; Credits ; o/~ It's the credits, yeah, that's the best part ; When the movie ends and the reading starts o/~ ; ; by deater (Vince Weaver) .include "../zp.inc" .include "../hardware.inc" .include "../qload2.inc" .include "../music2.inc" mod7_table = $1c00 div7_table = $1d00 hposn_low = $1e00 hposn_high = $1f00 intro_start: ;===================== ; initializations ;===================== bit KEYRESET ; clear just in case ;=================== ; Load graphics ;=================== load_loop: bit SET_GR bit HIRES bit FULLGR bit PAGE1 lda #0 jsr hgr_page1_clearscreen ; jsr hgr_make_tables ;===================== ;===================== ; do thumbnail credits ;===================== ;===================== jsr thumbnail_credits ;======================= ;======================= ; scroll job ;======================= ;======================= ldx #8 stx FRAME ; print message lda #192 ; top of $4000 PAGE2 sta CV lda #final_credits sta BACKUP_OUTH do_scroll: inc FRAME lda FRAME cmp #9 bne no_update_message ; and #$7 ; bne no_update_message lda #0 sta FRAME ; clear lines on Page2 ; we cheat and setup 192-200 to map to top of page2 ldx #200 cl_outer_loop: lda hposn_low,X sta INL lda hposn_high,X sta INH ldy #39 lda #0 cl_inner_loop: sta (INL),Y dey bpl cl_inner_loop dex cpx #191 bne cl_outer_loop urgh: lda BACKUP_OUTL sta OUTL lda BACKUP_OUTH sta OUTH jsr draw_condensed_1x8_again ; point to location after sec ; always add 1 ; inx txa adc OUTL sta BACKUP_OUTL lda #0 adc OUTH sta BACKUP_OUTH no_update_message: jsr hgr_vertical_scroll jmp do_scroll .align $100 .include "../wait_keypress.s" .include "../zx02_optim.s" ; .include "../hgr_table.s" .include "../hgr_clear_screen.s" .include "vertical_scroll.s" .include "font_4am_1x8.s" .include "fonts/font_4am_1x8_data.s" .include "font_4am_1x10.s" .include "fonts/font_4am_1x10_data.s" .include "thumbnail_credits.s" .include "../irq_wait.s" summary1_data: .incbin "graphics/summary1_invert.hgr.zx02" summary2_data: .incbin "graphics/summary2_invert.hgr.zx02" final_credits: .byte 12,"Apple ][ Reality",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 11,"by Deater / Desire",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 4,"This demo won the oldskool demo",0 .byte 5,"competition at Demosplash 2023",0 .byte 8,"held in Pittsburgh, PA,",0 .byte 12,"in November 2023.",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 13,"Apologies to:",0 .byte 14,"Future Crew",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 15,"Code used:",0 .byte 9,"French Touch -- Plasma",0 .byte 7,"DMSC -- ZX02 decompression",0 .byte 7,"qkumba -- fast disk loader",0 .byte 15,"4am - font",0 .byte 2,"K. Kennaway -- iipix image converter",0 .byte 3,"O. Schmidt -- sampled audio player",0 .byte 6,"Hellmood -- circles/sierzoom",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 11,"Special Thanks to:",0 .byte 5,"mA2E for providing intro music",0 .byte 7,"at the extreme-last minute",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 15,"Greets to:",0 .byte 14,"French Touch",0 .byte 18,"4am",0 .byte 17,"qkumba",0 .byte 17,"Grouik",0 .byte 14,"Fenarinarsa",0 .byte 14,"Ninjaforce",0 .byte 15,"T. Greene",0 .byte 15,"K. Savetz",0 .byte 15,"Boo Atari",0 .byte 15,"textfiles",0 .byte 13,"Stealth Susie",0 .byte 17,"wiz21b",0 .byte 17,"Trixter",0 .byte 18,"LGR",0 .byte 16,"Hellmood",0 .byte 17,"Foone",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 14,"Talbot 0101",0 .byte 12,"Utopia BBS (410)",0 .byte 10,"Weave's World Talker",0 .byte 8,"Tell 'em Deater sent ya",0 ; end .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 12,"Apple II Forever",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte 20," ",0 .byte $FF