; Mist Title ; loads a HGR version of the title ; also handles the initial link to mist ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; Zero Page .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" .include "common_defines.inc" .include "common_routines.inc" mist_start: ;=================== ; init vgi ;=================== lda #$20 sta HGR_PAGE ; put this somewhere else? jsr vgi_init ;=================== ; detect model ;=================== jsr detect_appleii_model ;=================== ; machine workarounds ;=================== ; mostly IIgs ;=================== ; thanks to 4am who provided this code from Total Replay lda ROM_MACHINEID cmp #$06 bne not_a_iigs sec jsr $FE1F ; check for IIgs bcs not_a_iigs ; gr/text page2 handling broken on early IIgs models ; this enables the workaround jsr ROM_TEXT2COPY ; set alternate display mode on IIgs cli ; enable VBL interrupts ; also set background color to black instead of blue lda NEWVIDEO and #%00011111 ; bit 7 = 0 -> IIgs Apple II-compat video modes ; bit 6 = 0 -> IIgs 128K memory map same as IIe ; bit 5 = 0 -> IIgs DHGR is color, not mono ; bits 0-4 unchanged sta NEWVIDEO lda #$F0 sta TBCOLOR ; white text on black background lda #$00 sta CLOCKCTL ; black border sta CLOCKCTL ; set twice for VidHD not_a_iigs: ;=================== ; print config ;=================== ; print non-inverse jsr set_normal lda #config_string sta OUTH jsr move_and_print ; print detected model lda APPLEII_MODEL ora #$80 sta $7d0+8 ; 23,8 ; if GS print the extra S cmp #'G'|$80 bne not_gs lda #'S'|$80 sta $7d0+9 not_gs: ;=================================== ; detect if we have a language card ; and load sound into it if possible ;=================================== lda #0 sta SOUND_STATUS ; clear out, sound enabled jsr detect_language_card bcs no_language_card yes_language_card: ; update status lda #'6'|$80 sta $7d0+11 ; 23,11 lda #'4'|$80 sta $7d0+12 ; 23,12 ; update sound status lda SOUND_STATUS ora #SOUND_IN_LC sta SOUND_STATUS ; load sounds into LC ; read ram, write ram, use $d000 bank1 bit $C08B bit $C08B lda #linking_noise_compressed sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$D0 ; decompress to $D000 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast blah: ; read rom, nowrite, use $d000 bank1 bit $C08A no_language_card: ;=================================== ; Setup Mockingboard ;=================================== PT3_ENABLE_APPLE_IIC = 1 lda #0 sta DONE_PLAYING sta LOOP ; detect mockingboard jsr mockingboard_detect bcc mockingboard_notfound mockingboard_found: ; print detected location lda MB_ADDR_H ; $C4 = 4, want $B4 1100 -> 1011 and #$87 ora #$30 sta $7d0+39 ; 23,39 jsr mockingboard_patch ; patch to work in slots other than 4? lda SOUND_STATUS ora #SOUND_MOCKINGBOARD sta SOUND_STATUS ;======================= ; Set up 50Hz interrupt ;======================== jsr mockingboard_init jsr mockingboard_setup_interrupt ;============================ ; Init the Mockingboard ;============================ jsr reset_ay_both jsr clear_ay_both ;================== ; init song ;================== jsr pt3_init_song jmp done_setup_sound mockingboard_notfound: done_setup_sound: ;========================== ; wait a bit at text title ;========================== lda #$40 jsr wait_a_bit ;=================== ; setup HGR ;=================== ; we could just call HGR2 here instead? bit SET_GR bit PAGE0 bit HIRES bit FULLGR ;=================== ; setup location ;=================== lda #locations sta LOCATIONS_H ;=================== ; Load hires graphics ;=================== reload_everything: lda #file sta getsrc_smc+2 ; LZSA_SRC_HI lda #$20 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast ;=================================== ; Do Intro Sequence ;=================================== ; SKIP: broderbund logo (w music) ; SKIP: cyan logo (with cyan theme) ; wait a bit at MYST screen lda #50 jsr wait_a_bit ;=================== ; init screen ;=================== ; jsr TEXT ; jsr HOME ; bit KEYRESET ; bit SET_GR ; bit PAGE0 ; bit LORES ; bit FULLGR lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE ;=================================== ; Cyan Logo ;=================================== ; missing most of the animation ; First ldx #cyan1_lzsa lda #25 jsr draw_and_wait ; Second ldx #cyan2_lzsa lda #50 jsr draw_and_wait ;=================================== ; M Y S T letters ;=================================== ; missing the dramatic music ; they should spin in, and letters are made of fire ; M ldx #m_title_m_lzsa lda #10 jsr draw_and_wait ; Y ldx #m_title_y_lzsa lda #10 jsr draw_and_wait ; S ldx #m_title_s_lzsa lda #10 jsr draw_and_wait ; T ldx #m_title_t_lzsa lda #25 jsr draw_and_wait ;=================================== ; FISSURE: I realized the moment... ;=================================== ; touch linking book as fissure pulses bit TEXTGR ; split text/gr ldx #fissure_lzsa lda #50 jsr draw_and_wait ;=================================== ; FISSURE_BOOK_SMALL: starry expanse... ;=================================== ldx #fissure_book_small_lzsa lda #50 jsr draw_and_wait ;=================================== ; FISSURE_BOOK_BIG: I have tried to speculate... ;=================================== ldx #fissure_book_big_lzsa lda #50 jsr draw_and_wait ;=================================== ; FALLING_LEFT: Still, the question... ;=================================== ldx #falling_left_lzsa lda #50 jsr draw_and_wait ;=================================== ; FALLING_RIGHT: I know my aprehensions... ;=================================== ldx #falling_right_lzsa lda #50 jsr draw_and_wait ;=================================== ; BOOK_AIR : The ending... ;=================================== ldx #book_air_lzsa lda #15 jsr draw_and_wait ;=================================== ; BOOK_SPARKS : has not yet... ;=================================== ldx #book_sparks_lzsa lda #15 jsr draw_and_wait ;=================================== ; BOOK_GLOW : been written... ;=================================== ldx #book_glow_lzsa lda #15 jsr draw_and_wait ;=================================== ; BOOK_GROUND : ;=================================== ldx #book_ground_lzsa lda #50 jsr draw_and_wait done_intro: ; restore to full screen (no text) bit FULLGR bit LORES ; init cursor lda #20 sta CURSOR_X sta CURSOR_Y lda #0 sta LEVEL_OVER ;============================ ; init vars jsr init_state ;============================ ; set up initial location lda #TITLE_BOOK_GROUND sta LOCATION ; start at first room lda #DIRECTION_N sta DIRECTION jsr change_location lda #1 sta CURSOR_VISIBLE ; visible at first game_loop: ;================= ; reset things ;================= lda #0 sta IN_SPECIAL sta IN_RIGHT sta IN_LEFT ;==================================== ; copy background to current page ;==================================== jsr gr_copy_to_current ;==================================== ; handle special-case forground logic ;==================================== ; handle animated linking book lda LOCATION cmp #TITLE_BOOK_OPEN bne nothing_special lda ANIMATE_FRAME cmp #32 ; if done animating, skip bcs nothing_special animate_ocean: cmp #26 bcs animate_actual and #1 beq even_ocean odd_ocean: lda #dock_animate_sprite1 jmp draw_animation even_ocean: lda #dock_animate_sprite2 jmp draw_animation animate_actual: sec sbc #26 asl tay ; slow down animation lda #$3f sta if_smc+1 lda dock_animation_sprites,Y sta INL lda dock_animation_sprites+1,Y draw_animation: sta INH lda #24 sta XPOS lda #12 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop inc_frame: lda FRAMEL if_smc: and #$f bne done_inc_frame inc ANIMATE_FRAME done_inc_frame: nothing_special: ;==================================== ; draw pointer ;==================================== jsr draw_pointer ;==================================== ; page flip ;==================================== jsr page_flip ;==================================== ; handle keypress/joystick ;==================================== jsr handle_keypress ;==================================== ; inc frame count ;==================================== inc FRAMEL bne room_frame_no_oflo inc FRAMEH room_frame_no_oflo: ;==================================== ; check level over ;==================================== lda LEVEL_OVER bne really_exit jmp game_loop really_exit: jmp end_level ;========================== ; includes ;========================== .include "init_state.s" .include "graphics_title/title_graphics.inc" .include "lc_detect.s" ; puzzles ; linking books .include "link_book_mist_dock.s" ; .include "common_sprites.inc" .include "leveldata_title.inc" ; pt3 player .include "pt3_lib_detect_model.s" .include "pt3_lib_core.s" .include "pt3_lib_init.s" .include "pt3_lib_mockingboard_setup.s" .include "interrupt_handler.s" .include "pt3_lib_mockingboard_detect.s" .include "wait_a_bit.s" file: .incbin "graphics_title_hgr/mist_title.lzsa" linking_noise_compressed: .incbin "audio/link_noise.btc.lzsa" ;==================================== ; draw a screen and wait ;==================================== ; X = low of lzsa ; Y = high of lzsa ; A = pause delay draw_and_wait: pha stx getsrc_smc+1 sty getsrc_smc+2 lda #$c ; load to page $c00 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast lda #$0 sta VGIL lda #$c sta VGIH jsr play_vgi pla jsr wait_a_bit rts get_mist_book: ; play music if mockingboard lda SOUND_STATUS and #SOUND_MOCKINGBOARD beq skip_start_music cli skip_start_music: lda #TITLE_BOOK_CLOSED sta LOCATION jmp change_location PT3_LOC = theme_music .align $100 theme_music: .incbin "audio/theme.pt3" ; click on book, plays theme ; FISSURE: I realized the momemnt narration1: ; 1 2 3 ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 .byte 0,20," I REALIZED, THE MOMENT I FELL INTO THE",0 .byte 0,21," FISSURE, THAT THE BOOK WOULD NOT BE",0 .byte 0,22," DESTROYED AS I HAD PLANNED.",0 ; FISSURE_BOOK: _starry expanse (book tiny) narration2: ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 .byte 0,20," IT CONTINUED FALLING INTO THAT STARRY",0 .byte 0,21," EXPANSE OF WHICH I HAD ONLY A",0 .byte 0,22," FLEETING GLIMPSE.",0 ; FALLING_BOOK: (book big) falling by starscape (I have tried to speculate) narration3: ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 .byte 0,20,"I HAVE TRIED TO SPECULATE WHERE IT MIGHT",0 .byte 0,21," HAVE LANDED, BUT I MUST ADMIT,",0 .byte 0,22," HOWEVER-- SUCH CONJECTURE IS FUTILE.",0 narration4: ; FALLING_LEFT (still, the question) /(left) ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 .byte 0,20," STILL, THE QUESTION ABOUT WHOSE HANDS",0 .byte 0,21," MIGHT SOMEDAY HOLD MY MYST BOOK ARE",0 .byte 0,22," UNSETTLING TO ME.",0 narration5: ; FALLING_RIGHT I know my aprehensions (right) ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 .byte 0,20," I KNOW THAT MY APPREHENSIONS MIGHT",0 .byte 0,21," NEVER BE ALLAYED, AND SO I CLOSE,",0 .byte 0,22," REALIZING THAT PERHAPS,",0 narration6: ; BOOK_GROUND the ending has not yet been written (falls, blue sparks) ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 .byte 0,20," THE ENDING HAS NOT YET BEEN WRITTEN",0 config_string: ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 .byte 0,23,"APPLE II?, 48K RAM, MOCKINGBOARD: SLOT ?",0 ; MOCKINGBOARD: NONE .include "vgi_common.s"