; HGR Rectangle ; VGI Rectangle test COLOR_MODE = TEMP0 OTHER_MASK = TEMP1 XRUN = TEMP2 div7_table = $B000 mod7_table = $B100 ; FAST ;================================= ; Simple Rectangle ;================================= ; VGI_RCOLOR = P0 ; VGI_RX1 = P1 ; VGI_RY1 = P2 ; VGI_RXRUN = P3 ; VGI_RYRUN = P4 ; VGI_RCOLOR2 = P5 ; only for dither ;================================== ; VGI Simple Rectangle ;================================== vgi_simple_rectangle: lda #0 sta COLOR_MODE simple_rectangle_loop: lda COLOR_MODE beq simple_colors bmi striped_colors bpl handle_dither simple_colors: lda VGI_RCOLOR asl ; nibble swap by david galloway adc #$80 rol asl adc #$80 rol sta VGI_RCOLOR and #$f tax lda COLORTBL,X sta HGR_COLOR jmp done_colors handle_dither: lda COUNT and #$1 beq deven_color dodd_color: lda VGI_RCOLOR jmp dsave_color deven_color: lda VGI_RCOLOR2 dsave_color: sta HGR_COLOR inc COUNT jmp done_colors striped_colors: ; don't need to do anything here? done_colors: ; get ROW into (GBASL) ldx VGI_RX1 ; X1 into X lda VGI_RY1 ; Y1 into A ldy #0 ; always 0 jsr HPOSN ; (Y,X),(A) (values stores in HGRX,XH,Y) ; Y is already the RX1/7 ; adjust color if in striped mode lda COLOR_MODE bpl not_striped jsr swap_colors not_striped: ; copy the XRUN lda VGI_RXRUN sta XRUN inc XRUN ; needed because we compare with beq/bne ; check if narrow corner case where begin and end same block ; if RX%7 + XRUN < 8 ldx VGI_RX1 lda mod7_table,X clc adc XRUN cmp #8 bcs not_corner corner: ; want to use MASK of left_mask, MOD7 and 7-XRUN lda mod7_table,X tax lda (GBASL),Y eor HGR_BITS and left_masks,X ldx XRUN and right_masks,X eor (GBASL),Y sta (GBASL),Y jmp done_row ; that's all not_corner: ; see if not starting on boundary ldx VGI_RX1 lda mod7_table,X beq draw_run ; handle not full left border tax lda (GBASL),Y eor HGR_BITS and left_masks,X eor (GBASL),Y sta (GBASL),Y iny ; move to next ; adjust RUN length by 7- mod7 txa ; load mod7 eor #$ff sec adc #7 eor #$ff sec adc XRUN sta XRUN ; lda HGR_BITS ; cycle colors for next ; jsr COLOR_SHIFT jsr swap_colors ;no_shift: ; draw common draw_run: lda XRUN cmp #7 bcc draw_right ; blt lda HGR_BITS ; get color sta (GBASL),Y ; store out ; jsr COLOR_SHIFT ; shift colors iny ; move to next block jsr swap_colors lda XRUN ; take 7 off the run sec sbc #7 sta XRUN jmp draw_run ; draw rightmost draw_right: beq done_row ; lda HGR_BITS ; jsr COLOR_SHIFT ; see if not starting on boundary ldx XRUN tax lda (GBASL),Y eor HGR_BITS and right_masks,X eor (GBASL),Y sta (GBASL),Y done_row: inc VGI_RY1 dec VGI_RYRUN ;bne simple_rectangle_loop beq done_done jmp simple_rectangle_loop done_done: rts ;========================== ; swap colors ;========================== swap_colors: lda COLOR_MODE bmi swap_colors_striped lda HGR_BITS ; get color jsr COLOR_SHIFT ; shift colors rts swap_colors_striped: tya and #1 bne swap_odd lda VGI_RCOLOR jmp swap_done swap_odd: lda VGI_RCOLOR2 swap_done: sta HGR_BITS rts ;===================== ; make /7 %7 tables ;===================== hgr_make_tables: ldy #0 lda #0 ldx #0 div7_loop: sta div7_table,Y inx cpx #7 bne div7_not7 clc adc #1 ldx #0 div7_not7: iny bne div7_loop ldy #0 lda #0 mod7_loop: sta mod7_table,Y clc adc #1 cmp #7 bne mod7_not7 lda #0 mod7_not7: iny bne mod7_loop rts left_masks: .byte $FF,$FE,$FC,$F8, $F0,$E0,$C0 right_masks: .byte $81,$83,$87, $8F,$9F,$BF,$FF