Tiny GR 8 - 8-byte Intro for Apple II, Lovebyte 2022 by Deater / dSr You can't do much 6502 assembly in 8 bytes. This code takes advantage of the fact that on boot, Applesoft BASIC puts a short routine CHRGET in RAM at address $B1-$C8 that parses tokens. We can drop our code in the middle of there and re-use some of the branching infrastructure. What this code does is just read out memory, starting at $7800 and printing it to the screen, with lo-res mode enabled. This makes a pattern that depends on the default power up of the DRAM (white and black bars for many Apple II models). At the end it crashes through DOS3.3 (the colored pattern) and then into the MMIO (soft-switch) area which leads to a switch to hi-res, some brief sound, then a crash.