; Peasant's Quest ; Peasantry Part 2 (second line of map) ; haystack, puddle, archery, river, knight (pass) ; by Vince `deater` Weaver vince@deater.net ; with apologies to everyone .include "hardware.inc" .include "zp.inc" .include "qload.inc" .include "inventory.inc" .include "parse_input.inc" LOCATION_BASE = LOCATION_HAY_BALE ; index starts here (5) peasantry2: lda #0 sta LEVEL_OVER sta FRAME jsr hgr_make_tables ; necessary? ; jsr hgr2 ; necessary? ; decompress dialog to $D000 lda #<peasant2_text_lzsa sta getsrc_smc+1 lda #>peasant2_text_lzsa sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$D0 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast ; update score jsr update_score ;============================= ;============================= ; new screen location ;============================= ;============================= new_location: lda #0 sta LEVEL_OVER ;========================== ; load updated verb table ; setup default verb table jsr setup_default_verb_table ; we are PEASANT2 so locations 5...9 map to 0...4 lda MAP_LOCATION sec sbc #LOCATION_BASE tax lda verb_tables_low,X sta INL lda verb_tables_hi,X sta INH jsr load_custom_verb_table ;============================ ; load priority to $400 ; indirectly as we can't trash screen holes ; we are PEASANT2 so locations 5...9 map to 0...4 lda MAP_LOCATION sec sbc #LOCATION_BASE tax lda map_priority_low,X sta getsrc_smc+1 lda map_priority_hi,X sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$20 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast jsr gr_copy_to_page1 ;===================== ; load bg ; we are PEASANT2 so locations 5...9 map to 0...4 lda MAP_LOCATION sec sbc #LOCATION_BASE tax lda map_backgrounds_low,X sta getsrc_smc+1 lda map_backgrounds_hi,X sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$20 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast ; copy to $4000 jsr hgr_copy ; put peasant text lda #<peasant_text sta OUTL lda #>peasant_text sta OUTH jsr hgr_put_string ; put score jsr print_score ;==================== ; save background ; lda PEASANT_X ; sta CURSOR_X ; lda PEASANT_Y ; sta CURSOR_Y ;======================= ; draw initial peasant ; jsr save_bg_1x28 ; jsr draw_peasant ;====================== ; check if in hay jsr check_haystack_exit ;===================== ; special archery ;===================== lda ARROW_SCORE bpl game_loop ; coming back from archery game and #$7f ; unset sta ARROW_SCORE and #$f ; see if score (bottom) is 0 beq arrow_game_zero sta TEMP0 lda ARROW_SCORE lsr lsr lsr lsr cmp TEMP0 bne arrow_game_lost arrow_game_won: ; get 3 points lda #3 jsr score_points ; get bow lda INVENTORY_1 ora #INV1_BOW sta INVENTORY_1 ; set won lda GAME_STATE_0 ora #ARROW_BEATEN sta GAME_STATE_0 lda TEMP0 clc adc #'0' sta archery_won_message+14 ldx #<archery_won_message ldy #>archery_won_message jsr partial_message_step jmp game_loop arrow_game_zero: ldx #<archery_zero_message ldy #>archery_zero_message jsr partial_message_step jmp arrow_game_lose_common arrow_game_lost: lda TEMP0 clc adc #'0' sta archery_some_message+24 ; urgh affected by compression ldx #<archery_some_message ldy #>archery_some_message jsr partial_message_step arrow_game_lose_common: ldx #<archery_lose_message ldy #>archery_lose_message jsr partial_message_step ;================================ ;================================ ;================================ ; main loop ;================================ ;================================ ;================================ game_loop: ;==================== ; move peasant jsr move_peasant lda LEVEL_OVER bmi oops_new_location bne level_over ;==================== ; always draw peasant jsr draw_peasant ;==================== ; increment frame inc FRAME ;==================== ; check keyboard jsr check_keyboard ;===================== ; level specific ;===================== lda MAP_LOCATION cmp #LOCATION_MUD_PUDDLE beq at_mud_puddle cmp #LOCATION_RIVER_STONE beq at_river bne skip_level_specific ;======================= ; handle river animation ;======================= at_river: jsr animate_river jmp skip_level_specific ;===================== ; handle mud puddle ;===================== at_mud_puddle: ; see if falling in ; see if puddle wet lda GAME_STATE_1 and #PUDDLE_WET beq skip_level_specific ; see if clean lda GAME_STATE_2 and #COVERED_IN_MUD bne skip_level_specific ; see if X in range lda PEASANT_X cmp #$B bcc skip_level_specific cmp #$1B bcs skip_level_specific ; see if Y in range lda PEASANT_Y cmp #$64 bcc skip_level_specific cmp #$80 bcs skip_level_specific ; in range! ldx #<puddle_walk_in_message ldy #>puddle_walk_in_message jsr partial_message_step ; make muddy lda GAME_STATE_2 ora #COVERED_IN_MUD sta GAME_STATE_2 ; do animation? ; points if we haven't already lda GAME_STATE_2 and #GOT_MUDDY_ALREADY bne skip_level_specific ; add 2 points to score lda #2 jsr score_points lda GAME_STATE_2 ora #GOT_MUDDY_ALREADY sta GAME_STATE_2 skip_level_specific: ; delay lda #200 jsr wait jmp game_loop oops_new_location: jmp new_location ;======================== ; exit level ;======================== level_over: cmp #NEW_FROM_LOAD ; skip to end if loading save game beq really_level_over ; specical case if going outside inn ; we don't want to end up behind inn lda MAP_LOCATION cmp #LOCATION_OUTSIDE_INN bne not_behind_inn ; be sure we're in range lda PEASANT_X cmp #6 bcc really_level_over ; fine if at far right cmp #18 bcc to_left_of_inn cmp #30 bcc to_right_of_inn ; fine if at far left not_behind_inn: lda MAP_LOCATION cmp #LOCATION_CLIFF_BASE bne not_going_to_cliff lda #18 sta PEASANT_X lda #140 sta PEASANT_Y lda #0 sta PEASANT_XADD sta PEASANT_YADD sta PEASANT_DIR not_going_to_cliff: really_level_over: rts to_right_of_inn: lda #31 sta PEASANT_X rts to_left_of_inn: lda #5 sta PEASANT_X rts .include "peasant_common.s" .include "move_peasant.s" .include "draw_peasant.s" .include "gr_copy.s" .include "new_map_location.s" .include "keyboard.s" .include "wait.s" .include "wait_a_bit.s" .include "graphics_peasantry/graphics_peasant2.inc" .include "graphics_peasantry/priority_peasant2.inc" .include "hgr_copy.s" .include "hgr_sprite.s" .include "animate_river.s" map_backgrounds_low: .byte <haystack_lzsa ; 5 -- haystack .byte <puddle_lzsa ; 6 -- puddle .byte <archery_lzsa ; 7 -- archery .byte <river_lzsa ; 8 -- river .byte <knight_lzsa ; 9 -- knight map_backgrounds_hi: .byte >haystack_lzsa ; 5 -- haystack .byte >puddle_lzsa ; 6 -- puddle .byte >archery_lzsa ; 7 -- archery .byte >river_lzsa ; 8 -- river .byte >knight_lzsa ; 9 -- knight map_priority_low: .byte <haystack_priority_lzsa ; 5 -- haystack .byte <puddle_priority_lzsa ; 6 -- puddle .byte <archery_priority_lzsa ; 7 -- archery .byte <river_priority_lzsa ; 8 -- river .byte <knight_priority_lzsa ; 9 -- knight map_priority_hi: .byte >haystack_priority_lzsa ; 5 -- haystack .byte >puddle_priority_lzsa ; 6 -- puddle .byte >archery_priority_lzsa ; 7 -- archery .byte >river_priority_lzsa ; 8 -- river .byte >knight_priority_lzsa ; 9 -- knight verb_tables_low: .byte <hay_bale_verb_table ; 5 -- haystack .byte <puddle_verb_table ; 6 -- puddle .byte <archery_verb_table ; 7 -- archery .byte <river_stone_verb_table ; 8 -- river .byte <mountain_pass_verb_table ; 9 -- knight verb_tables_hi: .byte >hay_bale_verb_table ; 5 -- haystack .byte >puddle_verb_table ; 6 -- puddle .byte >archery_verb_table ; 7 -- archery .byte >river_stone_verb_table ; 8 -- river .byte >mountain_pass_verb_table ; 9 -- knight peasant2_text_lzsa: .incbin "DIALOG_PEASANT2.LZSA" .include "peasant2_actions.s"