; Not actually 3D at all ; is really a lo-res shape plotter that can play movie-like things ; o/~ We went to Threed to see the Queen o/~ ; ; by deater (Vince Weaver) .include "../zp.inc" .include "../hardware.inc" .include "../qload2.inc" ;.include "music2.inc" threed_start: ;======================= ; wait for keypress ;======================= ; jsr wait_until_keypress ; lda #25 ; jsr wait_a_bit ;=================== ; Load graphics ;=================== load_loop: bit SET_GR bit LORES bit FULLGR bit PAGE1 lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE forever: lda #num_scenes sta SCENE_COUNT lda #frame15 sta INH scene_loop: jsr draw_scene ;============================ ; flip pages ;============================ lda DRAW_PAGE ; 3 beq was_page1 ; 2/3 was_page2: bit PAGE2 ; 4 lda #$0 ; 2 beq done_pageflip ; 2/3 was_page1: bit PAGE1 ; 4 lda #$4 ; 2 done_pageflip: sta DRAW_PAGE ; 3 lda #12 sta IRQ_COUNTDOWN wait_for_irq: lda IRQ_COUNTDOWN bne wait_for_irq ; jsr wait_until_keypress dec SCENE_COUNT bne scene_loop ; jmp forever rts .include "../wait_keypress.s" .include "draw_boxes.s" .include "3d.inc"