; Mist ; a version of Myst? ; (yes there's a subtle German joke here) ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; Zero Page .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" .include "common_defines.inc" mist_start: ;=================== ; init screen jsr TEXT jsr HOME bit KEYRESET bit SET_GR bit PAGE0 bit LORES bit FULLGR lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE sta LEVEL_OVER ; init cursor lda #20 sta CURSOR_X sta CURSOR_Y ; set up initial location jsr change_location lda #1 sta CURSOR_VISIBLE ; visible at first game_loop: ;================= ; reset things ;================= lda #0 sta IN_SPECIAL sta IN_RIGHT sta IN_LEFT ;==================================== ; copy background to current page ;==================================== jsr gr_copy_to_current ;==================================== ; handle special-case forground logic ;==================================== ; handle gear opening lda GEAR_OPEN beq not_gear_related jsr check_gear_delete not_gear_related: ; handle clock puzzles lda LOCATION cmp #MIST_CLOCK_PUZZLE ; clock puzzle beq location_clock cmp #MIST_CLOCK_INSIDE beq location_inside_clock bne location_generator location_clock: jsr draw_clock_face jmp nothing_special location_inside_clock: jsr draw_clock_inside jmp nothing_special ; handle generator puzzle location_generator: cmp #MIST_GENERATOR_ROOM bne nothing_special lda DIRECTION and #$f cmp #DIRECTION_N bne nothing_special jsr generator_update_volts jsr generator_draw_buttons jmp nothing_special nothing_special: ;==================================== ; draw pointer ;==================================== jsr draw_pointer ;==================================== ; page flip ;==================================== jsr page_flip ;==================================== ; handle keypress/joystick ;==================================== jsr handle_keypress ;==================================== ; inc frame count ;==================================== inc FRAMEL bne room_frame_no_oflo inc FRAMEH room_frame_no_oflo: ;==================================== ; check level over ;==================================== lda LEVEL_OVER bne really_exit jmp game_loop really_exit: jmp end_level ;================= ; special exits go_to_meche: lda #LOAD_MECHE sta WHICH_LOAD lda #MECHE_INSIDE_GEAR sta LOCATION lda #DIRECTION_E sta DIRECTION lda #$ff sta LEVEL_OVER rts pad_special: lda #MIST_TOWER2_PATH sta LOCATION jsr change_location rts leave_tower2: lda #MIST_TOWER2_TOP sta LOCATION lda #DIRECTION_W sta DIRECTION jsr change_location rts leave_tower1: lda #MIST_TOWER1_TOP sta LOCATION lda #DIRECTION_E sta DIRECTION jsr change_location rts green_house: ; FIXME: handle switch separately lda #MIST_GREEN_SHACK sta LOCATION jsr change_location rts enter_octagon: lda #OCTAGON_TEMPLE_DOORWAY sta LOCATION lda #LOAD_OCTAGON sta WHICH_LOAD lda #$ff sta LEVEL_OVER rts ;========================== ; includes ;========================== .include "gr_copy.s" .include "gr_offsets.s" .include "gr_pageflip.s" .include "gr_putsprite_crop.s" .include "text_print.s" .include "gr_fast_clear.s" .include "decompress_fast_v2.s" .include "keyboard.s" .include "draw_pointer.s" .include "audio.s" .include "graphics_mist/mist_graphics.inc" .include "end_level.s" ; puzzles .include "clock_bridge_puzzle.s" .include "marker_switch.s" .include "generator_puzzle.s" ; linking books ; letters .include "letter_cat.s" .include "common_sprites.inc" .include "leveldata_mist.inc" ;.align $100 ;audio_red_page: ;.incbin "audio/red_page.btc"