;div7_table = $9C00 ;mod7_table = $9D00 ;hposn_high = $9E00 ;hposn_low = $9F00 ;===================== ; make /7 %7 tables ;===================== ; HGR_PAGE should be $20/$40 to select if default for hposn ; is page1 or page2 hgr_make_tables: ldy #0 lda #0 ldx #0 div7_loop: sta div7_table,Y inx cpx #7 bne div7_not7 clc adc #1 ldx #0 div7_not7: iny bne div7_loop ldy #0 lda #0 mod7_loop: sta mod7_table,Y clc adc #1 cmp #7 bne mod7_not7 lda #0 mod7_not7: iny bne mod7_loop ; Hposn table lda #0 hposn_loop: ldy #0 ldx #0 pha jsr hposn ; (Y,X),(A) pla tax lda GBASL sta hposn_low,X lda GBASH sta hposn_high,X inx txa cmp #192 bne hposn_loop rts ; left masks ; in memory on screen ; x111 1111 1111111 start at 0 ; x111 1110 0111111 start at 1 ; x111 1100 0011111 start at 2 ; ... ; x100 0000 0000001 start at 6 left_masks: .byte $FF,$FE,$FC,$F8, $F0,$E0,$C0 ; right masks ; in memory on screen ; x000 0001 1000000 end at 0 ; x000 0011 1100000 end at 1 ; x000 0111 1110000 end at 2 ; ... ; x011 1111 1111110 end at 5 ; x111 1111 1111111 end at 6 right_masks: .byte $81,$83,$87, $8F,$9F,$BF,$FF ; from the Apple II firmware hposn: ; sta HGR_Y ; save Y and X positions ; stx HGR_X ; sty HGR_X+1 pha ; Y pos on stack and #$C0 ; calc base addr for Y-pos sta GBASL lsr lsr ora GBASL sta GBASL pla sta GBASH asl asl asl rol GBASH asl rol GBASH asl ror GBASL lda GBASH and #$1F ora HGR_PAGE ; default is $40 in this game sta GBASH ; txa ; cpy #0 ; beq xpos_lessthan_256 ; ldy #35 ; adc #4 ;label_1: ; iny ;xpos_lessthan_256: ; sbc #7 ; bcs label_1 rts