $D1
+T		= $D7
+U		= $D8
+V		= $D9
+IT		= $DA
+IS		= $DB
+OUTL		= $FC
+OUTH		= $FD
+;sines   = sines_base-$1A        ; overlaps some code
+;sines2  = sines+$100            ; duplicate so we can index cosine into it
+;cosines = sines+$c0
+sines	= $6000
+fifty_nines = sines+58
+sines2	= sines+$100
+cosines = sines+$c0
+	;=============================
+	; reconstruct sine base table
+	;=============================
+	; first part linear (26 bytes)
+	;	have to adjust once for doubled $42
+	; middle part copied from sine_data (32 bytes)
+	; end part all $59 (7 bytes)
+	; offset counts down from 31 to 0
+	;	sines-6,Y = linear
+	;	sines+26+offset = sines_data+offset
+	;	sines+58+offset = $59
+	ldy	#$1F		; offset
+	ldx	#$48		; want to write $48 downto $30
+				; with $42 doubled
+	txa
+	sta	sines-6,Y	;
+	lda	sines_data,Y
+	sta	sines+26,Y
+	lda	#$59		; also write $59 off the top
+	sta	fifty_nines,Y
+	cpy	#$19		; we could save more bytes if we didn't
+	beq	skipper		; bother trying to be exact
+	dex
+	dey
+	bpl	looper
+	;==========================
+	; make sine/cosine tables
+	;==========================
+	; floor(s*sin((x-96)*PI*2/256.0)+48.5);
+	;===================================
+	; final_sine[i]=quarter_sine[i];          // 0..64
+	; final_sine[128-i]=quarter_sine[i];      // 64..128
+	; final_sine[128+i]=0x60-quarter_sine[i]; // 128..192
+	; final_sine[256-i]=0x60-quarter_sine[i]; // 192..256
+	ldx	#64
+	ldy	#64
+	lda	sines,X
+;	sta	sines,X
+	sta	sines,Y
+	lda	#$60
+	sec
+	sbc	sines,X
+	sta	sines+128,X
+	sta	sines+128,Y
+	iny
+	dex
+	bpl	setup_sine_loop
+	;=======================
+	; init variables
+	;=======================
+	; wipe all of zero page but $FF
+	; in theory we only need to clear/copy $00..$C0
+	;       but not sure how to use to our advantage
+        inx             ; X=0
+        ldy     #0      ; Y=0
+;       sta     a:$D0,X         ; force 16-bit so doesn't wrap
+                                ; because I guess it's bad to wipe zero page?
+                                ; maybe it isn't?
+        sty     $D0,X           ; clear zero page
+        lda     sines,X         ; duplicate sine table for cosine use
+        sta     sines2,X
+        dex
+        bne     init_loop
+	;=======================
+	; init graphics
+	jsr	HGR2
+	ldx	#7
+	jsr	HCOLOR1
+	;=========================
+	;=========================
+	; main loop
+	;=========================
+	;=========================
+	; reset I*T
+	lda	T
+	sta	IT
+	; reset I*S
+	lda	#0		; Y should be 0 here?
+	sta	IS
+;	lda	#1	; 40
+;	sta	I
+	lda	#$80
+	sta	J
+	; where S=41 (approximately 1/6.28)
+	; calc:	a=i*s+v;
+	; calc:	b=i+t+u;
+	; 	u=sines[a]+sines[b];
+	; 	v=cosines[a]+cosines[b];
+	clc
+	lda	IS
+	adc	V
+	tay
+	clc
+	lda	IT
+	adc	U
+	tax
+	clc			; 2
+	lda	cosines,Y	; 4+
+	adc	cosines,X	; 4+
+	sta	V
+	; max value for both $60 so carry not set
+	lda	sines,Y		; 4+
+	adc	sines,X		; 4+
+	sta	U		; 3
+	;===========================================================
+	; HPLOT U+44,V+96
+	;	U is centered at 96, to get to center of 280 screen add 44
+	; U already in A
+	adc	#44							; 2
+	tax								; 2
+	; calculate Ypos
+	lda	V
+	; HPLOT0 -- plot at (Y,X), (A)
+	ldy	#0
+	jsr	HPLOT0
+	dec	J
+	bne	j_loop
+;	clc
+;	lda	IS
+;	adc	#41		; 1/6.28 = 0.16 =  0 0    1   0       1 0 0 0 = 0x28
+;	sta	IS
+;	dec	I
+;	bne	i_loop
+	inc	T
+	bne	done_frame
+	inc	FRAMEH
+	lda	FRAMEH
+	ror
+	bcc	frame_odd
+	ldx	#0
+	jsr	HCOLOR1
+	lda	#$ff
+	bne	done_frame_related
+	ldx	#7
+	jsr	HCOLOR1
+	lda	#$0
+	sta	bg_color_smc+1
+	; flip pages
+	; if $20 (draw PAGE1) draw PAGE2, SHOW page1
+	; if $40 (draw PAGE2) draw PAGE1, SHOW page2
+	lda	HGR_PAGE
+	eor	#$60
+	sta	HGR_PAGE
+	cmp	#$40
+	bne	flip2
+	sta	PAGE1
+	beq	done_flip
+	sta	PAGE2
+	;=======================
+	; clear screen
+	;	note can be ~8192 cycles faster at expense of few bytes
+	;	if we use self-modifying code instead of indirect-Y
+;	lda	HGR_PAGE
+	sta	OUTH
+	ldy	#$0
+	lda	#$00		; set color to black
+	; assume OUTL starts at 0 from clearing earlier
+	sta	(OUTL),Y
+	iny
+	bne	clear_loop
+	inc	OUTH
+	lda	OUTH
+	and	#$1f
+	bne	clear_loop_fix
+	beq	next_frame	; bra
+; need 26 bytes of destroyable area?
+; alternately, need code to copy 26 bytes
+; 26 bytes to gen
+; 32 bytes of base
+;  7 59s
+;       .byte $30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
+;       .byte $40,$41,$42
+;       .byte $42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,
+        .byte $48,$49,$4A,$4B,$4C,$4C
+        .byte $4D,$4E,$4E,$4F,$50,$50,$51,$52,$52,$53,$53,$54,$54,$55,$55,$55
+        .byte $56,$56,$57,$57,$57,$58,$58,$58,$58,$58
+;       .byte $59,$59,$59,$59,$59,$59
+;       .byte $59
+; floor(s*cos((x-96)*PI*2/256.0)+48.5);
diff --git a/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/bubble_rom.s b/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/bubble_rom.s
index c39e0aeb..38d5c55f 100644
--- a/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/bubble_rom.s
+++ b/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/bubble_rom.s
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 ;  226 bytes -- don't have room to over-write with sine table
 ;  240 bytes -- use custom, faster, clear screen
 ;  237 bytes -- remove redundant HGR
+;  217 bytes -- update to not over-write code for sine base generation
 ; soft-switches
@@ -52,32 +53,45 @@ HGR_PAGE	= $E6
 OUTL		= $FC
 OUTH		= $FD
-sines   = sines_base-$1A        ; overlaps some code
-sines2  = sines+$100            ; duplicate so we can index cosine into it
+;sines   = sines_base-$1A        ; overlaps some code
+;sines2  = sines+$100            ; duplicate so we can index cosine into it
+;cosines = sines+$c0
+sines	= $6000
+fifty_nines = sines+58
+sines2	= sines+$100
 cosines = sines+$c0
-	;=========================
-	; reconstruct sine base
-	;=========================
-	; generate the linear $30..$42 part
-	; and also string of $59 on end
-	;       removes 26 bytes from table
-	;       at expense of 16+4 bytes of code
-	;               (4 from jsr/rts of moving over-writable table code)
+	;=============================
+	; reconstruct sine base table
+	;=============================
+	; first part linear (26 bytes)
+	;	have to adjust once for doubled $42
+	; middle part copied from sine_data (32 bytes)
+	; end part all $59 (7 bytes)
-	ldy	#$19		; offset
+	; offset counts down from 31 to 0
+	;	sines-6,Y = linear
+	;	sines+26+offset = sines_data+offset
+	;	sines+58+offset = $59
+	ldy	#$1F		; offset
 	ldx	#$48		; want to write $48 downto $30
 				; with $42 doubled
-	sta	sines,Y		; sines+12 .... sines
+	sta	sines-6,Y	;
+	lda	sines_data,Y
+	sta	sines+26,Y
 	lda	#$59		; also write $59 off the top
 	sta	fifty_nines,Y
-	cpy	#$13		; we could save more bytes if we didn't
+	cpy	#$19		; we could save more bytes if we didn't
 	beq	skipper		; bother trying to be exact
@@ -286,22 +300,28 @@ clear_loop:
-.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+;.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+;.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
 ; need 26 bytes of destroyable area?
 ; alternately, need code to copy 26 bytes
+; 26 bytes to gen
+; 32 bytes of base
+;  7 59s
 ;       .byte $30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
 ;       .byte $40,$41,$42
 ;       .byte $42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,
         .byte $48,$49,$4A,$4B,$4C,$4C
         .byte $4D,$4E,$4E,$4F,$50,$50,$51,$52,$52,$53,$53,$54,$54,$55,$55,$55
         .byte $56,$56,$57,$57,$57,$58,$58,$58,$58,$58
 ;       .byte $59,$59,$59,$59,$59,$59
 ;       .byte $59
diff --git a/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/hello.bas b/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/hello.bas
index a6cc1e59..3b4435de 100644
--- a/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/hello.bas
+++ b/graphics/hgr/bubble_tiny/hello.bas
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@
 40 GET A$
 50 IF A$="Q" THEN END