; Handle laser ; should handle multiple at once? ; when pressed, find empty slot? ; initially 10 wide, from gun to right or left ; expand to 20 wide ; stop when encounter door, enemy, or edge of screen ; should bounds check carefully ; should handle shooting while crouching laser0_out: .byte $0 laser0_start: .byte $0 laser0_end: .byte $0 laser0_y: .byte $0 laser0_direction: .byte $0 laser0_count: .byte $0 ;========================= ; fire laser ;========================= fire_laser: lda laser0_out bne done_fire_laser ; activate laser slot inc laser0_out ; reset count lda #0 sta laser0_count ; set y lda PHYSICIST_Y clc adc #4 sta laser0_y ; set direction lda DIRECTION sta laser0_direction beq laser_left bne laser_right ; set x laser_left: ldx PHYSICIST_X dex stx laser0_end txa sec sbc #10 sta laser0_start jmp done_fire_laser laser_right: lda PHYSICIST_X clc adc #5 sta laser0_start clc adc #10 sta laser0_end done_fire_laser: rts ;==================== ; draw laser ;==================== draw_laser: lda laser0_out beq done_draw_laser lda #$10 sta hlin_color_smc+1 lda #$0f sta hlin_mask_smc+1 ldy laser0_y sec lda laser0_end sbc laser0_start tax lda laser0_start jsr hlin done_draw_laser: rts ;=================== ; move laser ;=================== move_laser: lda laser0_out beq done_move_laser ; slow down laser lda laser0_count and #$3 bne no_move_laser lda laser0_direction bne move_laser_right move_laser_left: lda laser0_count cmp #4 bcc still_starting_left cmp #8 bcc still_shooting_left continue_shooting_left: still_shooting_left: lda laser0_end sec sbc #10 sta laser0_end still_starting_left: lda laser0_start sec sbc #10 sta laser0_start laser_edge_detect_left: lda laser0_end bmi disable_laser lda laser0_start bpl no_move_laser lda #0 sta laser0_start jmp no_move_laser move_laser_right: lda laser0_count cmp #4 bcc still_starting_right cmp #8 bcc still_shooting_right continue_shooting_right: lda laser0_start clc adc #10 sta laser0_start still_shooting_right: lda laser0_end clc adc #10 sta laser0_end still_starting_right: laser_edge_detect_right: ; detect if totally off screen lda laser0_start cmp #40 bcs disable_laser lda laser0_end cmp #40 bcc no_move_laser lda #39 sta laser0_end no_move_laser: inc laser0_count done_move_laser: rts disable_laser: lda #0 sta laser0_out rts