Stoneship: + Never have to draw a wooden ship again it would be too soon Selenetic + The horrible colors. Lots of water and sky which were fast to draw, but the pillars and clocks and giant vases and crystals and strange trees with lots of colors that did not match apple II palette well Fog not helping. Settled on "light blue" for the color. Initial attempts at aqua ended up being sickly green on some displays Then the underground tunnels with the intricate wall art. Don't get me started on the submarine "puzzle" Channelwood: + Pain drawing the water, and trees, and boardwalk,rocks. At least no bricks or checkered floor in this age. Thought was done with trees on Myst Each major junction a hexagon with potentially 6 backgrounds. Some of them you could split left or right mid screen. In end just did the three ways that didn't need this. Made it confusing to navigate at times, but I always felt this level was confusing to navigate anyway.