;===================================== ; Intro .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" intro: ;=========================== ; Enable graphics bit LORES bit SET_GR bit FULLGR ;=========================== ; Setup pages lda #4 sta DRAW_PAGE lda #0 sta DISP_PAGE jmp tunnel1 ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Opening scene with car ;=============================== ;=============================== ;============================= ; Load background to $c00 lda #>(building_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(building_rle) sta GBASL lda #$0c ; load to $c00 jsr load_rle_gr ;================================= ; copy $c00 to both pages $400/$800 jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip ;================================== ; draw the car driving up lda #building_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;================================== ; Load building with car background lda #>(building_car_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(building_car_rle) sta GBASL lda #$0c ; load to $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip ;================================== ; draw getting out of the car lda #outtacar_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Walk into door ;=============================== ;=============================== ;============================= ; Load background to $c00 lda #>(outer_door_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(outer_door_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip ;================================== ; draw feet going into door lda #feet_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Elevator going down ;=============================== ;=============================== elevator: ;============================= ; Load background to $c00 and $1000 lda #>(elevator_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(elevator_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr lda #>(elevator_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(elevator_rle) sta GBASL lda #$10 ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current lda #$66 sta COLOR ; elevator outer door ldx #39 stx V2 ldx #4 ldy #14 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y ldx #35 stx V2 ldx #7 ldy #18 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y ; elevator inner door ldx #2 stx ELEVATOR_COUNT elevator_middle: ldx #38 stx V2 ldx #5 ldy #15 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y ldx #36 stx V2 ldx #6 ldy #17 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y elevator_inner: ldx #37 stx V2 ldx #5 ldy #16 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y jsr page_flip jsr gr_copy_to_current ldx #50 jsr long_wait dec ELEVATOR_COUNT lda ELEVATOR_COUNT beq elevator_inner cmp #1 beq elevator_middle ; door closed jsr page_flip ldx #100 jsr long_wait ;====================== ; yellow line goes down ;====================== lda #0 sta COLOR lda #5 sta V2 yellow_line_down: jsr gr_copy_to_current ldx #5 ldy #16 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y jsr page_flip ldx #12 jsr long_wait inc V2 lda V2 cmp #38 bne yellow_line_down lda DRAW_PAGE pha lda #$c ; erase yellow line sta DRAW_PAGE ; on page $1000 version ldx #5 ldy #16 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y pla sta DRAW_PAGE ;======================== ; change floor indicators ;======================== lda #$33 sta COLOR lda #5 sta V2 ; 16,1 jsr gr_copy_to_current_1000 ldx #16 lda #1 jsr plot jsr page_flip ldx #150 jsr long_wait ; 18,2 jsr gr_copy_to_current_1000 ldx #18 lda #2 jsr plot jsr page_flip ldx #150 jsr long_wait ; 14,2 jsr gr_copy_to_current_1000 ldx #14 lda #2 jsr plot jsr page_flip ldx #150 jsr long_wait ; 16,3 jsr gr_copy_to_current_1000 ldx #16 lda #3 jsr plot jsr page_flip ldx #150 jsr long_wait ; 18,4 jsr gr_copy_to_current_1000 ldx #18 lda #4 jsr plot jsr page_flip ldx #150 jsr long_wait ;==================== ; dark elevator ;==================== ; clear $c00 to black lda DRAW_PAGE pha lda #$8 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr clear_all pla sta DRAW_PAGE ; blue from 20, 30 - 20,34 and yellow (brown?) from 20,0 to 20,30 ; scrolls down until all yellow lda #30 sta ELEVATOR_COUNT going_down_loop: jsr gr_copy_to_current ; copy black screen in ; draw the yellow part lda #$DD sta COLOR lda ELEVATOR_COUNT sta V2 ldx #0 ldy #20 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y lda #$22 ; draw the blue part sta COLOR lda ELEVATOR_COUNT clc adc #4 cmp #40 bmi not_too_big lda #40 not_too_big: sta V2 ldx ELEVATOR_COUNT ldy #20 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y jsr page_flip ldx #8 ; pause jsr long_wait inc ELEVATOR_COUNT lda ELEVATOR_COUNT cmp #40 bne going_down_loop ;===================== ; all yellow for a bit ;===================== jsr gr_copy_to_current ; copy black screen in lda #$DD sta COLOR lda #40 sta V2 ldx #0 ldy #20 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y jsr page_flip ldx #100 ; wait a bit jsr long_wait ; single blue dot ; solid blue line 10 later lda #2 sta ELEVATOR_CYCLE going_down_repeat: lda #1 sta ELEVATOR_COUNT going_down_blue: jsr gr_copy_to_current ; copy black screen in ; draw the blue part lda #$22 sta COLOR lda ELEVATOR_COUNT sta V2 ldx #0 ldy #20 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y gdb_smc: lda #$dd ; draw the blue part sta COLOR lda #40 sta V2 ldx ELEVATOR_COUNT ldy #20 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y jsr page_flip ldx #8 ; pause jsr long_wait inc ELEVATOR_COUNT lda ELEVATOR_COUNT cmp #40 bne going_down_blue dec ELEVATOR_CYCLE beq elevator_exit lda #1 sta ELEVATOR_COUNT going_down_black: jsr gr_copy_to_current ; copy black screen in ; draw the blue part lda #$00 sta COLOR lda ELEVATOR_COUNT sta V2 ldx #0 ldy #20 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y lda #$22 ; draw the blue part sta COLOR lda #40 sta V2 ldx ELEVATOR_COUNT ldy #20 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y jsr page_flip ldx #8 ; pause jsr long_wait inc ELEVATOR_COUNT lda ELEVATOR_COUNT cmp #40 bne going_down_black lda #$00 sta gdb_smc+1 jmp going_down_repeat ; black, 2, blue, black about 20 ; blue until hit bottom, doors open elevator_exit: ldx #100 ; pause jsr long_wait ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Getting out of Elevator ;=============================== ;=============================== ;============================= ; Load background to $c00 lda #>(off_elevator_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(off_elevator_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr lda #>(walking00_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(walking00_rle) sta GBASL lda #$10 ; load to off-screen $1000 jsr load_rle_gr lda #10 sta ELEVATOR_COUNT elevator_open_loop: jsr gr_overlay ; note: overwrites color lda #$00 sta COLOR ; Would have liked to have a central purple stripe, but not easy ; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 lda ELEVATOR_COUNT sta ELEVATOR_CYCLE elevator_inner_loop: lda #9 clc adc ELEVATOR_CYCLE tay lda #40 sta V2 ldx #0 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y sec lda #30 sbc ELEVATOR_CYCLE tay lda #40 sta V2 ldx #0 jsr vlin ; X, V2 at Y dec ELEVATOR_CYCLE bne elevator_inner_loop jsr page_flip ldx #25 jsr long_wait ; pause dec ELEVATOR_COUNT bne elevator_open_loop ;================================== ; draw walking off the elevator lda #walking_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;====================================== ; make background black and pause a bit jsr clear_all jsr page_flip ldx #80 jsr long_wait ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Keycode ;=============================== ;=============================== keypad: ;============================= ; Load background to $c00 lda #>(scanner_door_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(scanner_door_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr lda #approach_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;============================= ; Load background to $c00 lda #>(keypad_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(keypad_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr ;================================== ; draw walking off the elevator lda #keypad_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;================================== ; doop opening sequence lda #>(scanner_door_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(scanner_door_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr lda #opening_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Scanner ;=============================== ;=============================== scanner: lda #>(scanner_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(scanner_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip lda #scanning_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Spinny DNA / Key ;=============================== ;=============================== scanner2: lda #>(ai_bg_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(ai_bg_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr clear_bottom bit TEXTGR ; split graphics/text jsr gr_copy_to_current_40x40 jsr page_flip jsr clear_bottom ;============================= ; Identification (nothing) ;============================= lda #0 sta DNA_OUT sta DNA_PROGRESS lda #ai_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence_static ; slices / | - / nothing (pause) ; more slices / | - / nothing (pause) ; small circle / | - / nothing (pause) ; big circle / | - / nothing (pause) ; jsr gr_copy_to_current_40x40 ; jsr draw_dna ; jsr page_flip ; approx one rotation until "Good evening" ; two rotation, then switch to key + Ferrari ; three rotations, then done ; - !!! DNA START 1 line ; / !!! DNA start 1 line ; !!! DNA 2 lines ; DNA 5 lines ; Good evening professor. ; DNA all lines ; Triggers: ; + DNA starts midway through big circle ; + Good evening printed at DNA_OUT=5 ; + Switch to key, print ferrari ; Key | ; I see you have driven here in your \ Ferrari. ; Key - / nothing (pause) ldx #35 spin_on_key: txa pha jsr draw_dna jsr page_flip pla tax lda #250 jsr WAIT dex bne spin_on_key ;uz_loop: ; lda KEYPRESS ; bpl uz_loop ; bit KEYRESET ;=============================== ; Sitting at Desk ;=============================== lda #>(desktop_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(desktop_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current bit FULLGR ; back to full graphics jsr page_flip ;================================= ; Display rises up ;================================= lda #powerup_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ldx #80 ; pause a bit jsr long_wait ;================================= ; Zoom in, mouse move ;================================= ; FIXME: shimmery edges to display? lda #>(desktop_bg_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(desktop_bg_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip lda #cursor_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ldx #40 ; pause a bit jsr long_wait ;=============================== ; Peanut OS ;=============================== peanutos: ; 1 2 3 ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ; ; Copyright (c) 1977 Peanut Computer, Inc. ; All rights reserved. ; ; CDOS Version 5.01 ; ; > # lda #$a0 jsr clear_top_a jsr clear_bottom lda #peanut sta OUTH jsr move_and_print_list jsr page_flip bit SET_TEXT ; wait 1s ldx #60 jsr long_wait lda #1 sta CURSOR_COUNT project_23_loop: ; RUN PROJECT 23# (typed) ; # lda #$a0 jsr clear_top_a jsr clear_bottom lda #peanut sta OUTH jsr move_and_print_list ; $550 lda #$5 clc adc DRAW_PAGE sta OUTH lda #$52 sta OUTL ldy #0 print_project23_loop: lda project_23,Y eor #$80 sta (OUTL),Y iny cpy CURSOR_COUNT bne print_project23_loop lda #' ' sta (OUTL),Y jsr page_flip ldx #10 jsr long_wait inc CURSOR_COUNT lda CURSOR_COUNT cmp #15 bne project_23_loop ldx #20 ; brief pasue at end of line jsr long_wait lda #(' '|$80) ; clear out last cursor sta (OUTL),Y lda #' ' ; put cursor on next line sta $5d2 ; both pages sta $9d2 ; wait 1s ldx #100 jsr long_wait ;=============================== ; Particle Accelerator Screen ;=============================== ; MODIFICATION OF PARAMETERS ; RELATING TO PARTICLE ; ACCELERATOR (SYNCHOTRON). ;____________ E: 23% ; ROOM 3 X:\ g: .005 ; : : ; : : RK: 77.2L ; : : ;___________:_: opt: g+ ; ROOM 1 X: : ; : : Shield: ; : : 1: OFF ; : : 2: ON ; : : 3: ON ; : : ; : : P^: 1 ; __________: : ;/__________|/ ; the actual intro draws background 3-d stuff first, gradually ; then writes text lda #$a0 jsr clear_top_a jsr clear_bottom lda #accelerator sta OUTH jsr move_and_print_list jsr page_flip ldx #50 jsr long_wait ; Cusrsor starts at E ; Down to .005 (pauses) ; End of RK ; End of g+ (pauses) ; erase + ; change to - (pauses) ; down to 1 (pauses) ; down to 2 ; down to 3 ; down to P (pause) ldy #0 lda #accel_paramaters sta INH accel_input_loop: lda (INL),Y ; get X cmp #$ff beq done_accel_input sta accel_smc+1 sta accel_smc+4 iny lda (INL),Y ; get Y sta accel_smc+2 clc adc #$4 sta accel_smc+5 iny lda (INL),Y ; get char iny accel_smc: sta $400 sta $800 lda (INL),Y ; get time tax jsr long_wait iny jmp accel_input_loop done_accel_input: ; FLASH: RUN EXPERIMENT ? (pause) ; Y lda #2 sta CURSOR_COUNT flash_loop: lda #run_experiment sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages ldx #75 jsr long_wait lda #run_blank sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages ldx #75 jsr long_wait lda CURSOR_COUNT cmp #1 bne not_yes lda #'Y'|$80 sta $670 sta $A70 not_yes: dec CURSOR_COUNT bpl flash_loop ;====================== ; Accelerate ;====================== bit SET_GR lda #>(collider_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(collider_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip bit TEXTGR jsr clear_bottoms ; --- Theoretical Study --- ; make this inverse? lda #theoretical_study sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages ;========================== ; - Phase 0: ; INJECTION of particles ; into synchrotron lda #0 sta PARTICLE_COUNT lda #phase0 sta OUTH jsr move_and_print_list_both_pages jsr gr_copy_to_current_40x40 jsr plot_particle jsr page_flip ldx #40 jsr long_wait jsr gr_copy_to_current_40x40 jsr plot_particle jsr page_flip ldx #40 jsr long_wait ;=========================== ; - Phase 1: ; Particle ACCELERATION. ; Note: goes around at least 4 times jsr clear_bottoms ; --- Theoretical Study --- lda #theoretical_study sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages lda #phase1 sta OUTH jsr move_and_print_list_both_pages ; 5 times around? (total = 39) particle_loop: jsr gr_copy_to_current_40x40 jsr plot_particle jsr page_flip ldx #20 jsr long_wait lda PARTICLE_COUNT cmp #38 bne particle_loop ;===================================== ; - Phase 2: ; EJECTION of particles ; on the shield. ; Note: goes around once more, then does shield animation jsr clear_bottoms ; --- Theoretical Study --- lda #theoretical_study sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages lda #phase2 sta OUTH jsr move_and_print_list_both_pages jsr gr_copy_to_current_40x40 jsr plot_particle jsr page_flip ldx #20 jsr long_wait lda #shield_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence_40x40 ldx #30 jsr long_wait ;============================= ; A N A L Y S I S jsr clear_bottoms ; --- Theoretical Study --- lda #theoretical_study sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages lda #analysis sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages ldx #200 jsr long_wait ;============================= ; - RESULT: ; Probability of creating: ; ANTIMATTER: 91.V % ; NEUTRINO 27: 0.04 % ; NEUTRINO 424: 18 % jsr clear_bottoms lda #result sta OUTH jsr move_and_print_list_both_pages ldx #200 jsr long_wait ;================================ ; Practical verification Y/N ?" jsr clear_bottoms lda #practical_verification sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages ldx #200 jsr long_wait ;========================================== ; THE EXPERIMENT WILL BEGIN IN 20 SECONDS ; 19, 18, 17 jsr gr_copy_to_current_40x40 jsr page_flip jsr clear_bottoms lda #experiment sta OUTH ; 20 jsr print_both_pages ldx #100 jsr long_wait ; 19 jsr print_both_pages ldx #100 jsr long_wait ; 18 jsr print_both_pages ldx #100 jsr long_wait ; 17 jsr print_both_pages ldx #100 jsr long_wait ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Opening Soda ;=============================== ;=============================== soda: lda #>(soda_bg_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(soda_bg_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr bit FULLGR lda #soda_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ; ldx #30 ; jsr long_wait ;open_soda_loop: ; lda KEYPRESS ; bpl open_soda_loop ; bit KEYRESET ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Drinking Soda ;=============================== ;=============================== lda #>(drinking02_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(drinking02_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr lda #drinking_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ldx #200 jsr long_wait ;drinking_loop: ; lda KEYPRESS ; bpl drinking_loop ; bit KEYRESET ;=============================== ;=============================== ; More crazy screen ;=============================== ;=============================== lda #>(collider_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(collider_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr bit TEXTGR jsr clear_bottoms ; THE EXPERIMENT WILL BEGIN IN 5 SECONDS jsr gr_copy_to_current_40x40 jsr page_flip lda #experiment sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages lda #five sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages lda #0 sta MESSAGE_COUNT sta MESSAGE_CURRENT sta TIME_COUNT message_loop: ; Shield 9A.5F Ok ; Flux % 5.0177 Ok ; CDI Vector ok ; %%%ddd ok ; Race-Track ok ; -----REPEAT ; 10 ldx MESSAGE_CURRENT lda message_list,X sta OUTL lda message_list+1,X sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages inc MESSAGE_CURRENT inc MESSAGE_CURRENT lda MESSAGE_CURRENT cmp #10 bne not_ten lda #0 sta MESSAGE_CURRENT not_ten: ; 4 SECONDS ; Shield " ; -----REPEAT ; 10 ; 3 SECONDS ; Sheild " ; -----REPEAT ; 10 ; 2 SECONDS ; 10 ; 1 SECONDS (at CDI Vector) ; 10 ; 0 SECONDS (at %%%) ; 10 ldx #10 jsr long_wait inc CURSOR_COUNT lda CURSOR_COUNT and #$07 bne not_time_oflo inc TIME_COUNT inc TIME_COUNT ; update seconds ldx TIME_COUNT lda times,X sta OUTL lda times+1,X sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages not_time_oflo: lda CURSOR_COUNT cmp #42 bne not_time_gone ; clear out when near end jsr clear_bottoms not_time_gone: lda CURSOR_COUNT cmp #48 bne message_loop ;============================= ; EXPERIMENT LINES GOES AWAY ; Stop printing at race track ; dark blue going around track ; Note: goes around at least 4 times jsr clear_bottoms ldx #30 jsr long_wait ;collider_ui_loop: ; lda KEYPRESS ; bpl collider_ui_loop ; bit KEYRESET ; 1 times around? (total = 8) lda #0 sta PARTICLE_COUNT particle_loop2: jsr gr_copy_to_current_40x40 jsr plot_particle jsr page_flip ldx #20 jsr long_wait lda PARTICLE_COUNT cmp #10 bne particle_loop2 ;collider_ui_loop: ; lda KEYPRESS ; bpl collider_ui_loop ; bit KEYRESET ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Thunderstorm Outside ;=============================== ;=============================== thunderstorm: lda #>(building_car_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(building_car_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip bit FULLGR lda #lightning_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence lda #bolt_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;outside_loop: ; lda KEYPRESS ; bpl outside_loop ; bit KEYRESET ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Tunnel 1 ;=============================== ;=============================== tunnel1: lda #>(tunnel1_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(tunnel1_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip lda #tunnel1_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;tunnel1_loop: ; lda KEYPRESS ; bpl tunnel1_loop ; bit KEYRESET ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Tunnel 2 ;=============================== ;=============================== ;============================= ; Load background to $c00 lda #>(tunnel2_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(tunnel2_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip lda #tunnel2_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH jsr run_sequence ;tunnel2_loop: ; lda KEYPRESS ; bpl tunnel2_loop ; bit KEYRESET ;=============================== ;=============================== ; Zappo / Gone ;=============================== ;=============================== lda #>(blue_zappo_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(blue_zappo_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr lda #zappo_sequence sta INTRO_LOOPH lda #>(gone_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(gone_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip jsr gr_copy_to_current gone_loop: lda KEYPRESS bpl gone_loop bit KEYRESET rts .include "gr_pageflip.s" .include "gr_unrle.s" .include "gr_copy.s" .include "gr_offsets.s" .include "gr_overlay.s" .include "gr_vlin.s" .include "gr_plot.s" .include "gr_fast_clear.s" .include "gr_putsprite.s" .include "text_print.s" ; background graphics .include "intro_graphics/01_building/intro_building.inc" .include "intro_graphics/01_building/intro_building_car.inc" .include "intro_graphics/01_building/intro_car.inc" .include "intro_graphics/02_outer_door/outer_door.inc" .include "intro_graphics/02_outer_door/feet.inc" .include "intro_graphics/03_elevator/intro_elevator.inc" .include "intro_graphics/03_elevator/intro_off_elevator.inc" .include "intro_graphics/03_elevator/intro_walking.inc" .include "intro_graphics/04_keypad/intro_scanner_door.inc" .include "intro_graphics/04_keypad/intro_approach.inc" .include "intro_graphics/04_keypad/intro_keypad_bg.inc" .include "intro_graphics/04_keypad/intro_hands.inc" .include "intro_graphics/04_keypad/intro_opening.inc" .include "intro_graphics/05_scanner/intro_scanner.inc" .include "intro_graphics/05_scanner/intro_scanning.inc" .include "intro_graphics/05_scanner/intro_ai_bg.inc" .include "intro_graphics/05_scanner/intro_ai.inc" .include "intro_graphics/06_console/intro_desktop.inc" .include "intro_graphics/06_console/intro_cursor.inc" .include "intro_graphics/06_console/intro_collider.inc" .include "intro_graphics/07_soda/intro_open_soda.inc" .include "intro_graphics/07_soda/intro_drinking.inc" .include "intro_graphics/08_lightning/lightning.inc" .include "intro_graphics/09_tunnel/intro_tunnel1.inc" .include "intro_graphics/09_tunnel/intro_tunnel2.inc" .include "intro_graphics/10_gone/intro_zappo.inc" .include "intro_graphics/10_gone/intro_gone.inc" ;================================= ; Display a sequence of images run_sequence: ldy #0 run_sequence_loop: lda (INTRO_LOOPL),Y ; get time beq run_sequence_done tax jsr long_wait iny lda (INTRO_LOOPL),Y sta GBASL iny lda (INTRO_LOOPL),Y sta GBASH iny sty INTRO_LOOPER ; save for later lda #$10 ; load to $1000 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_overlay jsr page_flip ldy INTRO_LOOPER jmp run_sequence_loop run_sequence_done: rts ;==================================== ; Display a sequence of images 40x40 run_sequence_40x40: ldy #0 run_sequence_40x40_loop: lda (INTRO_LOOPL),Y ; get time beq run_sequence_40x40_done tax jsr long_wait iny lda (INTRO_LOOPL),Y sta GBASL iny lda (INTRO_LOOPL),Y sta GBASH iny sty INTRO_LOOPER ; save for later lda #$10 ; load to $1000 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_overlay_40x40 jsr page_flip ldy INTRO_LOOPER jmp run_sequence_40x40_loop run_sequence_40x40_done: rts ;================================= ; Display a sequence of images ; with /-|/ static overlay run_sequence_static: ldy #0 ; init run_sequence_static_loop: lda (INTRO_LOOPL),Y ; draw DNA sta DNA_OUT iny lda (INTRO_LOOPL),Y ; pause for time beq run_sequence_static_done tax lda DNA_OUT bne pause_draw_dna jsr long_wait jmp done_pause_dna pause_draw_dna: txa pha tya pha jsr draw_dna jsr page_flip pla tay pla tax lda #250 jsr WAIT dex bne pause_draw_dna done_pause_dna: iny ; point to overlay lda #10 ; set up static loop sta STATIC_LOOPER sty INTRO_LOOPER ; save for later static_loop: lda (INTRO_LOOPL),Y sta GBASL iny lda (INTRO_LOOPL),Y sta GBASH lda #$10 ; load to $1000 jsr load_rle_gr jsr gr_overlay_40x40 ldy STATIC_LOOPER lda static_pattern,Y sta GBASL lda static_pattern+1,Y sta GBASH lda #$10 ; load to $1000 jsr load_rle_gr ; force 40x40 overlay jsr gr_overlay_40x40_noload lda DNA_OUT beq no_dna jsr draw_dna no_dna: jsr page_flip ldy INTRO_LOOPER ldx #3 jsr long_wait dec STATIC_LOOPER dec STATIC_LOOPER bpl static_loop iny iny jmp run_sequence_static_loop run_sequence_static_done: rts ;===================== ; long(er) wait ; waits approximately ?? ms long_wait: lda #64 jsr WAIT ; delay dex bne long_wait rts ;======================== ; Car driving up sequence building_sequence: .byte 128 .word intro_car1 .byte 2 .word intro_car2 .byte 2 .word intro_car3 .byte 2 .word intro_car4 .byte 2 .word intro_car5 .byte 2 .word intro_car6 .byte 2 .word intro_car7 .byte 2 .word intro_car8 .byte 2 .word intro_car9 .byte 128 .word intro_car10 .byte 0 ;======================== ; Getting out of car sequence outtacar_sequence: .byte 100 .word intro_car12 .byte 50 .word intro_car13 .byte 50 .word intro_car14 .byte 200 .word intro_car14 .byte 0 ; Getting out of car sequence feet_sequence: .byte 100 .word feet01_rle .byte 10 .word feet02_rle .byte 10 .word feet03_rle .byte 10 .word feet04_rle .byte 10 .word feet05_rle .byte 10 .word feet06_rle .byte 10 .word feet07_rle .byte 10 .word feet08_rle .byte 30 .word feet09_rle .byte 10 .word feet10_rle .byte 10 .word feet11_rle .byte 10 .word feet12_rle .byte 10 .word feet13_rle .byte 10 .word feet14_rle .byte 10 .word feet15_rle .byte 10 .word blank_rle .byte 100 .word blank_rle .byte 0 ; Walking off elevator sequence walking_sequence: .byte 20 .word walking01_rle .byte 20 .word walking02_rle .byte 20 .word walking03_rle .byte 20 .word walking04_rle .byte 20 .word walking05_rle .byte 20 .word walking06_rle .byte 20 .word walking07_rle .byte 20 .word walking08_rle .byte 20 .word walking08_rle .byte 0 ; Approaching keypad sequence approach_sequence: .byte 20 .word approach01_rle .byte 20 .word approach02_rle .byte 20 .word approach03_rle .byte 20 .word approach04_rle .byte 20 .word approach05_rle .byte 20 .word approach06_rle .byte 20 .word approach07_rle .byte 80 .word approach07_rle .byte 0 ; Using keypad sequence keypad_sequence: .byte 9 .word hand04_01_rle .byte 9 .word hand04_02_rle .byte 9 .word hand04_03_rle .byte 9 .word hand04_02_rle .byte 9 .word hand05_01_rle .byte 9 .word hand05_02_rle .byte 9 .word hand05_03_rle .byte 9 .word hand05_04_rle .byte 9 .word hand01_01_rle .byte 9 .word hand01_02_rle .byte 9 .word hand01_03_rle .byte 9 .word hand04_02_rle .byte 9 .word hand01_02_rle .byte 9 .word hand01_03_rle .byte 9 .word hand04_02_rle .byte 9 .word hand09_01_rle .byte 9 .word hand09_02_rle .byte 9 .word hand09_03_rle .byte 9 .word hand09_04_rle .byte 9 .word hand09_05_rle .byte 9 .word hand03_01_rle .byte 9 .word hand03_02_rle .byte 9 .word hand03_03_rle .byte 9 .word hand03_04_rle .byte 9 .word hand02_01_rle .byte 9 .word hand02_02_rle .byte 9 .word hand02_03_rle .byte 9 .word hand02_04_rle .byte 9 .word hand02_05_rle .byte 12 .word hand02_05_rle .byte 0 ; Door opening sequence opening_sequence: .byte 15 .word opening01_rle .byte 15 .word opening02_rle .byte 15 .word opening03_rle .byte 15 .word opening04_rle .byte 15 .word opening05_rle .byte 15 .word opening06_rle .byte 15 .word opening07_rle .byte 15 .word opening08_rle .byte 15 .word opening09_rle .byte 15 .word opening10_rle .byte 15 .word opening11_rle .byte 15 .word opening12_rle .byte 15 .word blank_rle .byte 100 .word blank_rle .byte 0 ; Scanning sequence scanning_sequence: .byte 15 .word scan01_rle .byte 15 .word scan02_rle .byte 15 .word scan03_rle .byte 15 .word scan04_rle .byte 15 .word scan05_rle .byte 15 .word scan06_rle .byte 15 .word scan07_rle .byte 15 .word scan08_rle .byte 15 .word scan09_rle .byte 15 .word scan10_rle .byte 20 .word scan11_rle .byte 20 .word scan12_rle .byte 20 .word scan13_rle .byte 20 .word scan14_rle .byte 20 .word scan15_rle .byte 20 .word scan16_rle .byte 40 .word scan17_rle .byte 40 .word scan18_rle .byte 40 .word scan19_rle .byte 40 .word scan19_rle .byte 0 ; AI sequence ai_sequence: .byte 0,50 ; pause at start, no dna .word ai01_rle ; slices .byte 0,50 ; pause at start, no dna .word ai02_rle ; slices_zoom .byte 0,50 ; pasue as start, no dna .word ai03_rle ; little circle .byte 0,50 ; pause at start, no dna .word ai04_rle ; big circle .byte 1,20 ; pause longer, yes dna .word ai05_rle ; key .byte 0,0 ; .word ai05_rle ; key ; .byte 0 static_pattern: .word blank_rle ; 0 .word blank_rle ; 2 .word static01_rle ; 4 .word static03_rle ; 6 .word static02_rle ; 8 .word static01_rle ; 10 ; Power-up sequence powerup_sequence: .byte 20 .word powerup01_rle .byte 60 .word powerup02_rle .byte 20 .word powerup03_rle .byte 20 .word powerup03_rle .byte 0 ; Cursor sequence cursor_sequence: .byte 60 .word cursor01_rle .byte 40 .word cursor02_rle .byte 20 .word cursor03_rle .byte 20 .word cursor04_rle .byte 20 .word cursor05_rle .byte 20 .word cursor06_rle .byte 20 .word cursor07_rle .byte 20 .word cursor08_rle .byte 60 .word cursor08_rle .byte 0 peanut: .byte 0,2,"COPYRIGHT (C) 1977 PEANUT COMPUTER, INC.",0 .byte 0,3,"ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.",0 .byte 0,5,"CDOS VERSION 5.01",0 .byte 0,18,"> ",(' '|$80),0 .byte 255 project_23: .byte "RUN PROJECT 23",0 accelerator: .byte 0,0, "MODIFICATION OF PARAMETERS",0 .byte 0,1, "RELATING TO PARTICLE",0 .byte 0,2, "ACCELERATOR (SYNCHOTRON).",0 .byte 0,3, " ___________",0 .byte 0,4, ":ROOM 3 ",('+'|$80),":\ E: 23%",0 .byte 0,5, ": : : G: .005",0 .byte 0,6, ": : : : RK: 77.2L",0 .byte 0,7, ": : :",0 .byte 0,8, ": : : OPT: G+",0 .byte 0,9, ": : : :",0 .byte 0,10, ":__________:_: SHIELD:",0 .byte 0,11, ":ROOM 1 ",('+'|$80),": : 1: OFF",0 .byte 0,12, ": : : : 2: ON",0 .byte 0,13, ": : : 3: ON",0 .byte 0,14, ": : : :",0 .byte 0,15, ": : : P^: 1",0 .byte 0,16, ": : : :",0 .byte 0,17, ": _________:_:",0 .byte 0,18, ":/_________:/",0 .byte 255 ; Power-up sequence soda_sequence: .byte 1 .word soda01_rle .byte 30 .word soda02_rle .byte 15 .word soda03_rle .byte 15 .word soda04_rle .byte 15 .word soda05_rle .byte 15 .word soda06_rle .byte 15 .word soda07_rle .byte 15 .word soda08_rle .byte 15 .word soda09_rle .byte 20 .word soda09_rle .byte 0 ; Scanning text good_evening: .byte 2,21,"GOOD EVENING PROFESSOR.",0 ferrari: .byte 2,21,"I SEE YOU HAVE DRIVEN HERE IN YOUR",0 .byte 2,22,"FERRARI.",0 ;==================================== ; Draw DNA ;==================================== draw_dna: lda #0 ; count sta DNA_COUNT draw_dna_loop: clc lda DNA_COUNT adc #10 sta YPOS lda #26 sta XPOS lda DNA_COUNT ; 0, 4, 8, 12, 16.... lsr clc adc DNA_PROGRESS ; 0,2,4,6,8,... and #$e tax lda dna_list,X sta INL lda dna_list+1,X sta INH jsr put_sprite lda DNA_COUNT clc adc #4 sta DNA_COUNT ; for DNA_PROGRESS 0,2,4,6,8,10,12 we only want to print ; first X lines (gradually fade in) ; after that, draw the whole thing lda DNA_PROGRESS cmp #14 bpl dna_full asl cmp DNA_COUNT bpl draw_dna_loop bmi dna_full_done dna_full: lda DNA_COUNT cmp #28 bne draw_dna_loop dna_full_done: inc DNA_PROGRESS inc DNA_PROGRESS ; see if printing message lda DNA_PROGRESS cmp #10 bne no_good_message lda #good_evening sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages jmp no_ferrari_message no_good_message: cmp #$30 bne no_ferrari_message lda #ferrari sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages jsr print_both_pages no_ferrari_message: rts dna_list: .word dna0_sprite .word dna1_sprite .word dna2_sprite .word dna3_sprite .word dna4_sprite .word dna5_sprite .word dna6_sprite .word dna7_sprite dna0_sprite: .byte $7,$2 .byte $66,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$cc .byte $06,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0c dna1_sprite: .byte $7,$2 .byte $00,$66,$40,$40,$40,$cc,$00 .byte $00,$06,$00,$00,$00,$0c,$00 dna2_sprite: .byte $7,$2 .byte $00,$00,$66,$40,$cc,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$06,$00,$0c,$00,$00 dna3_sprite: .byte $7,$2 .byte $00,$00,$00,$66,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$06,$00,$00,$00 dna4_sprite: .byte $7,$2 .byte $00,$00,$CC,$40,$66,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$0C,$00,$06,$00,$00 dna5_sprite: .byte $7,$2 .byte $00,$CC,$40,$40,$40,$66,$00 .byte $00,$0C,$00,$00,$00,$06,$00 dna6_sprite: .byte $7,$2 .byte $CC,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$66 .byte $0C,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$06 dna7_sprite: .byte $7,$2 .byte $66,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$cc .byte $06,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0c accel_paramaters: .byte $15,$6,' ',20 ; 21,4 = $615 Cursor starts at E .byte $15,$6,' '|$80,1 ; Cusrsor off at E .byte $96,$6,' ',100 ; 22,5 = $696 Down to .005 (pauses) .byte $96,$6,' '|$80,1 ; off .byte $18,$7,' ',20 ; 24,6 = $718 End of RK .byte $18,$7,' '|$80,1 ; off .byte $3E,$4,' ',100 ; 22,8 = $43E End of g+ (pauses) .byte $3E,$4,' '|$80,1 ; off .byte $3D,$4,' ',20 ; 21,8 = $43D erase + .byte $3D,$4,'-'|$80,1 ; change to - (pauses) .byte $3E,$4,' ',100 ; 22,8 = $43e change to - (pauses) .byte $3E,$4,' '|$80,1 ; off .byte $BD,$5,' ',100 ; 22,11= $5bd down to 1 (pauses) .byte $BD,$5,' '|$80,1 ; off .byte $3C,$6,' ',20 ; 21,12= $63c down to 2 .byte $3C,$6,' '|$80,1 ; off .byte $BC,$6,' ',20 ; 21,13= $6bc down to 3 .byte $BC,$6,' '|$80,1 ; off .byte $BC,$7,' ',20 ; 21,15= $7bc down to P (pause) .byte $BC,$7,' '|$80,1 ; off .byte $ff ; FLASH: RUN EXPERIMENT ? (pause) run_experiment: .byte 10,20,"RUN EXPERIMENT ?",0 run_blank: .byte 10,20," ",0 ;'R'|$80,'U'|$80,'N'|$80,' '|$80 ; .byte 10,20,'R'|$80,'U'|$80,'N'|$80,' '|$80 ; .byte 'E'|$80,'X'|$80,'P'|$80,'E'|$80,'R'|$80,'I'|$80 ; .byte 'M'|$80,'E'|$80,'N'|$80,'T'|$80,' '|$80,'?'|$80,0 ; --- Theoretical Study --- ; make this inverse? theoretical_study: .byte 7,20,"--- THEORETICAL STUDY ---",0 ; - Phase 0: ; INJECTION of particles ; into synchrotron phase0: .byte 0,21,"- PHASE 0:",0 .byte 0,22,"INJECTION OF PARTICLES",0 .byte 0,23,"INTO SYNCHROTRON",0 .byte $ff ; - Phase 1: ; Particle ACCELERATION. phase1: .byte 0,21,"- PHASE 1:",0 .byte 0,22,"PARTICLE ACCELERATION.",0 .byte $ff ; - Phase 2: ; EJECTION of particles ; on the shield. phase2: .byte 0,21,"- PHASE 2:",0 .byte 0,22,"EJECTION OF PARTICLES",0 .byte 0,23,"ON THE SHIELD.",0 .byte $ff ; A N A L Y S I S analysis: .byte 8,22,"A N A L Y S I S",0 ; - RESULT: ; Probability of creating: ; ANTIMATTER: 91.V % ; NEUTRINO 27: 0.04 % ; NEUTRINO 424: 18 % result: .byte 0,20,"- RESULT, PROBABILITY OF CREATING:",0 .byte 10,21,"ANTIMATTER: 91.V %",0 .byte 10,22,"NEUTRINO 27: 0.04 %",0 .byte 10,23,"NEUTRINO 424: 18 %",0 .byte $ff ; Practical verification Y/N ?" practical_verification: .byte 6,21,"PRACTICAL VERIFICATION Y/N ?",0 ; THE EXPERIMENT WILL BEGIN IN 20 SECONDS experiment: .byte 0,20,"THE EXPERIMENT WILL BEGIN IN 20 SECONDS",0 .byte 29,20,"19",0 .byte 29,20,"18",0 .byte 29,20,"17",0 ; Particle co-ordinates particles: .byte 21,23 ; 0 .byte 21,15 ; 1 .byte 22,7 ; 2 .byte 27,2 ; 3 .byte 32,6 ; 4 .byte 34,13 ; 5 .byte 31,26 ; 6 .byte 27,28 ; 7 ;====================== ; plot particle ;====================== plot_particle: ; Xcoord in X ; Ycoord in A ; color in COLOR lda #$22 sta COLOR lda PARTICLE_COUNT and #7 asl tay ldx particles,Y lda particles+1,Y jsr plot inc PARTICLE_COUNT rts shield_sequence: .byte 30 .word collider_p200_rle .byte 30 .word collider_p201_rle .byte 30 .word collider_p202_rle .byte 30 .word collider_p203_rle .byte 30 .word collider_p200_rle .byte 0 message0: .byte 8,22,"SHIELD 9A.5F OK ",0 message1: .byte 8,22,"FLUX % 5.0177 OK",0 message2: .byte 8,22,"CDI VECTOR OK ",0 message3: .byte 8,22,"%%%DDD OK ",0 message4: .byte 8,22,"RACE-TRACK OK ",0 message_list: .word message0 .word message1 .word message2 .word message3 .word message4 five: .byte 29,20,"5 ",0 four: .byte 29,20,"4 ",0 three: .byte 29,20,"3 ",0 two: .byte 29,20,"2 ",0 one: .byte 29,20,"1 ",0 zero: .byte 29,20,"0 ",0 times: ; note, the second zero is there because we get a TIME_COUNT ; of 6 even though it is printed then erased (but never displayed) .word five,four,three,two,one,zero,zero drinking_sequence: .byte 30 .word drinking02_rle .byte 30 .word drinking03_rle .byte 30 .word drinking04_rle .byte 30 .word drinking05_rle .byte 0 ; Lightning sequence lightning_sequence: ; 125 start ; 126, small central lightning 1,2,3,4 ; .byte 100 .word storm01_rle .byte 7 .word storm02_rle .byte 7 .word storm03_rle .byte 7 .word storm04_rle .byte 7 ; 128.2 center glow in cloud 5,6,5 ; .word nothing_rle .byte 100 .word storm05_rle .byte 7 .word storm06_rle .byte 7 .word storm05_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 40 ; 128.7 inverse flash ; .word flash_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 40 ; 129.6 center left glow in cloud 8 ; .word storm08_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 40 ; 130.1 glow in cloud, right 9 ; .word storm09_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 40 ; 130.4 glow in cloud, right 10 ; .word storm10_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 80 ; 131.7 small glow, center right 11,12 ; .word storm11_rle .byte 7 .word storm12_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 80 ; 133.5 lightning bolt right 13,14,15,16 ; .word storm13_rle .byte 7 .word storm14_rle .byte 7 .word storm15_rle .byte 7 .word storm16_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 80 ; 134.7 glow center left 8 ; .word storm08_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 40 ; 135.2 small glow center 5,6,5 ; .word storm05_rle .byte 7 .word storm06_rle .byte 7 .word storm05_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 40 ; 135.4 inverse flash ; .word flash_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 40 ; 135.8 another inverse flash ; .word flash_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 40 ; 135.5 glow right 9 ; .word storm09_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 40 ; 136 small glow right 0 ; .word storm10_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 80 ; 138.6 cloud glow 12,11,12 ; .word storm12_rle .byte 7 .word storm11_rle .byte 7 .word storm12_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 80 ; 139.6 small bolt center 1,2,3,4 ; .word storm01_rle .byte 7 .word storm02_rle .byte 7 .word storm03_rle .byte 7 .word storm04_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 80 ; 141.4 right glow in cloud 10 ; .word storm10_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 80 ; 143 glow in center 5,6,5 ; .word storm05_rle .byte 7 .word storm06_rle .byte 7 .word storm05_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 80 ; 144.8 glow left 8 ; .word storm08_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 80 ; 145.7 center glow cloud 11,12 ; .word storm11_rle .byte 7 .word storm12_rle .byte 7 .word nothing_rle .byte 0 .word nothing_rle ;============== ; split, as was > 256 bolt_sequence: .byte 80 ;======================= ; 147 bolt right ;======================= ; 13,14,15 .word storm13_rle .byte 5 .word storm14_rle .byte 5 .word storm15_rle .byte 5 ; screen goes white ; *all white .word white_rle .byte 8 ; lightning animation ; * bolt1, 2,3,4,5,6,7 .word bolt1_rle .byte 5 .word bolt2_rle .byte 5 .word bolt3_rle .byte 5 .word bolt4_rle .byte 5 .word bolt5_rle .byte 5 .word bolt6_rle .byte 5 .word bolt7_rle .byte 5 ; * all white (a while) .word white_rle .byte 30 ; * all black (a while) .word black_rle .byte 30 ; 148.3 big bolt behind car ; 29 .. 38, 40.. 42 (38 twice as long?) .word storm29_rle .byte 5 .word storm30_rle .byte 5 .word storm31_rle .byte 5 .word storm32_rle .byte 5 .word storm33_rle .byte 5 .word storm34_rle .byte 5 .word storm35_rle .byte 5 .word storm36_rle .byte 5 .word storm37_rle .byte 5 .word storm38_rle .byte 5 .word storm40_rle .byte 5 .word storm41_rle .byte 5 .word storm42_rle .byte 5 ; by 150 faded out and on to tunnel .word nothing_rle .byte 0 .word nothing_rle ;======================= ; Tunnel1 Sequence ;======================= tunnel1_sequence: .byte 10 .word nothing_rle .byte 50 ; red blob .word tunnel1_01_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_02_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_03_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_04_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_05_rle .byte 2 ; lightning blob .word nothing_rle .byte 50 .word tunnel1_06_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_07_rle .byte 2 .word white_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_08_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_09_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_10_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_11_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_12_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_13_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_14_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_15_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_16_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_17_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_18_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel1_19_rle .byte 2 .word nothing_rle .byte 0 .word nothing_rle ;======================= ; Tunnel2 Sequence ;======================= tunnel2_sequence: .byte 10 .word nothing_rle .byte 50 ; red blob .word tunnel2_01_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_02_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_03_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_04_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_05_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_06_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_07_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_08_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_09_rle .byte 2 .word nothing_rle .byte 50 ; lightning blob .word tunnel2_10_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_11_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_12_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_13_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_14_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_15_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_16_rle .byte 2 .word tunnel2_17_rle .byte 2 .word nothing_rle .byte 0 .word nothing_rle ;======================= ; Zappo Sequence ;======================= zappo_sequence: .byte 50 .word white_rle .byte 20 .word zappo01_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo02_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo03_rle ; A .byte 20 .word zappo04_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo05_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo06_rle ; A .byte 20 .word zappo07_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo08_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo09_rle ; A .byte 20 .word zappo10_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo11_rle ; A .byte 20 .word zappo12_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo13_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo14_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo15_rle ; A .byte 20 .word zappo16_rle ; B .byte 20 .word zappo17_rle ; B .byte 20 .word white_rle .byte 20 .word black_rle .byte 20 .word white_rle .byte 20 .word black_rle .byte 20 .word white_rle .byte 20 .word black_rle .byte 20 .word white_rle .byte 20 .word black_rle .byte 20 .word white_rle .byte 20 .word black_rle .byte 0 .word nothing_rle