; Ootw Checkpoint2 -- Despite all my Rage... ootw_cage: ;=========================== ; Enable graphics bit LORES bit SET_GR bit FULLGR ;=========================== ; Setup pages (is this necessary?) lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE lda #1 sta DISP_PAGE ;============================= ; Load background to $c00 lda #>(cage_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(cage_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load image off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr ;================================= ; setup vars lda #0 sta GAME_OVER sta CAGE_AMPLITUDE sta CAGE_OFFSET sta CAGE_GUARD sta SHOOTING_BOTTOM sta SHOOTING_TOP bit KEYRESET ; clear keypress ;============================ ; Cage Loop ;============================ cage_loop: ;================================ ; copy background to current page ;================================ jsr gr_copy_to_current ;======================= ; draw miners mining ;======================= jsr ootw_draw_miners ;====================== ; draw cage ;====================== lda #11 sta XPOS lda #0 sta YPOS lda CAGE_AMPLITUDE cmp #3 beq cage_amp_2 cmp #2 beq cage_amp_2 cmp #1 beq cage_amp_1 cage_amp_0: lda #cage_center_sprite sta INH jsr put_sprite_crop jmp done_drawing_cage cage_amp_1: lda CAGE_OFFSET and #$0e tay lda cage_amp1_sprites,Y sta INL lda cage_amp1_sprites+1,Y sta INH jsr put_sprite_crop jmp done_drawing_cage cage_amp_2: lda CAGE_OFFSET and #$0e tay lda cage_amp2_sprites,Y sta INL lda cage_amp2_sprites+1,Y sta INH jsr put_sprite_crop done_drawing_cage: ;====================== ; draw laser ;====================== jsr draw_laser ;====================== ; draw guard ;====================== lda CAGE_GUARD cmp #15 bcs guard_patrol ; bge ; guard changing uniform ; CAGE_GUARD=0..14 lda #34 sta XPOS lda #28 sta YPOS lda CAGE_GUARD asl tay lda changing_guard_sprites,Y sta INL lda changing_guard_sprites+1,Y sta INH jsr put_sprite_crop jmp done_cage_guard guard_patrol: ; guard patroling ; CAGE_GUARD=15+ ; switch direction if at end lda alien0_direction bne patrolling_right patrolling_left: lda alien0_x cmp #22 bcs patrolling_move ; bge lda #A_TURNING sta alien0_state jmp patrolling_move patrolling_right: lda alien0_x cmp #34 bcc patrolling_move ; blt lda #A_TURNING sta alien0_state patrolling_move: lda CAGE_AMPLITUDE cmp #2 beq guard_yelling cmp #3 beq guard_shooting jmp guard_move_and_draw guard_yelling: lda alien0_x cmp #21 bne guard_move_and_draw lda #A_YELLING sta alien0_state jmp guard_move_and_draw guard_shooting: ; guard shooting lda alien0_x cmp #21 bne guard_move_and_draw lda #A_SHOOTING_UP sta alien0_state guard_move_and_draw: jsr move_alien jsr draw_alien done_cage_guard: ;=============================== ; check keyboard lda KEYPRESS bpl cage_continue inc CAGE_AMPLITUDE lda CAGE_AMPLITUDE check_amp1: cmp #1 bne check_amp2 ; lda #1 ; if amp=1, guard gets gun out sta alien0_gun jmp cage_continue check_amp2: cmp #2 bne check_amp3 ; if amp=2, guard shouts jmp cage_continue check_amp3: cmp #3 bne check_amp4 ; if amp=3, guard shoots check_amp4: cmp #4 ; if amp=4, cage falls bne cage_continue ;=========================== ; Done with cage, run ending sequence jmp cage_ending cage_continue: bit KEYRESET ; clear keyboard ;=============== ; page flip jsr page_flip ;================ ; inc frame count inc FRAMEL bne cage_frame_no_oflo inc FRAMEH cage_frame_no_oflo: ;================ ; move cage lda FRAMEL ; slow down a bit and #$7 bne no_move_cage lda CAGE_AMPLITUDE beq no_move_cage inc CAGE_OFFSET no_move_cage: ;===================== ; move cage guard lda FRAMEL ; slow down a bit and #$f bne no_move_cage_guard lda CAGE_GUARD cmp #15 bcc guard_ch ; blt, 0..14 jmp no_move_cage_guard ; 15+ guard_ch: ; CAGE_GUARD = 0..14 inc CAGE_GUARD ; jmp no_move_cage_guard guard_done_change: lda CAGE_GUARD cmp #15 bne no_move_cage_guard ; start patrol lda #1 sta alien0_out lda #33 sta alien0_x lda #30 sta alien0_y lda #A_WALKING sta alien0_state lda #0 sta alien0_gait lda #0 sta alien0_direction inc CAGE_GUARD ; now 16 no_move_cage_guard: ;=========================== ; check if done this level lda GAME_OVER cmp #$ff beq done_cage ; loop forever jmp cage_loop done_cage: rts ;====================== ; Draw Laser ;====================== draw_laser: lda SHOOTING_BOTTOM beq done_draw_laser ; 30 - 27, 30-24, 30-21 lda #$11 sta COLOR ldx SHOOTING_BOTTOM stx V2 ldx SHOOTING_TOP ldy #21 ; X location jsr vlin ; if shooting top < 10, decrement Y2 lda SHOOTING_TOP cmp #10 bcs shoot_up_noadj ; bge dec SHOOTING_BOTTOM dec SHOOTING_BOTTOM dec SHOOTING_BOTTOM dec SHOOTING_BOTTOM shoot_up_noadj: lda SHOOTING_TOP beq done_draw_laser dec SHOOTING_TOP dec SHOOTING_TOP dec SHOOTING_TOP dec SHOOTING_TOP done_draw_laser: rts cage_amp1_sprites: .word cage_center_sprite .word cage_right1_sprite .word cage_right1_sprite .word cage_right1_sprite .word cage_center_sprite .word cage_left1_sprite .word cage_left1_sprite .word cage_left1_sprite cage_amp2_sprites: .word cage_center_sprite .word cage_right1_sprite .word cage_right2_sprite .word cage_right1_sprite .word cage_center_sprite .word cage_left1_sprite .word cage_left2_sprite .word cage_left1_sprite cage_center_sprite: .byte 11,11 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$58,$A8,$98,$58,$A8,$A8,$58,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$BB,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$55,$AB,$00,$55,$77,$77,$55,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$00,$55,$07,$07,$55,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$44,$55,$00,$50,$55,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$44,$55,$05,$00,$55,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$85,$8A,$87,$85,$80,$80,$85,$AA,$AA cage_right1_sprite: .byte 11,11 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$A5,$5A,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$85,$8A,$8A,$8A,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$58,$A8,$98,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$BB,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AB,$00,$55,$77,$77,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$00,$55,$07,$57,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$44,$55,$05,$50,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$44,$55,$00,$00,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$85,$87,$87,$85,$80,$80,$55,$AA cage_right2_sprite: .byte 11,11 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$A5,$5A,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$8A,$85,$A8,$5A,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$58,$98,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$BB,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$00,$55,$77,$77,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$00,$55,$07,$57,$58,$5A .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$44,$55,$50,$00,$55 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$44,$55,$00,$80,$85 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$85,$87,$A8,$A8,$AA,$AA cage_left1_sprite: .byte 11,11 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$5A,$A5,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$8A,$8A,$8A,$85,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$B9,$55,$A8,$A8,$58,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$BA,$0B,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$00,$55,$7A,$7A,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$40,$55,$77,$77,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$44,$55,$00,$00,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$74,$55,$00,$05,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$80,$80,$85,$AA,$AA,$AA cage_left2_sprite: .byte 11,11 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$5A,$A5,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$58,$A8,$85,$8A,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$B9,$55,$A8,$58,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$BA,$0B,$55,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$00,$55,$7A,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $5A,$A5,$4A,$40,$55,$77,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $55,$AA,$44,$55,$55,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $85,$8A,$74,$55,$00,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$A8,$A8,$80,$85,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA changing_guard_sprites: .word changing_guard1_sprite ; 0 .word changing_guard2_sprite ; 1 .word changing_guard3_sprite ; 2 .word changing_guard4_sprite ; 3 .word changing_guard5_sprite ; 4 .word changing_guard6_sprite ; 5 .word changing_guard7_sprite ; 6 .word changing_guard8_sprite ; 7 .word changing_guard9_sprite ; 8 .word changing_guard10_sprite ; 9 .word changing_guard11_sprite ; 10 .word changing_guard11_sprite ; 11 .word changing_guard11_sprite ; 12 .word changing_guard12_sprite ; 13 .word changing_guard13_sprite ; 14 changing_guard1_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$AA .byte $AA,$00,$00,$0A .byte $0A,$00,$00,$00 .byte $A0,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 changing_guard2_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$0A .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $A0,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 changing_guard3_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$00 changing_guard4_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$AA .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$A0,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$07,$05 .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$00 changing_guard5_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$AA .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $0A,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$A0,$00,$50 .byte $AA,$AA,$07,$05 .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$00 changing_guard6_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$AA .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$70,$50 .byte $00,$AA,$77,$55 .byte $A0,$AA,$07,$05 .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$00 changing_guard7_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$77,$75,$AA .byte $0A,$07,$00,$00 .byte $00,$50,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$70,$50 .byte $00,$AA,$77,$55 .byte $A0,$AA,$07,$05 .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$00 changing_guard8_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$77,$75,$AA .byte $AA,$A7,$00,$00 .byte $00,$50,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$70,$50 .byte $00,$A0,$77,$55 .byte $00,$AA,$07,$05 .byte $AA,$0A,$00,$00 changing_guard9_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$77,$77,$AA .byte $0A,$00,$00,$0A .byte $70,$00,$00,$50 .byte $77,$00,$00,$55 .byte $A7,$00,$00,$A5 .byte $7A,$A0,$A0,$5A .byte $07,$AA,$AA,$05 .byte $00,$AA,$AA,$00 changing_guard10_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $22,$A2,$A2,$22 .byte $22,$77,$77,$22 .byte $02,$00,$00,$02 .byte $70,$00,$00,$50 .byte $77,$00,$00,$55 .byte $A7,$00,$00,$A5 .byte $7A,$A0,$00,$5A .byte $07,$AA,$A0,$05 .byte $00,$AA,$AA,$00 changing_guard11_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $22,$02,$02,$22 .byte $22,$77,$77,$22 .byte $02,$00,$00,$02 .byte $70,$00,$00,$50 .byte $77,$00,$00,$55 .byte $A7,$00,$00,$AA .byte $7A,$A0,$A0,$5A .byte $07,$AA,$AA,$05 .byte $00,$AA,$AA,$00 changing_guard12_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $22,$A2,$A2,$22 .byte $72,$f7,$7f,$22 .byte $77,$07,$00,$A2 .byte $AA,$77,$00,$AA .byte $AA,$77,$10,$AA .byte $AA,$00,$00,$AA .byte $AA,$77,$A0,$55 .byte $AA,$07,$AA,$05 .byte $0A,$00,$0A,$00 changing_guard13_sprite: .byte 4,9 .byte $22,$A2,$A2,$22 .byte $72,$f7,$7f,$22 .byte $77,$07,$00,$A2 .byte $AA,$00,$77,$AA .byte $AA,$77,$10,$AA .byte $AA,$00,$00,$AA .byte $AA,$77,$A0,$55 .byte $AA,$07,$AA,$05 .byte $0A,$00,$0A,$00 little_guy_in1_sprite: .byte 4,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$77 .byte $AA,$AA,$50,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$77,$70 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$A7 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA little_guy_in2_sprite: .byte 4,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$77,$AF .byte $AA,$A5,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$77,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$55,$07 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$A0 little_guy_in_sprite: .byte 4,5 .byte $AA,$77,$AA,$AA .byte $55,$00,$77,$AA .byte $A5,$00,$07,$AA .byte $AA,$07,$0A,$AA .byte $A0,$AA,$A0,$AA little_guy_out1_sprite: .byte 4,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$77,$AA .byte $AA,$77,$00,$55 .byte $AA,$00,$07,$AA .byte $AA,$07,$05,$AA .byte $A0,$AA,$A0,$AA little_guy_out2_sprite: .byte 4,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$A7,$A7 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$A5 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$5A .byte $AA,$AA,$A7,$A7 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA ;============================ ;============================ ; Cage Ending ;============================ ;============================ cage_ending: lda #0 sta FRAMEL cage_ending_loop: ;================================ ; copy background to current page ;================================ jsr gr_copy_to_current ;================ ; draw cage parts ;================ ; frame 12+13 == draw debris1 ; frame 14+15 == draw debris2 ; frame 16+17 == draw debris3 lda FRAMEL cmp #12 bcc done_debris ; blt cmp #18 bcs done_debris ; bge sec sbc #12 and #$fe tay lda debris_list,Y sta GBASL lda debris_list+1,Y sta GBASH lda #$10 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_overlay done_debris: ;======================= ; draw miners mining ;======================= jsr ootw_draw_miners ;================ ; draw physicist ;================ ; frame 18 crouching ; frame 40 getting up one step? ; frame 60 all stood up ; frame 70 jump -- 90 ; frame 90 standing right (taps) ; frame 100 turn left lda #20 sta XPOS lda #28 sta YPOS lda FRAMEL cmp #18 bcc ce_done_physicist ; blt cmp #100 bcs ce_stand_left ; bge cmp #90 bcs ce_stand_right ; bge cmp #70 bcs ce_jump ; bge cmp #60 bcs ce_stand_cage ; bge cmp #40 bcs ce_half_stand_cage ; bge ce_crouch_cage: ldx #crouch2 jmp ce_draw_physicist_right ce_half_stand_cage: ldx #crouch1 jmp ce_draw_physicist_right ce_stand_cage: ldx #phys_stand jmp ce_draw_physicist_right ce_jump: sec sbc #70 and #$fe asl tay lda ce_phys_jump,Y sta XPOS lda ce_phys_jump+1,Y sta YPOS lda ce_phys_jump+2,Y tax lda ce_phys_jump+3,Y tay jmp ce_draw_physicist_right ce_stand_right: lda #28 sta XPOS lda #30 sta YPOS ldx #phys_stand jmp ce_draw_physicist_right ce_stand_left: lda #28 sta XPOS lda #30 sta YPOS ldx #phys_stand ce_draw_physicist_left: stx INL sty INH jsr put_sprite_crop jmp ce_done_physicist ce_draw_physicist_right: stx INL sty INH jsr put_sprite_flipped_crop ce_done_physicist: ;============ ; draw friend ;============ ; frame 18 crouching ; frame 34 getting up one step? ; frame 38 all stood up (right) ; frame 60 turns ; frame 62 standing left ; frame 74 turns ; frame 76 standing right ; frame 90-100 taps ; frame 116 points, my tuba lda #24 sta XPOS lda #30 sta YPOS lda FRAMEL cmp #18 bcs ce_friend_keep ; bge jmp ce_done_friend ; too far to branch ce_friend_keep: cmp #120 bcs ce_friend_stand_right ; bge cmp #110 bcs ce_friend_point ; bge cmp #100 bcs ce_friend_stand_right ; bge cmp #90 bcs ce_friend_tap ; bge cmp #76 bcs ce_friend_stand_right ; bge cmp #74 bcs ce_friend_turn ; bge cmp #62 bcs ce_friend_stand_left ; bge cmp #60 bcs ce_friend_turn ; bge cmp #38 bcs ce_friend_stand_right ; bge cmp #34 bcs ce_friend_half_stand_cage ; bge ce_friend_crouch_cage: lda #22 sta XPOS ldx #friend_crouch2 jmp ce_draw_friend_right ce_friend_half_stand_cage: ldx #friend_crouch1 jmp ce_draw_friend_right ce_friend_tap: sec sbc #90 and #$fe tay lda tap_sequence,Y tax lda tap_sequence+1,Y tay lda #25 ; one off sta XPOS jmp ce_draw_friend_right ce_friend_point: sec sbc #110 and #$fe tay lda point_sequence,Y tax lda point_sequence+1,Y tay lda #25 ; one off sta XPOS jmp ce_draw_friend_right ce_friend_stand_cage: ldx #friend_stand jmp ce_draw_friend_right ce_friend_turn: ldx #friend_turning_sprite jmp ce_draw_friend_right ce_friend_stand_right: ldx #friend_stand jmp ce_draw_friend_right ce_friend_stand_left: ldx #friend_stand ce_draw_friend_left: stx INL sty INH jsr put_sprite_crop jmp ce_done_friend ce_draw_friend_right: stx INL sty INH jsr put_sprite_flipped_crop ce_done_friend: ;=========== ; draw guard ;=========== ; frame 0-5 : standing ; frame 6-11 : falling ; frame 12+ : on ground lda FRAMEL cmp #5 bcs ce_guard_not_standing ; bge lda #21 sta XPOS lda #30 sta YPOS ldx #alien_shooting_up_sprite jmp done_guard_endcage ce_guard_not_standing: cmp #10 bcs ce_guard_not_falling ; bge lda #19 sta XPOS lda #30 sta YPOS ldx #guard_crashing_sprite jmp done_guard_endcage ce_guard_not_falling: lda #17 sta XPOS lda #42 sta YPOS ldx #guard_dead_sprite done_guard_endcage: stx INL sty INH jsr put_sprite_crop ;=========== ; draw cage ;=========== ; frame 0 .. 9 falling ; frame 10 - 19 sproinging ; frame 20 -- permanent lda FRAMEL cmp #10 bcs done_cage_ground ; bge lda FRAMEL asl clc adc #2 cage_set_ypos: sta YPOS lda #17 sta XPOS ldx #cage_center_sprite jmp done_cage_endcage done_cage_ground: lda #17 sta XPOS lda #32 sta YPOS lda FRAMEL cmp #20 bcs cage_on_ground ; bge sec sbc #10 and #$fe tay lda cage_sprites,Y tax lda cage_sprites+1,Y tay jmp done_cage_endcage cage_on_ground: ldx #cage_ground_sprite done_cage_endcage: stx INL sty INH jsr put_sprite_crop ;========================== ; draw little dude ;========================== ; frame 0 - 17 : watching ; frame 18- 20 : out1 ; frame 20- 23 : out2 ; frame 24 : gone lda #28 sta XPOS lda #34 sta YPOS lda FRAMEL cmp #24 bcs done_cage_draw_lg ; bge ldx #little_guy_out2_sprite cmp #20 bcs cage_draw_lg ldx #little_guy_out1_sprite cmp #18 bcs cage_draw_lg ldx #little_guy_in_sprite cage_draw_lg: stx INL sty INH jsr put_sprite_crop done_cage_draw_lg: ;====================== ; draw laser ;====================== ; continue drawing in case a shot was fired as we fell jsr draw_laser ;=============== ; draw gun ;=============== ; frame 0 - 9 no draw ; frame 10 -- in air 28,36 ; frame 12 -- lower 28,40 ; frame 14 -- on ground 29,44 ; frame 16 -- bounce 29,42 ; frame 18 -- ground 30,44 ; frame 20 -- left2 31,44 ; frame 22 -- left2 32,44 ; frame 24 -- left1 33,44 ; frame 26 -- left1 (done) 34,44 lda FRAMEL cmp #5 bcc ce_done_gun ; blt cmp #21 bcs ce_default_gun ; bge sec sbc #5 and #$fe tay lda gun_arc,Y sta XPOS lda gun_arc+1,Y sta YPOS jmp ce_draw_gun ce_default_gun: lda #35 sta XPOS lda #44 sta YPOS ce_draw_gun: jsr draw_gun ce_done_gun: ;=============== ; page flip jsr page_flip ;================ ; delay lda #150 jsr WAIT wuk: ; lda KEYPRESS ; bpl wuk ; bit KEYRESET ;================ ; inc frame count inc FRAMEL bmi done_cage_end jmp cage_ending_loop done_cage_end: bit KEYRESET ; clear keyboard rts ; at 19,42 guard_dead_sprite: .byte 9,3 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$0A,$1A,$0A,$0A,$7A,$7A .byte $00,$77,$77,$00,$11,$00,$70,$07,$77 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$77,$AA,$AA guard_crashing_sprite: .byte 7,8 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$7A,$77,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$00,$07,$57,$55 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$10,$05,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$70,$77,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$77,$A7,$05,$AA,$AA .byte $0a,$00,$AA,$0A,$A0,$AA,$AA cage_sprites: .word cage_sprite_1 .word cage_sprite_2 .word cage_sprite_3 .word cage_sprite_4 .word cage_sprite_4 cage_sprite_1: .byte 9,6 .byte $AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$99,$55,$77,$AA,$AA,$55 .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$00,$55,$00,$55,$AA,$55 .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$44,$55,$00,$55,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$85,$8A,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$AA cage_sprite_2: .byte 9,6 .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$9A,$55,$AA,$77,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$09,$55,$00,$55,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$44,$55,$00,$55,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$85,$8A,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$AA cage_sprite_3: .byte 9,6 .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55 .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$9A,$55,$AA,$77,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$09,$55,$00,$55,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$44,$55,$00,$55,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$85,$8A,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$AA cage_sprite_4: .byte 9,6 .byte $55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55 .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$9A,$55,$AA,$7f,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$09,$55,$00,$00,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$44,$55,$00,$55,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$85,$8A,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$AA ; at 18,32 cage_ground_sprite: .byte 9,6 .byte $55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA,$AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$85,$8A,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$A8,$AA gun_arc: .byte 28,36 ; frame 10 -- in air 28,36 .byte 29,40 ; frame 12 -- lower 28,40 .byte 30,44 ; frame 14 -- on ground 29,44 .byte 31,42 ; frame 16 -- bounce 29,42 .byte 32,44 ; frame 18 -- ground 30,44 .byte 33,44 ; frame 20 -- left2 31,44 .byte 34,44 ; frame 22 -- left2 32,44 .byte 35,44 ; frame 24 -- left1 33,44 debris_list: .word debris1_rle .word debris2_rle .word debris3_rle ce_phys_jump: .byte 20,28 ; 70 .word jump1 .byte 21,28 ; 72 .word jump2 .byte 22,26 ; 74 .word jump3 .byte 23,26 ; 76 .word jump4 .byte 24,26 ; 78 .word jump5 .byte 25,26 ; 80 .word jump6 .byte 26,28 ; 82 .word jump7 .byte 27,30 ; 84 .word jump8 .byte 28,30 ; 86 .word crouch2 .byte 29,30 ; 88 .word crouch1 tap_sequence: .word friend_tap1 ; 90 .word friend_tap2 ; 92 .word friend_tap3 ; 94 .word friend_tap2 ; 96 .word friend_tap3 ; 98 point_sequence: .word friend_tap1 ; 110 .word friend_mouth ; 112 .word friend_tap3 ; 114 .word friend_tap2 ; 116 .word friend_tap3 ; 118 friend_tap1: .byte 5,8 .byte $AA,$AA,$fa,$ff,$f7 .byte $AA,$AA,$ff,$0f,$0f .byte $AA,$fA,$fA,$f0,$0f .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$ff,$77 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$0f,$07 .byte $AA,$AA,$0A,$00,$00 friend_tap2: .byte 5,8 .byte $AA,$AA,$fa,$ff,$f7 .byte $AA,$AA,$ff,$0f,$0f .byte $Af,$Af,$Af,$0f,$0f .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$ff,$77 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$0f,$07 .byte $AA,$AA,$0A,$00,$00 friend_tap3: .byte 5,8 .byte $AA,$AA,$fa,$ff,$f7 .byte $AA,$AA,$ff,$0f,$0f .byte $AA,$fA,$fA,$0f,$0f .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$ff,$77 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$0f,$07 .byte $AA,$AA,$0A,$00,$00 friend_mouth: .byte 5,8 .byte $AA,$AA,$fa,$ff,$f7 .byte $AA,$AA,$ff,$0f,$0f .byte $AA,$AA,$Af,$ff,$ff .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$00,$0f .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$00,$00 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$ff,$77 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$0f,$07 .byte $AA,$AA,$0A,$00,$00