;================================= ; Simple Vertical LINE ;================================= ; line from (x,a) to (x,a+y) ; todo: use Carry to say if X>255 hgr_vlin: ; don't handle run of 0 cpy #0 beq done_hgr_vlin ; get initial ROW into (GBASL) sta current_row_smc+1 ; save current A ; sty vlin_row_count lda div7_table,X sta x1_save_smc+1 and #$1 ; only shift if in odd column? beq vlin_no_shift_colors jsr shift_colors vlin_no_shift_colors: lda mod7_table,X tax lda vlin_masks,X sta vlin_mask_smc+1 tya tax ; get line count into X hgr_vlin_loop: current_row_smc: ldy #$dd ; get row info for Y1 into GBASL/GBASH lda hposn_high,Y sta GBASH lda hposn_low,Y sta GBASL x1_save_smc: ldy #$dd lda (GBASL),Y eor HGR_BITS vlin_mask_smc: and #$dd eor (GBASL),Y sta (GBASL),Y inc current_row_smc+1 ; dec vlin_row_count dex bne hgr_vlin_loop done_hgr_vlin: rts ;vlin_row_count: .byte $00 vlin_masks: .byte $81,$82,$84,$88,$90,$A0,$C0