;; Our Zero Page Allocations ;; for the LZSS part of the code OUTPUTL EQU $FE OUTPUTH EQU $FF LOGOL EQU $28 LOGOH EQU $29 STORERL EQU $95 STORERH EQU $96 COUNT EQU $97 ;LZSS_MASK EQU $98 LOGOENDL EQU $99 LOGOENDH EQU $9A LOADRL EQU $9B LOADRH EQU $9C EFFECTRL EQU $9D EFFECTRH EQU $9E ;; LZSS Parameters N EQU 1024 F EQU 64 THRESHOLD EQU 2 P_BITS EQU 10 POSITION_MASK EQU 3 FREQUENT_CHAR EQU 0 ;R: .res (1024-64) ; N-F R EQU $9800 ; Init lzss_init: ldx #<R stx OUTL ldx #>R stx OUTH lda #FREQUENT_CHAR ldx #$4 lzss_init_outer: ldy #$0 lzss_init_inner: sta (OUTL),Y iny bne lzss_init_inner inc OUTH dex bpl lzss_init_inner rts ;================================ ; Decomress ; FIXME: optimize ;================================ lzss_decompress: lda #>(N-F) ; load R value sta STORERH lda #<(N-F) sta STORERL ldy #0 ; setup Y for indirect zero page ; addressing, we always want +0 decompression_loop: lda #8 ; set mask counter sta COUNT lda (LOGOL),Y ; load byte sta LZSS_MASK ; store it ldx #LOGOL jsr inc16 ; increment pointer test_flags: lda LOGOH ; compare to see if we've reached end cmp LOGOENDH bne not_match lda LOGOL cmp LOGOENDL beq done_logo ; if so, we are done ; bcs one byte less than jmp not_match: lsr LZSS_MASK ; shift byte mask into carry flag lda (LOGOL),Y ; load byte ldx #LOGOL ; 16-bit increrment jsr inc16 bcs discrete_char ; if set we have discrete char offset_length: sta LOADRL ; bottom of R offset lda (LOGOL),Y ; load another byte ldx #LOGOL ; jsr inc16 ; 16 bit increment sta LOADRH ; top of R offset lsr A lsr A ; shift right by 10 (top byte by 2) clc adc #3 ; add threshold+1 (3) tax ; store out count in X output_loop: clc ; calculate R+LOADR lda LOADRL adc #<R sta EFFECTRL lda LOADRH and #((N-1)>>8) ; Mask so mod N sta LOADRH adc #>R sta EFFECTRH lda (EFFECTRL),Y ; Load byte R[LOADR] inc LOADRL ; increment address bne load_carry1 inc LOADRH ; handle overflow load_carry1: store_byte: sta (OUTPUTL),Y ; store byte to output inc OUTPUTL ; increment address bne sb_carry inc OUTPUTH ; handle overflow sb_carry: pha ; calculate R+STORER clc lda STORERL adc #<R sta EFFECTRL lda STORERH and #((N-1)>>8) ; mask so mod N sta STORERH adc #>R sta EFFECTRH pla ; restore from stack sta (EFFECTRL),Y ; store A there too inc STORERL ; increment address bne store_carry2 inc STORERH ; handle overflow store_carry2: dex ; count down the out counter bne output_loop ; loop to output_loop if not 0 dec COUNT ; count down the mask counter bne test_flags ; loop to test_flags if not zero beq decompression_loop ; restart whole process discrete_char: ldx #1 ; want to write a single byte bne store_byte ; go and store it (1 byte less than jmp) done_logo: rts ;================================================== ; inc16 - increments a 16-bit pointer in zero page ;================================================== inc16: inc 0,X ; increment address bne not_zero inx inc 0,X ; handle overflow not_zero: rts ;; ********************* ;; BSS ;; ********************* ;.bss ;R: .res (1024-64) ; N-F