; defualt screen is -140,120 to 140,-120 with SCRUNCH .8 ; 96? -80 if splitscreen SCREEN ~~~~~~ CLEAN -- erase screen TEXTSCREEN (TS) -- show full screen text SPLITSCREEN FULLSCREEN SETCURSOR x y CLEARTEXT (CT) CLEARSCREEN (CS) FENCE -- enforce screen bounds WINDOW -- no wrap no bounds WRAP -- turtle wraps around edge SETBG -- set background color SETWIDTH -- 40 or 80 GRAPHICS ~~~~~~~~ BACK (BK) FORWARD (FD) HIDETURTLE (HT) HOME -- move to center (0,0) LEFT (LT) RIGHT (RT) SETHEADING (SETH) -- set direction SETPOS [x y] -- move to X, Y (drawing if appropriate) SETX SETY SHOWTURTLE (ST) DOT [x y] -- put dot at x,y w/o moving turtle SETPC -- set pen color FILL fill area bounded by color by current color PENDOWN (PD) PENERASE (PE) -- erase instead of draw PENREVERSE (PX) -- xor PENUP (PU) -- pen up LOAD/SAVE ~~~~~~~~~ CATALOG p 194 -- lists files in current PREFIX SETPREFIX "BLAH -- sort of like chdir ERASEFILE (ERF) p 196: ERF "RR PR ONLINE shows list of volumes READ STATE ~~~~~~~~~~ POS -- shows position TOWARDS [X Y] -- returns direction you'd need to point at x,y XCOR -- print x YCOR -- print y BACKGROUND PEN PENCOLOR (PC) -- prints pencolor CURSOR -- get cursor location SCRUNCH factor .8 by default 280x240? TOOT = freq duration, duration is 1/60th of second VARIABLES ~~~~~~~~~ MAKE "A 5 - define var A with value 5 PR :A - print value of variable A FUNCTIONS ~~~~~~~~~ TO BLAH :PARAM END TEXT (p67) ~~~~ ( a lot, TODO) CHAR -- like CHR$ in BASIC ASSEMBLY ~~~~~~~~ - note, PRODOS puts things in language card, have to switch back on to use ROM routines .AUXDEPOSIT loc byte - store to AUX mem .AUXEXAMINE loc .BLOAD pathname loc .BSAVE pathname loc len .CALL loc .DEPOSIT loc byte .EXAMINE loc .QUIT exit back to ProDOS STARTUP ~~~~~~~ can create a file called STARTUP that starts at startup whatever is in the STARTUP function is run FREESPACE ~~~~~~~~~ internally in nodes. 5 Bytes? RECYCLE PRINT NODES shows free EDITOR ~~~~~~ EDIT "FUNCTION open apple-A (ALT-A on applewin) accept References: https://archive.org/details/Apple_Logo_II_Reference_Manual/page/n260/mode/1up https://archive.org/details/Learning_With_Apple_Logo_by_Daniel_Watt_1984/page/209/mode/2up Memory Map $00 -- zero page $04-$07 -- text page 1 $08-$1f -- edit buffer $20-$3f -- hi-res page1 $40-$43 -- load/save buffer $44-$47 -- dribble buffer $48-$4b -- file buffer 0 $4c-$4f -- file buffer 1 $50-$53 -- file buffer 2 $54-$57 -- file buffer 3 $58-$5b -- file buffer 4 $5c-$5f -- file buffer 5 $60 -- logo data $61-$BE -- logo code $BF -- free space / prodos $C0-$CF -- I/O $D0-$FF -- ProDOS AUX $00 -- zero page $20-$3f -- ProDOS $40-$7f -- text page1 (80 col) $80-$b6 -- node space? $b7-$Ba -- main help $BB-$BE -- editor help $BF -- prodos $C0-$CF -- I/O $D0-$DF -- Logo code $E0-$FF -- ProDOS Info $300 = max num data files *9 (usually 54) $10 = pointer to first page beyond node space (usually $B7) $301 = flag for invalid edit buffer Can use edit buffer for temp storage, but mark as invalid when done Can use the file buffer area, be sure to adjust the max data size Can adjust node space but have to do it right at startup