' Cheat and assume the mouse card is in slot #4 ' (which is where it is on the Apple IIc) ' This means no Mockingboard support under Linapple ' 20 IF PEEK(50188) = 32 AND PEEK(50427) = 214 THEN GOTO 30 25 PRINT "NO MOUSE IN SLOT #4":END 30 PRINT "MOUSE FOND SLOT #4" ' Enable the mouse 100 PRINT CHR$(4)"PR#4":PRINT CHR$(1):PRINT CHR$(4)"PR#0" 105 PRINT CHR$(4)"IN#4":INPUT "";X,Y,B:PRINT CHR$(4)"IN#0" ' X,Y,Button state (1 button) 4=up, 2=pressed, 1=down, 3=release 110 PRINT X,Y,B 130 GOTO 105