; Peasant's Quest ; Archery Minigame ; by Vince `deater` Weaver vince@deater.net .include "../hardware.inc" .include "../zp.inc" .include "../qload.inc" .include "../inventory/inventory.inc" .include "../parse_input.inc" LOCATION_BASE = LOCATION_ARCHERY ; (28) archery: lda #0 sta LEVEL_OVER sta FRAME jsr hgr_make_tables jsr hgr2 ;============================= ;============================= ; new screen location ;============================= ;============================= new_location: lda #0 sta LEVEL_OVER ;===================== ; load bg lda MAP_LOCATION sec sbc #LOCATION_BASE tax lda #target_zx02 sta zx_src_h+1 lda #$40 jsr zx02_full_decomp ; put peasant text ; lda #peasant_text ; sta OUTH ; jsr hgr_put_string ; put score ; jsr print_score ;===================== ; move peasant ; FIXME: don't do this if loading game ; lda #20 ; sta PEASANT_X ; lda #150 ; sta PEASANT_Y ;==================== ; save background ; lda PEASANT_X ; sta CURSOR_X ; lda PEASANT_Y ; sta CURSOR_Y ;======================= ; draw initial peasant ; jsr save_bg_1x28 ; jsr draw_peasant game_loop: ; jsr move_peasant inc FRAME bit KEYRESET jsr wait_until_keypress ; lda #$30 ; got 0 of 3 ; lda #$31 ; got 1 of 3 lda #$33 ; got 3 of 3 sta ARROW_SCORE lda ARROW_SCORE ora #ARROW_DONE sta ARROW_SCORE lda #LOCATION_ARCHERY jmp update_map_location ; jsr check_keyboard ; lda LEVEL_OVER ; bmi oops_new_location ; bne game_over ; delay ; lda #200 ; jsr wait ; jmp game_loop ;oops_new_location: ; jmp new_location ;************************ ; exit level ;************************ game_over: lda ARROW_SCORE ora #ARROW_DONE sta ARROW_SCORE rts .include "../new_map_location.s" .include "../wait.s" .include "../wait_a_bit.s" .include "graphics_archery/archery_graphics.inc"