;================= ; VMW PT3_LIB test ;================= ; template for using the pt3_lib ; zero page definitions .include "zp.inc" ; some firmware locations .include "hardware.inc" ; Location the files load at. ; If you change this, you need to update the Makefile PT3_LOC = song ; the below will make for more compact code, at the expense ; of using $80 - $ff zero page addresses by the decoder. ; PT3_USE_ZERO_PAGE = 1 ; Comment this to disable Apple IIc support which will free a small amount ; of room PT3_ENABLE_APPLE_IIC = 1 ; Enable ROM copying on IIc ;PT3_ENABLE_IIC_COPY_ROM = 1 ; The Vortex Tracker by default generates Atari-ST style pt3 files ; which assume there is a 1.77MHz clock frequency driving ; the AY-3-8910. Apple II Mockingboards run at 1MHz, so unless ; you convert the frequency the music will sound pitched lower. ; The 1.77MHz frequency conversion code can be in three states: ; Enabled (always convert) ; PT3_DISABLE_FREQ_CONVERSION commented out ; PT3_DISABLE_SWITCHABLE_FREQ_CONVERSION = 1 ; Disabled (don't convert) ; PT3_DISABLE_FREQ_CONVERSION = 1 ; PT3_DISABLE_SWITCHABLE_FREQ_CONVERSION = 1 ; Switchable (can disable/enable on the fly) ; this is the default for historical reasons ; PT3_DISABLE_FREQ_CONVERSION commented out ; PT3_DISABLE_SWITCHABLE_FREQ_CONVERSION commented out ; PT3_DISABLE_FREQ_CONVERSION = 1 ; PT3_DISABLE_SWITCHABLE_FREQ_CONVERSION = 1 ;============================= ; Setup ;============================= pt3_setup: jsr HOME jsr TEXT ;=============== ; init variables ;=============== lda #0 sta DONE_PLAYING ; lda #1 sta LOOP ; change to 1 to loop forever ;======================= ; Detect Apple II Model ;======================== ; IRQ setup is different on IIc ; You can possibly skip this if you only care about II+/IIe .ifdef PT3_ENABLE_APPLE_IIC jsr detect_appleii_model .endif ;======================= ; Detect mockingboard ;======================== jsr print_mockingboard_detect ; print message jsr mockingboard_detect ; call detection routine bcs mockingboard_found jsr print_mocking_notfound ; possibly can't detect on IIc so just try with slot#4 anyway ; even if not detected jmp setup_interrupt mockingboard_found: ; print found message ; modify message to print slot value lda MB_ADDR_H sec sbc #$10 sta found_message+11 jsr print_mocking_found ;================================================== ; patch the playing code with the proper slot value ;================================================== jsr mockingboard_patch setup_interrupt: ;======================= ; Set up 50Hz interrupt ;======================== jsr mockingboard_init jsr mockingboard_setup_interrupt ;============================ ; Init the Mockingboard ;============================ jsr reset_ay_both jsr clear_ay_both ;================== ; init song ;================== jsr pt3_init_song ;============================ ; Enable 6502 interrupts ;============================ start_interrupts: cli ; clear interrupt mask ;============================ ; Loop forever ;============================ forever_loop: jmp forever_loop ;======================================== ;======================================== ; Helper routines below ;======================================== ;======================================== ;================================== ; Print mockingboard detect message ;================================== ; note: on IIc must do this before enabling interrupt ; as we disable ROM (COUT won't work?) print_mockingboard_detect: lda APPLEII_MODEL sta apple_message+17 ; print detection message for Apple II type ldy #0 print_apple_message: lda apple_message,Y ; load loading message beq done_apple_message ora #$80 jsr COUT iny jmp print_apple_message done_apple_message: jsr CROUT1 ; print detection message ldy #0 print_mocking_message: lda mocking_message,Y ; load loading message beq done_mocking_message ora #$80 jsr COUT iny jmp print_mocking_message done_mocking_message: jsr CROUT1 rts print_mocking_notfound: ldy #0 print_not_message: lda not_message,Y ; load loading message beq print_not_message_done ora #$80 jsr COUT iny jmp print_not_message print_not_message_done: rts print_mocking_found: ldy #0 print_found_message: lda found_message,Y ; load loading message beq done_found_message ora #$80 jsr COUT iny jmp print_found_message done_found_message: rts ;========= ; strings ;========= apple_message: .asciiz "DETECTED APPLE II " mocking_message: .asciiz "LOOKING FOR MOCKINGBOARD: " not_message: .byte "NOT " found_message: .asciiz "FOUND SLOT#4" ;========= ; vars ;========= ;========= ;routines ;========= .ifdef PT3_ENABLE_APPLE_IIC .include "pt3_lib_detect_model.s" .endif .include "pt3_lib_core.s" .include "pt3_lib_init.s" .include "pt3_lib_mockingboard_setup.s" .include "interrupt_handler.s" ; if you're self patching, detect has to be after interrupt_handler.s .include "pt3_lib_mockingboard_detect.s" ;============= ; include song ;============= .align 256 ; must be on page boundary ; this can be fixed but some changes would have ; to be made throughout the player code song: .incbin "../pt3_player/music/EA.PT3" ;.incbin "../ootw/ootw_audio/ootw_outro.pt3"