Spinning things on L7 one-way wall L9 Improve explosions Change wait delay on levels with bg animations? Have 20 lemmings on some levels? Only scan for Maximum Lemming number rather than maximum possible number? + have bridge stop building when hits wall (real game, reverses too maybe?) + wait a second after last lemming gone to exit + fill in some of the ground so we don't get stuck when digging + See if the jerky animation is due to starting at an odd x vs even x, maybe we should start animation 4 frames in if that's the case. Or maybe it's the shift for odd frames, make the shift the other way if walking left/right + Make particles thicker? Look fine, not show up in recordings + Erase particles as last step + offset the frames when nuking so not simultaneous + on explosion, start with invisible 6 so we always get a full 5s