; rotozoomer! ; takes a lores-formatted image in $c00 and rotozooms it ; by ANGLE and SCALE_I/SCALE_F and draws it to the ; lo-res page in DRAW_PAGE ; ANGLE in our case is 0..31 ; SCALE_I/SCALE_F is 8.8 fixed point scale multiplier ; optimization (cycles measured at ANGLE=0) ; $6BD76=441,718=2.26fps initial code with external plot and scrn ; $62776=403,318=2.48fps inline plot ; $597b6=366,518=2.73fps inline scrn ; $4F496=324,758=3.08fps move plot line calc outside of inner loop ; $49d16=302,358=3.31fps do color*17 ourselves ; $4645e=287,838=3.47fps move XX into X ; $3ef7e=257,918=3.87fps optimize plot ; $3c9fe=248,318=4.03fps optimize scrn ; $39e3e=237,118=4.22fps add scrn address lookup table ; $39fdf=237,535 add two scale multiplies ; $39e17=237,079=4.22fps change the init to also use multiply ; $39dc9=237,001= change to use common lookup table (outside inner loop) ; $3399f=211,359=4.73fps unroll the Y loop by one ; $2BA83=178,819=5.59fps optimize unrolled loop ; $2B14B=176,459=5.66fps avoid extra jump (qkumba) CAL = $B0 CAH = $B1 SAL = $B2 SAH = $B3 YPL = $B4 YPH = $B5 XPL = $B6 XPH = $B7 ;YY ;XX CCAL = $B8 CCAH = $B9 CSAL = $BA CSAH = $BB YCAL = $BC YCAH = $BD YSAL = $BE YSAH = $BF rotozoom: ; setup scale for multiply lda SCALE_I ; 3 sta NUM1H ; 3 lda SCALE_F ; 3 sta NUM1L ; 3 ; ca = cos(theta)*scale; ; (we use equiv ca=fixed_sin[(theta+8)&0xf] ) lda ANGLE ; 3 clc ; 2 adc #8 ; 2 and #$1f ; 2 asl ; 2 tay ; 2 lda fixed_sin,Y ; load integer half ; 4 sta NUM2H ; 3 lda fixed_sin+1,Y ; load float half ; 4 sta NUM2L ; 3 ;=========== ; 27 sec ; reload NUM1H/NUM1L ; 2 jsr multiply ; 6+??? stx CAH ; 3 sta CAL ; 3 ; sa = sin(theta)*scale; lda ANGLE ; 3 asl ; 2 tay ; 2 lda fixed_sin,Y ; load integer half ; 4 sta NUM2H ; 3 lda fixed_sin+1,Y ; load integer half ; 4 sta NUM2L ; 3 ;========== ; 21 clc ; NUM1H/NUM1L same as last time ; 2 jsr multiply ; 6+??? stx SAH ; 3 sta SAL ; 3 ; cca = -20*ca; lda #-20 ; 2 sta NUM1H ; 3 lda #0 ; 2 sta NUM1L ; 3 lda CAL ; 3 sta NUM2L ; 3 lda CAH ; 3 sta NUM2H ; 3 sec ; reload NUM1H/NUM1L ; 2 jsr multiply ; 6+??? stx CCAH ; 3 sta CCAL ; 3 ; csa = -20*sa; lda SAL ; 3 sta NUM2L ; 3 lda SAH ; 3 sta NUM2H ; 3 clc ; same NUM1H/NUM1L as las time ; 2 jsr multiply ; 6+??? stx CSAH ; 3 sta CSAL ; 3 ; yca=cca+ycenter; lda CCAL ; 3 sta YCAL ; 3 clc ; 2 lda CCAH ; 3 adc #20 ; 2 sta YCAH ; 3 ;=========== ; 16 ; ysa=csa+xcenter; lda CSAL ; 3 sta YSAL ; 3 clc ; 2 lda CSAH ; 3 adc #20 ; 2 sta YSAH ; 3 ;=========== ; 16 ; yloop, unrolled once ;=================================================================== ; for(yy=0;yy<40;yy++) { ;=================================================================== ldy #0 ; 2 sty YY ; 3 rotozoom_yloop: ; setup self-modifying code for plot ; YY already in Y from end of loop ; ldy YY ; 3 lda common_offsets_l,Y ; lookup low-res memory address ; 4 sta rplot2_smc+1 ; 4 sta rplot12_smc+1 ; 4 sta rplot22_smc+1 ; 4 clc ; 2 lda gr_400_offsets_h,Y ; 4 adc DRAW_PAGE ; add in draw page offset ; 3 sta rplot2_smc+2 ; 4 sta rplot12_smc+2 ; 4 sta rplot22_smc+2 ; 4 ;===================== ; unroll 0, even line ;===================== ; xp=cca+ysa; 8.8 fixed point clc ; 2 lda YSAL ; 3 adc CCAL ; 3 sta XPL ; 3 lda YSAH ; 3 adc CCAH ; 3 sta XPH ; 3 ;========== ; 20 ; yp=yca-csa; 8.8 fixed point sec ; 2 lda YCAL ; 3 sbc CSAL ; 3 sta YPL ; 3 lda YCAH ; 3 sbc CSAH ; 3 sta YPH ; 3 ;=========== ; 20 ; for(xx=0;xx<40;xx++) { ldx #0 ; 2 rotozoom_xloop: ;=================================================================== ;=================================================================== ; note: every cycle saved below here ; saves 1600 cycles ;=================================================================== ;=================================================================== ; if ((xp<0) || (xp>39)) color=0; ; else if ((yp<0) || (yp>39)) color=0; ; else color=scrn_page(xp,yp,PAGE2); ; we know it's never going to go *that* far out of bounds ; so we could avoid the Y check by just having "0" ; on the edges of the screen? Tricky due to Apple II ; interlacing roto_color_even_smc: lda #0 ; default color ; 2 ldy XPH ; 3 bmi rplot ; 2nt/3 cpy #40 ; 2 bcs rplot ; 2nt/3 ldy YPH ; 3 bmi rplot ; 2nt/3 cpy #40 ; 2 bcs rplot ; 2nt/3 ;================================================== ; scrn(xp,yp) tya ; YPH ; 2 lsr ; divide to get index, also low bit in carry ; 2 tay ; 2 ; TODO: put these in zero page? ; also we can share low bytes with other lookup lda common_offsets_l,Y ; lookup low-res memory address ; 4 sta BASL ; 3 lda scrn_c00_offsets_h,Y ; 4 sta BASH ; 3 ldy XPH ; 3 lda (BASL),Y ; top/bottom color ; 5+ ; carry was set a bit before to low bit of YPH ; hopefully nothing has cleared it bcc rscrn_adjust_even ; 2nt/3 rscrn_adjust_odd: ; YP was odd so want top nibble lsr ; 2 lsr ; 2 lsr ; 2 lsr ; 2 ; fall through rscrn_adjust_even: ; YP was even so want bottom nibble and #$f ; 2 rscrn_done: ;============================================= ; always even, want A in bottom of nibble ; so we are all set rotozoom_set_color: ; want same color in top and bottom nibbles ;========== ; 0 ;================================================= rplot: ; plot(xx,yy); (color is in A) ; we are in loop unroll0 so always even line here ; meaning we want to load old color, save top nibble, and over-write ; bottom nibble with our value ; but! we don't need to save old as we are re-drawing whole screen! rplot_even: rplot2_smc: sta $400,X ; 5 ;============ ; 5 ;======================= ; xp=xp+ca; fixed point 8.8 clc ; 2 lda CAL ; 3 adc XPL ; 3 sta XPL ; 3 lda CAH ; 3 adc XPH ; 3 sta XPH ; 3 ; yp=yp-sa; fixed point 8.8 sec ; 2 lda YPL ; 3 sbc SAL ; 3 sta YPL ; 3 lda YPH ; 3 sbc SAH ; 3 sta YPH ; 3 rotozoom_end_xloop: inx ; 2 cpx #40 ; 2 bne rotozoom_xloop ; 2nt/3 rotozoom_xloop_done: ; yca+=ca; 8.8 fixed point clc ; 2 lda YCAL ; 3 adc CAL ; 3 sta YCAL ; 3 lda YCAH ; 3 adc CAH ; 3 sta YCAH ; 3 ;=========== ; 20 ; ysa+=sa; 8.8 fixed point clc ; 2 lda YSAL ; 3 adc SAL ; 3 sta YSAL ; 3 lda YSAH ; 3 adc SAH ; 3 sta YSAH ; 3 ;========== ; 20 ;=============== ; loop unroll 1 ;=============== ;rotozoom_yloop: ; xp=cca+ysa; 8.8 fixed point clc ; 2 lda YSAL ; 3 adc CCAL ; 3 sta XPL ; 3 lda YSAH ; 3 adc CCAH ; 3 sta XPH ; 3 ;========== ; 20 ; yp=yca-csa; 8.8 fixed point sec ; 2 lda YCAL ; 3 sbc CSAL ; 3 sta YPL ; 3 lda YCAH ; 3 sbc CSAH ; 3 sta YPH ; 3 ;=========== ; 20 ; for(xx=0;xx<40;xx++) { ldx #0 ; 2 rotozoom_xloop2: ;=================================================================== ;=================================================================== ; note: every cycle saved below here ; saves 1600 cycles ;=================================================================== ;=================================================================== ; if ((xp<0) || (xp>39)) color=0; ; else if ((yp<0) || (yp>39)) color=0; ; else color=scrn_page(xp,yp,PAGE2); ; we know it's never going to go *that* far out of bounds ; so we could avoid the Y check by just having "0" ; on the edges of the screen? Tricky due to Apple II ; interlacing roto_color_odd_smc: lda #0 ; default color ; 2 ldy XPH ; 3 bmi rplot2 ; 2nt/3 cpy #40 ; 2 bcs rplot2 ; 2nt/3 ldy YPH ; 3 bmi rplot2 ; 2nt/3 cpy #40 ; 2 bcs rplot2 ; 2nt/3 ;================================================== ; scrn(xp,yp) tya ; YPH ; 2 lsr ; divide to get index, also low bit in carry ; 2 tay ; 2 ; TODO: put these in zero page? ; also we can share low bytes with other lookup lda common_offsets_l,Y ; lookup low-res memory address ; 4 sta BASL ; 3 lda scrn_c00_offsets_h,Y ; 4 sta BASH ; 3 ldy XPH ; 3 lda (BASL),Y ; top/bottom color ; 5+ ; carry was set a bit before to low bit of YPH ; hopefully nothing has cleared it bcs rscrn_adjust_odd2 ; 3 rscrn_adjust_even2: ; want bottom color, but put it in top of A asl ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 asl ; 2 jmp rscrn_done2 ; 3 rscrn_adjust_odd2: ; want top color alone and #$f0 ; 2 rscrn_done2: ;============================================= rotozoom_set_color2: ; always odd ; want color in top, which it is from above ;========== ; 0 ;================================================= rplot2: ; plot(xx,yy); (color is in A) ; always odd, so place color in top ; note! since we are drawing whole screen, we know the top of ; the value is already clear from loop=0 so we don't have to mask rplot_odd: rplot12_smc: ora $400,X ; 4 rplot22_smc: sta $400,X ; 5 ;============ ; 9 ;======================= ; xp=xp+ca; 8.8 fixed point clc ; 2 lda CAL ; 3 adc XPL ; 3 sta XPL ; 3 lda CAH ; 3 adc XPH ; 3 sta XPH ; 3 ; yp=yp-sa; 8.8 fixed point sec ; 2 lda YPL ; 3 sbc SAL ; 3 sta YPL ; 3 lda YPH ; 3 sbc SAH ; 3 sta YPH ; 3 rotozoom_end_xloop2: inx ; 2 cpx #40 ; 2 bne rotozoom_xloop2 ; 3 rotozoom_xloop_done2: ; yca+=ca; 8.8 fixed point clc ; 2 lda YCAL ; 3 adc CAL ; 3 sta YCAL ; 3 lda YCAH ; 3 adc CAH ; 3 sta YCAH ; 3 ;=========== ; 20 ; ysa+=sa; 8.8 fixed point clc ; 2 lda YSAL ; 3 adc SAL ; 3 sta YSAL ; 3 lda YSAH ; 3 adc SAH ; 3 sta YSAH ; 3 ;========== ; 20 rotozoom_end_yloop: inc YY ; 5 ldy YY ; 3 cpy #20 ; 2 beq done_rotozoom ; 2nt/3 jmp rotozoom_yloop ; too far ; 3 done_rotozoom: rts ; 6 fixed_sin: ; .byte $00,$00 ; 0.000000=00.00 ; .byte $00,$61 ; 0.382683=00.61 ; .byte $00,$b5 ; 0.707107=00.b5 ; .byte $00,$ec ; 0.923880=00.ec ; .byte $01,$00 ; 1.000000=01.00 ; .byte $00,$ec ; 0.923880=00.ec ; .byte $00,$b5 ; 0.707107=00.b5 ; .byte $00,$61 ; 0.382683=00.61 ; .byte $00,$00 ; 0.000000=00.00 ; .byte $ff,$9f ; -0.382683=ff.9f ; .byte $ff,$4b ; -0.707107=ff.4b ; .byte $ff,$14 ; -0.923880=ff.14 ; .byte $ff,$00 ; -1.000000=ff.00 ; .byte $ff,$14 ; -0.923880=ff.14 ; .byte $ff,$4b ; -0.707107=ff.4b ; .byte $ff,$9f ; -0.382683=ff.9f .byte $00,$00 ; 0.000000 .byte $00,$31 ; 0.195090 .byte $00,$61 ; 0.382683 .byte $00,$8E ; 0.555570 .byte $00,$B5 ; 0.707107 .byte $00,$D4 ; 0.831470 .byte $00,$EC ; 0.923880 .byte $00,$FB ; 0.980785 .byte $01,$00 ; 1.000000 .byte $00,$FB ; 0.980785 .byte $00,$EC ; 0.923880 .byte $00,$D4 ; 0.831470 .byte $00,$B5 ; 0.707107 .byte $00,$8E ; 0.555570 .byte $00,$61 ; 0.382683 .byte $00,$31 ; 0.195090 .byte $00,$00 ; 0.000000 .byte $FF,$CF ; -0.195090 .byte $FF,$9F ; -0.382683 .byte $FF,$72 ; -0.555570 .byte $FF,$4B ; -0.707107 .byte $FF,$2C ; -0.831470 .byte $FF,$14 ; -0.923880 .byte $FF,$05 ; -0.980785 .byte $FF,$00 ; -1.000000 .byte $FF,$05 ; -0.980785 .byte $FF,$14 ; -0.923880 .byte $FF,$2C ; -0.831470 .byte $FF,$4B ; -0.707107 .byte $FF,$72 ; -0.555570 .byte $FF,$9F ; -0.382683 .byte $FF,$CF ; -0.195090