; Mist Title ; loads a HGR version of the title ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; Zero Page .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" mist_start: ;=================== ; init screen jsr TEXT jsr HOME bit KEYRESET bit SET_GR bit PAGE0 bit HIRES bit FULLGR ;=================== ; Init RTS disk code ;=================== ; jsr rts_init ;=================== ; Load graphics ;=================== reload_everything: ; load MIST_TITLE.LZ4 to $a000 ; then decompress it to $2000 (HGR PAGE0) ; lda #mist_title_filename ; sta OUTH ; jsr opendir_filename ; open and read entire file into memory ; size in ldsizeh:ldsizel (f1/f0) ; clc lda #file sta LZ4_SRC+1 ; adc ldsizeh ; sta LZ4_END+1 lda #file_end sta LZ4_END+1 lda #<$2000 sta LZ4_DST lda #>$2000 sta LZ4_DST+1 jsr lz4_decode bit KEYRESET keyloop: lda KEYPRESS bpl keyloop bit KEYRESET lda #16 sta 5 rts ; .include "gr_putsprite.s" ; .include "gr_offsets.s" ; .include "gr_fast_clear.s" ; .include "gr_hline.s" ; .include "wait_keypress.s" .include "lz4_decode.s" ; .include "rts.s" ; filename to open is 30-character Apple text: ;mist_title_filename: ; .byte "MIST_TITLE.LZ4",0 ; .byte 'M'|$80,'I'|$80,'S'|$80,'T'|$80,'_'|$80,'T'|$80,'I'|$80,'T'|$80 ; .byte 'L'|$80,'E'|$80,'.'|$80,'L'|$80,'Z'|$80,'4'|$80,$00 file: .incbin "MIST_TITLE.LZ4" file_end: