; Don't Tell Valve ; by Vince `deater` Weaver / DsR ; 147 bytes = initial block code ; 144 bytes = optimize color pick ; 137 bytes = optimize table generation ; 135 bytes = more optimization ; zero page locations CH = $24 GBASL = $26 GBASH = $27 H2 = $2C V2 = $2D COLOR = $30 ; These are all "Free" zero page locations FREQ1 = $06 FREQ2 = $07 DURATION = $08 INSTRUMENT1 = $09 INSTRUMENT2 = $1D MADDRL = $1E MADDRH = $1F LOC4E = $4E COUNT256 = $4F FRAME_COUNT = $90 HGR_X = $E0 HGR_Y = $E2 HGR_SCALE = $E7 TEMPY = $F0 HGR_ROTATION = $F9 SAVEY = $FA INL = $FE INH = $FF KEYPRESS = $C000 KEYRESET = $C010 SET_TEXT = $C051 ; ROM locations HOME = $FC58 ; Clear the text screen TEXT = $FB36 HLINE = $F819 ; HLINE Y,$2C at A VLINE = $F828 ; VLINE A,$2D at Y TABV = $FB5B ; go to A HGR2 = $F3D8 HGR = $F3E2 BKGND0 = $F3F4 HPOSN = $F411 XDRAW0 = $F65D XDRAW1 = $F661 HPLOT0 = $F457 COUT1 = $FDF0 hposn_low = $6000 hposn_high = $6100 dont: jsr HGR ; Hi-res, full screen ; 3 ; Y=0, A=0 after this call lda #$1 sta HGR_SCALE lda #$0 sta HGR_ROTATION lda #$80 ; clear so we get blue/orange when xdraw jsr BKGND0 ;========================== ; make table ; ldy #0 table_loop: ; sty TEMPY ; lda #0 ; we are out of bounds, does it matter? ; tax tya jsr HPOSN ldy HGR_Y ; HPOSN saves this lda GBASL sta hposn_low,Y lda GBASH sta hposn_high,Y iny ; cpy #192 ; what happens if we run 192..255? bne table_loop ldx #8 draw_loop: jsr draw_box dex bpl draw_loop ldx #37 lda #companion_cube sta INH jsr draw_sprite ldx #34 lda #turret sta INH jsr draw_sprite lda #101 sta draw_sprite_y_smc+1 ldx #38 lda #exit_sign sta INH jsr draw_sprite jsr do_xdraw wait_for_it: lda KEYPRESS bpl wait_for_it bit KEYRESET jmp still box_color_odd: .byte $2A,$55,$AA,$7F,$7F,$7F,$60,$03,$E0 box_color_even: .byte $55,$2A,$D5,$7F,$7F,$7F,$60,$03,$E0 box_x1: .byte 16, 33, 0, 0, 24, 16, 15, 24, 39 box_x2: .byte 24, 40, 34, 16, 40, 24, 16, 25, 40 box_y1: .byte 130, 50, 42,120,120,159,121,121,101 box_y2: .byte 159, 57, 43,121,121,160,160,160,120 ;========================== ; draw box ;========================== ; which to draw in X ; X preserved? draw_box: lda box_y1,X ; 3 draw_box_outer: sta TEMPY ; 2 tay ; 1 lda hposn_low,Y ; 3 sta GBASL ; 2 lda hposn_high,Y ; 3 sta GBASH ; 2 ldy box_x1,X ; 3 draw_box_inner: tya ; 1 lsr ; 1 lda box_color_odd,X ; 3 bcc draw_color_odd ; 2 ; we might have these flipped draw_color_even: lda box_color_even,X ; 3 draw_color_odd: sta (GBASL),Y ; 2 iny ; 1 tya ; 1 cmp box_x2,X ; 3 bne draw_box_inner ; 2 inc TEMPY ; 2 lda TEMPY ; 2 cmp box_y2,X ; 3 bne draw_box_outer ; 2 rts ; 1 companion_cube: .byte $6F,$3D ; .@@@@.@@ @.@@@@.. .byte $07,$38 ; .@@@.... ...@@@.. .byte $03,$38 ; .@@..... ....@@.. .byte $30,$03 ; .....@@. @@...... .byte $73,$33 ; .@@..@@@ @@..@@.. .byte $73,$33 ; .@@..@@@ @@..@@.. .byte $60,$01 ; ......@@ @....... .byte $43,$30 ; .@@....@ ....@@.. .byte $07,$38 ; .@@@.... ...@@@.. .byte $6F,$3D ; .@@@@.@@ @.@@@@.. .byte $00,$00 turret: .byte $E0,$83 ; .....@@ @@..... .byte $B0,$86 ; ....@@. .@@.... .byte $B0,$87 ; ....@@= =@@.... .byte $B0,$86 ; ....@@. .@@.... .byte $B0,$87 ; ....@@= =@@.... .byte $B0,$86 ; ....@@. .@@.... .byte $B0,$86 ; ....@@. .@@.... .byte $F0,$87 ; ....@@@ @@@.... .byte $8C,$98 ; ..@@... ...@@.. .byte $86,$B0 ; .@@.... ....@@. .byte $86,$B0 ; .@@.... ....@@. exit_sign: .byte $7F,$7F ; @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ .byte $1F,$7F ; @@@@@.. @@@@@@@ .byte $3F,$7E ; @@@@@@. .@@@@@@ .byte $7F,$7C ; @@@@@@@ ..@@@@@ .byte $7F,$79 ; @@@@@@@ @..@@@@ .byte $03,$70 ; @@..... ....@@@ .byte $7F,$79 ; @@@@@@@ @..@@@@ .byte $7F,$7C ; @@@@@@@ ..@@@@@ .byte $3F,$7E ; @@@@@@. .@@@@@@ .byte $1F,$7F ; @@@@@.. @@@@@@@ .byte $7F,$7F ; @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ; note: these can't cross a page boundary or you'll get corruption ;========================== ; draw sprite ;========================== ; INL/INH is sprite ; X is X location draw_sprite: stx draw_sprite_xpos+1 draw_sprite_y_smc: lda #50 ; 2 ; Y position sta draw_sprite_y_end_smc+1 sec sbc #11 draw_sprite_outer: sta TEMPY ; 2 tay ; 1 lda hposn_low,Y ; 3 clc draw_sprite_xpos: adc #37 ; Xpos=37 sta GBASL ; 2 lda hposn_high,Y ; 3 sta GBASH ; 2 ldy #0 ; 2 lda (INL),Y sta (GBASL),Y iny lda (INL),Y sta (GBASL),Y inc INL inc INL inc TEMPY ; 2 lda TEMPY ; 2 draw_sprite_y_end_smc: cmp #50 ; 3 bne draw_sprite_outer ; 2 rts ; 1 ;==================================== do_xdraw: ; A and Y are 0 here. ; X is left behind by the boot process? ; set GBASL/GBASH ; we really have to call this, otherwise it won't run ; on some real hardware depending on setup of zero page at boot ldy #0 ldx #139 lda #96 jsr HPOSN ; set screen position to X= (y,x) Y=(a) ; saves X,Y,A to zero page ; after Y= orig X/7 ; A and X are ?? ldx #our_shape ; our shape table is in ROM at $E2E2 lda #0 jsr XDRAW0 ; XDRAW 1 AT X,Y ; Both A and X are 0 at exit ; Z flag set on exit ; Y varies rts ;.byte $07,$00 ;.byte $10,$00, $1b,$00, $2e,$00 ;.byte $42,$00, $61,$00, $80,$00 ;.byte $8a,$00 ; crosshair .byte $1b,$6d,$39,$97,$12,$24,$24,$24 .byte $24,$04,$00 ; portal .byte $1b,$24,$0c,$24,$0c .byte $15,$36,$0e,$36,$36,$1e,$36,$1e .byte $1c,$24,$1c,$24,$04,$00 ; sideways portal ;.byte $52,$0d ;.byte $0d,$0d,$6c,$24,$1f,$fc,$1f,$1f ;.byte $1f,$1f,$1f,$fe,$36,$0d,$6e,$0d ;.byte $05,$00 ; chell right our_shape: .byte $1b,$36,$36,$36,$0d,$df .byte $1b,$24,$0c,$24,$24,$1c,$24,$64 .byte $69,$1e,$37,$2d,$1e,$77,$6e,$25 .byte $2d,$2d,$f5,$ff,$13,$2d,$2d,$2d .byte $00 ; chell left ;.byte $09,$36,$36,$36,$1f,$4d,$09 ;.byte $24,$1c,$24,$24,$0c,$24,$e4,$fb ;.byte $0e,$35,$3f,$0e,$f5,$fe,$27,$3f ;.byte $3f,$77,$6d,$11,$3f,$3f,$3f,$00 ; fireball ;.byte $12,$0c,$0c,$1c,$1c,$1e,$1e,$0e ;.byte $0e,$00 ; blue core ;.byte $fa,$24,$0d,$0d,$36,$9f ;.byte $3a,$3f,$3c,$3c,$2c,$3c,$0c,$25 ;.byte $2d,$2d,$2d,$2e,$2e,$3e,$2e,$1e ;.byte $37,$3f,$07,$00 .include "still.s"