; Catherine, ; I've left for you a message ; of utmost importance in ; our fore-chamber beside ; the dock. Enter the number ; of Marker Switches on ; this island into the imager ; to retrieve the message. ; Yours, ; Atrus letter: ; 01234567890123456789 .byte 9,1," CATHERINE, ",0 .byte 9,3," I THINK SOME WEIRD ",0 .byte 9,5," GUY IS OUT ROAMING ",0 .byte 9,7," AROUND OUR ISLAND! ",0 .byte 9,9," MAYBE HE CAN SOLVE ",0 .byte 9,11," ALL OF OUR DEEP ",0 .byte 9,13," FAMILY PROBLEMS ",0 .byte 9,15," WHILE I MESS ",0 .byte 9,17," WITH MY BOOKS. ",0 .byte 9,19," YOURS, ",0 .byte 9,21," ATRUS ",0 clear_line: .byte 9,0, " ",0 ;================ ; read the letter read_letter: ; jsr TEXT ; jsr HOME bit KEYRESET bit SET_TEXT jsr clear_all ; clear ldx #0 clear_line_loop: lda #clear_line sta OUTH stx clear_line+1 jsr move_and_print inx cpx #24 bne clear_line_loop lda #letter sta OUTH ldx #0 letter_loop: jsr move_and_print inx cpx #12 bne letter_loop jsr page_flip wait_done_letter: lda KEYPRESS bpl wait_done_letter bit KEYRESET ; turn graphics back on bit SET_GR ; bit PAGE0 ; bit FULLGR rts