peasant2 18302 18043 (decompress fast moved) 15899 (much of hgr code moved to qload) 16653 (work on load/save support) Notes ~~~~~ Some people would like actual S.A.M. support like the original game, but that takes 9kB! Is there room in TROGDOR for that? Memory Map ~~~~~~~~~~ ; notes -- VID_LOGO loads title at $9000 - $AFFF $00 Zero Page $01 Stack $02 Disk Lookup $03 Disk Lookup, IRQ vectors $04-$07 Text/GR page 1 (priority map) $08-$0B Text/GR page 2. $08=boot, $09-$0A = qboot stage2 $0B-$1F QLOAD disk routines and HGR drawing routines $20-$3F HGR Page 1 $40-$5f HGR Page 2 $60-$?? Programs (roughly 22k available?) $B8-$BB Hi-res lookup tables $BC temp area for load/save files $BD-$BE temp area when saving game $BF ??? $C0-$CF I/O $D0-$DF (Language Card BANK1) ????? $D0-$DF (Language Card BANK2) Mockingboard music/PT3-routines $E0-$FF (Language Card) ????? Disk1 Map (disk has 35 tracks, each 4k in size) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T 0 = Qboot T 1 = QLOAD 4813 bytes 19S = 1T3S T 3 = MUSIC 4045 bytes 16S = 1T0S T 4 = VID_LOGO 6911 bytes 27S = 1T11S T 6 = TITLE 9662 bytes 38S = 2T6S T 9 = INTRO 16040 bytes 63S = 3T15S T 13 = COPY_CHECK 4922 bytes 20S = 1T4S T 15 = PEASANT1 22501 bytes 79S = 4T15S ; 88 is max? T 20 = PEASANT2 ; 79 = 20224 T 25 = PEASANT3 T 30 = PEASANT4 Disk2 Map (disk has 35 tracks, each 4k in size) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T 19 = TROGDOR 13673 bytes T 24 = ENDING 19690 bytes 77S = 4T13S 238, to 280 (6) 50 to 135 (85) 6*85=510 280x192 *4 1120x768 Our capture: 300x142 roughly 292x142 to center it Odd is Orange Even is blue EO EO EO EO EO if draw black at odd, nothing blue 10 10 10 10 10 if draw black at even, two-wide(?) black 10 10 10 10 10 blue 01 01 01 01 01 orange EO EO 10 01 blue->orange has black gap 01 10 orange->blue has white gap 10 10 01 01 = blue 6|----c>>>-----------c------c-------| 5|-aaa----aaab>>>aaa---a-b-a---------| 46, XRUN=2 46/7= 6R4 ; RUN of 0=1 wide, run of 1=2 wide start at 4, end at 5 start at 4 (left) = $F0 1111 0000 end at 5 (Right) = $BF 1011 1111 ========= x011 0000 OR them!!!! left_masks: .byte $FF,$FE,$FC,$F8, $F0,$E0,$C0 right_masks: .byte $81,$83,$87, $8F,$9F,$BF,$FF