; draws a circle pattern opener: ; A=0 from HGR lda #$20 sta HGR_SCALE jsr HGR sta HGR_ROTATION ; A and Y are 0 here. ; X is left behind by the boot process? tiny_loop: tay ; ldy #0 ldx #140 lda #96 jsr HPOSN ; set screen position to X= (y,x) Y=(a) ; saves X,Y,A to zero page ; after Y= orig X/7 ; A and X are ?? ldx #our_shape ; our shape table is in ROM at $E2E2 inc HGR_ROTATION lda HGR_ROTATION cmp #$40 beq done_circle jsr XDRAW0 ; XDRAW 1 AT X,Y ; Both A and X are 0 at exit ; Z flag set on exit ; Y varies beq tiny_loop ; bra done_circle: lda #250 jsr WAIT ; rts our_shape = $E2E2