; 16-bit 6502 Random Number Generator ; Linear feedback shift register PRNG by White Flame ; http://codebase64.org/doku.php?id=base:small_fast_16-bit_prng ; The Apple II KEYIN routine increments this field ; while waiting for keypress ;SEEDL = $4E ;SEEDH = $4F XOR_MAGIC = $7657 ; "vW" ;============================= ; random16 ;============================= ; takes: ; not 0, cc = 5+ = 27 ; not 0, cs = 5+12+19 = 36 ; $0000 = 5+7+19 = 31 ; $8000 = 5+6+14 = 25 ; $XX00 = 5+6+7+19 = 37 random16: lda SEEDL ; 3 beq lowZero ; $0000 and $8000 are special values ; 2 asl SEEDL ; Do a normal shift ; 5 lda SEEDH ; 3 rol ; 2 bcc noEor ; 2 doEor: ; high byte is in A eor #>XOR_MAGIC ; 2 sta SEEDH ; 3 lda SEEDL ; 3 eor #