; Lo-res movie player of sorts ; This is for the big movie, the maglev ride ; by deater (Vince Weaver) .include "../zp.inc" .include "../hardware.inc" .include "../qload.inc" NUM_SCENES = 137 overlays = $2000 ;=================== ; notes for movie_maglev_ride ; 103..109 = overlay animation ; 110..112 = sit there ; 113..270 = fun animation 157! = 30k??? ; 271..285 = handle rotate ; 286..306 = sit there ; timing, want whole thing to finish in 200ms or so ; ; decompressing: ; ade2 = 44,514 cycles ; do_overlay: ; 9c78 = 40,056 cycles movie_maglev_ride_start: ;=================== ; Setup graphics ;=================== bit SET_GR bit LORES bit FULLGR bit PAGE1 lda #0 sta SCENE_COUNT lda #4 sta DRAW_PAGE bit KEYRESET ;=============================== ;=============================== ; set up graphics ;=============================== ;=============================== ;============================= ; load overlay mask to $c00 ;============================= lda #overlay_mask_zx02 sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$0c jsr full_decomp ;============================= ; load overlays to $2000-$2FFF ;============================= lda #overlays_combined_zx02 sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$20 jsr full_decomp ;=============================== ;=============================== ; initial screen ;=============================== ;=============================== lda #0 sta WHICH_OVERLAY jsr draw_scene jsr flip_pages ;=============================== ; wait 2 frames (400ms) ; needed? ; could overlay with sound effect or decompress of overlay? ldx #8 jsr wait_50xms ;=============================== ;=============================== ; move the handle ;=============================== ;=============================== lda #0 sta WHICH_OVERLAY move_handle_loop: jsr draw_scene jsr flip_pages inc WHICH_OVERLAY lda WHICH_OVERLAY cmp #7 beq done_move_handle overlay_good: ldx #2 jsr wait_50xms jmp move_handle_loop done_move_handle: lda #6 ; point to last one sta WHICH_OVERLAY ;=============================== ; wait 4 frames (800ms) ldx #16 jsr wait_50xms ;=============================== ;=============================== ; play the movie ;=============================== ;=============================== lda #1 sta SCENE_COUNT movie2_loop: jsr draw_scene jsr flip_pages inc SCENE_COUNT lda SCENE_COUNT cmp #NUM_SCENES beq done_play_movie2 ldx #2 jsr wait_50xms jmp movie2_loop done_play_movie2: ; TODO: complex handle movement at end ; TODO: end with message ;=============================== ; wait 9 frames (1.8s?) ldx #36 jsr wait_50xms lda #end_message sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$04 jsr full_decomp bit PAGE1 bit SET_TEXT done_movie2: bit KEYRESET forever_and_ever: jmp forever_and_ever ; jmp movie2_start rts ;=============================== ;=============================== ; draw_scene ;=============================== ;=============================== draw_scene: ;=============================== ; decompress background ;=============================== before: ldx SCENE_COUNT lda frames_l,X sta ZX0_src lda frames_h,X sta ZX0_src+1 clc lda DRAW_PAGE adc #$4 jsr full_decomp after: ; jmp do_overlay ; fallthrough ;=============================== ; do overlay ;=============================== ; INL/H = overlay ; MASKL/H = mask ; OUTL/H = gr location do_overlay: lda DRAW_PAGE clc adc #$4 sta OUTH lda WHICH_OVERLAY asl asl clc adc #$20 sta INH lda #$c sta MASKH lda #0 sta OUTL sta INL sta MASKL do_overlay_outer: ldy #0 do_overlay_inner: overlayin_smc: lda (INL),Y and (MASKL),Y sta TEMP lda (MASKL),Y eor #$ff and (OUTL),Y ora TEMP sta (OUTL),Y skip_write: dey bne do_overlay_inner inc OUTH inc INH inc MASKH lda MASKH cmp #$10 bne do_overlay_inner rts ;============================ ; flip pages ;============================ flip_pages: lda DRAW_PAGE ; 3 beq was_page1 ; 2/3 was_page2: bit PAGE2 ; 4 lda #$0 ; 2 beq done_pageflip ; 2/3 was_page1: bit PAGE1 ; 4 lda #$4 ; 2 done_pageflip: sta DRAW_PAGE ; 3 rts ;=================================== ; .include "zx02_optim.s" ; .include "wait.s" .include "movie_maglev_ride/movie_maglev_ride.inc" frames_l: .byte img096_bg_zx02 .byte >img114_bg_zx02 .byte >img115_bg_zx02 .byte >img116_bg_zx02 .byte >img117_bg_zx02 .byte >img118_bg_zx02 .byte >img119_bg_zx02 .byte >img120_bg_zx02 .byte >img121_bg_zx02 .byte >img122_bg_zx02 .byte >img123_bg_zx02 .byte >img124_bg_zx02 .byte >img125_bg_zx02 .byte >img126_bg_zx02 .byte >img127_bg_zx02 .byte >img128_bg_zx02 .byte >img129_bg_zx02 .byte >img130_bg_zx02 .byte >img131_bg_zx02 .byte >img132_bg_zx02 .byte >img133_bg_zx02 .byte >img134_bg_zx02 .byte >img135_bg_zx02 .byte >img136_bg_zx02 .byte >img137_bg_zx02 .byte >img138_bg_zx02 .byte >img139_bg_zx02 .byte >img140_bg_zx02 .byte >img141_bg_zx02 .byte >img142_bg_zx02 .byte >img143_bg_zx02 .byte >img144_bg_zx02 .byte >img145_bg_zx02 .byte >img146_bg_zx02 .byte >img147_bg_zx02 .byte >img148_bg_zx02 .byte >img149_bg_zx02 .byte >img150_bg_zx02 .byte >img151_bg_zx02 .byte >img152_bg_zx02 .byte >img153_bg_zx02 .byte >img154_bg_zx02 .byte >img155_bg_zx02 .byte >img156_bg_zx02 .byte >img157_bg_zx02 .byte >img158_bg_zx02 .byte >img159_bg_zx02 .byte >img160_bg_zx02 .byte >img161_bg_zx02 .byte >img162_bg_zx02 .byte >img163_bg_zx02 .byte >img164_bg_zx02 .byte >img165_bg_zx02 .byte >img166_bg_zx02 .byte >img167_bg_zx02 .byte >img168_bg_zx02 .byte >img169_bg_zx02 .byte >img170_bg_zx02 .byte >img171_bg_zx02 .byte >img172_bg_zx02 .byte >img173_bg_zx02 .byte >img174_bg_zx02 .byte >img175_bg_zx02 .byte >img176_bg_zx02 .byte >img177_bg_zx02 .byte >img178_bg_zx02 .byte >img179_bg_zx02 .byte >img180_bg_zx02 .byte >img181_bg_zx02 .byte >img182_bg_zx02 .byte >img183_bg_zx02 .byte >img184_bg_zx02 .byte >img185_bg_zx02 .byte >img186_bg_zx02 .byte >img187_bg_zx02 .byte >img188_bg_zx02 .byte >img189_bg_zx02 .byte >img190_bg_zx02 .byte >img191_bg_zx02 .byte >img192_bg_zx02 .byte >img193_bg_zx02 .byte >img194_bg_zx02 .byte >img195_bg_zx02 .byte >img196_bg_zx02 .byte >img197_bg_zx02 .byte >img198_bg_zx02 .byte >img199_bg_zx02 .byte >img200_bg_zx02 .byte >img201_bg_zx02 .byte >img202_bg_zx02 .byte >img203_bg_zx02 .byte >img204_bg_zx02 .byte >img205_bg_zx02 .byte >img206_bg_zx02 .byte >img207_bg_zx02 .byte >img208_bg_zx02 .byte >img209_bg_zx02 .byte >img210_bg_zx02 .byte >img211_bg_zx02 .byte >img212_bg_zx02 .byte >img213_bg_zx02 .byte >img214_bg_zx02 .byte >img215_bg_zx02 .byte >img216_bg_zx02 .byte >img217_bg_zx02 .byte >img218_bg_zx02 .byte >img219_bg_zx02 .byte >img220_bg_zx02 .byte >img221_bg_zx02 .byte >img222_bg_zx02 .byte >img223_bg_zx02 .byte >img224_bg_zx02 .byte >img225_bg_zx02 .byte >img226_bg_zx02 .byte >img227_bg_zx02 .byte >img228_bg_zx02 .byte >img229_bg_zx02 .byte >img230_bg_zx02 .byte >img231_bg_zx02 .byte >img232_bg_zx02 .byte >img233_bg_zx02 .byte >img234_bg_zx02 .byte >img235_bg_zx02 .byte >img236_bg_zx02 .byte >img237_bg_zx02 .byte >img238_bg_zx02 .byte >img239_bg_zx02 .byte >img240_bg_zx02 .byte >img241_bg_zx02 .byte >img242_bg_zx02 .byte >img243_bg_zx02 .byte >img244_bg_zx02 .byte >img245_bg_zx02 .byte >img246_bg_zx02 .byte >img247_bg_zx02 .byte >img248_bg_zx02 .byte >img249_bg_zx02 overlay_mask_zx02: .incbin "movie_maglev_ride/overlays/maglev_overlay_mask.gr.zx02" overlays_combined_zx02: .incbin "movie_maglev_ride/overlays/overlay_combined.zx02" end_message: .incbin "end_message/end_message.gr.zx02"