; ][ rotate lores ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; 144 bytes (close) ; 143 bytes -> jmp to bne ; Zero Page GBASL = $26 GBASH = $27 COLOR = $30 HGR_X = $E0 HGR_Y = $E2 HGR_COLOR = $E4 HGR_HORIZ = $E5 HGR_PAGE = $E6 HGR_SCALE = $E7 FRAME = $F9 ROTATION = $FA COUNT = $FC YY = $FD BB = $FE XX = $FF ; Soft Switches SET_GR = $C050 SET_TEXT = $C051 FULLGR = $C052 TEXTGR = $C053 PAGE1 = $C054 ; Page1 PAGE2 = $C055 ; Page2 LORES = $C056 ; Enable LORES graphics HIRES = $C057 ; Enable HIRES graphics ; ROM routines HGR = $F3E2 HGR2 = $F3D8 HCLR = $F3F2 HPLOT0 = $F457 ; plot at (Y,X), (A) WAIT = $FCA8 ; delay 1/2(26+27A+5A^2) us HPOSN = $F411 ; (Y,X),(A) (valued stores in HGRX,XH,Y) PLOT = $F800 ;; PLOT AT Y,A PLOT1 = $F80E ;; PLOT at (GBASL),Y (need MASK to be $0f or $f0) SETCOL = $F864 ;; COLOR=A XDRAW0 = $F65D hgr_lookup_h = $40 ; $40-$70 hgr_lookup_l = $70 ; $70-$A0 dsr_rotate: ;=================== ; init screen jsr HGR ; clear PAGE1 ; A,Y are 0? bit FULLGR bit LORES ;=================== ; init vars ldx #4 stx HGR_SCALE ;=================== ; int tables ldx #47 init_loop: txa jsr HPOSN ; important part is A=ycoord ldx HGR_Y ; A value stored in HGR_Y lda GBASL sta hgr_lookup_l,X lda GBASH sta hgr_lookup_h,X dex bpl init_loop big_loop: ;===================================== ; draw ][ draw_II: ldy #0 ; Y ldx #20 lda #24 jsr HPOSN ; set screen position to X= (y,x) Y=(a) ; saves X,Y,A to zero page ; after Y= orig X/7 ; A and X are ?? ldx #shape_dsr ; point to top byte of shape address ; ROT in A lda ROTATION ; ROT=0 jsr XDRAW0 ; XDRAW 1 AT X,Y ; Both A and X are 0 at exit ; Z flag set on exit ;=============================== ; copy to lores ; X654 3210 X654 3210 ldy #47 sty YY ; set y-coord to 47 lsier_outer: ldx YY ; a bit of a wash lda hgr_lookup_l,X sta hgr_scrn_smc+1 lda hgr_lookup_h,X sta hgr_scrn_smc+2 txa ldy #0 ; COUNT jsr PLOT ; plot at Y,A ; this sets up GBASL for us ; does create slight glitch ; on left side of screen ldx #0 ; X = hires x-coord lsier_inner: lda #6 sta BB lsier_inner_inner: hgr_scrn_smc: lsr $2000,X ; note this also clears screen lda #0 ; bcc = $90, bcs = $b0 ; 1001 1011 flip_smc: bcs no_color lda YY ; use Y-coord for color adc ROTATION ; rotate colors no_color: jsr SETCOL ; x-coord already in Y jsr PLOT1 ; plot at (GBASL),Y ; GBASL/H set earlier with PLOT iny ; increment count cpy #40 ; if hit 40, done beq done_line dec BB ; decrement byte count bpl lsier_inner_inner ; if <7 then keep shifting inx ; increment hires-x value bne lsier_inner ; bra done_line: dec YY ; decrement y-coord bpl lsier_outer ; until less than 0 end: inc ROTATION inc ROTATION lda ROTATION and #$20 clc adc #$90 ; flip bcs/bcc sta flip_smc bne big_loop ; bra shape_dsr: ;.byte $2d,$36,$ff,$3f ;.byte $24,$ad,$22,$24,$94,$21,$2c,$4d ;.byte $91,$3f,$36,$00 ;.byte $01,$00,$04,$00 ;.byte $36,$ff,$3f,$24 ;.byte $2d,$12,$24,$40,$ad,$12,$24,$4c ;.byte $39,$37,$36,$2e,$05,$00 .byte $d2,$1b,$2d,$24 .byte $24,$7f,$49,$09,$3f,$36,$36,$2d .byte $00 ; $3F5 - 130 = $373 for_bot: jmp dsr_rotate