; Ootw Checkpoint4 -- Running around the City ;======================= ;======================= ; ootw_city_init ;======================= ;======================= ; call once before entering city for first time ootw_city_init: lda #0 sta WHICH_ROOM sta BG_SCROLL sta DIRECTION ; left sta LASER_OUT sta ALIEN_OUT sta BLAST_OUT sta CHARGER_COUNT sta GUN_STATE sta GUN_FIRE sta NUM_DOORS sta ACTION_TRIGGERED sta ACTION_COUNT lda #100 sta GUN_CHARGE ;=============== ; set up aliens jsr clear_aliens lda #1 sta alien0_out lda #2 sta alien0_room lda #27 sta alien0_x lda #18 sta alien0_y lda #A_STANDING sta alien0_state lda #0 sta alien0_direction ; set up physicist lda #1 sta HAVE_GUN lda #19 sta PHYSICIST_X lda #230 ; start offscreen sta PHYSICIST_Y lda #28 sta fall_down_destination_smc+1 lda #28 sta fall_sideways_destination_smc+1 lda #P_FALLING_DOWN ; fall into level sta PHYSICIST_STATE lda #$2c sta falling_stop_smc rts ;=========================== ;=========================== ; enter new room in jail ;=========================== ;=========================== ootw_city: ;================================= ; setup vars lda #0 sta GAIT sta GAME_OVER sta NUM_DOORS ;============================ ; init shields jsr init_shields jsr alien_room_init lda #0 sta FRAMEL ; reset frame count for action timer sta FRAMEH sta ACTION_COUNT ; cancel if we leave room mid-action ;============================== ; setup per-room variables ;============================== lda WHICH_ROOM bne room1 ;====================== ; Room0 with recharger room0: ; set up doors lda #5 sta NUM_DOORS lda #(6+128) sta LEFT_LIMIT lda #(39+128) sta RIGHT_LIMIT ; set right exit lda #1 sta cer_smc+1 ; set left exit lda #0 sta cel_smc+1 lda PHYSICIST_STATE cmp #P_FALLING_DOWN beq room0_falling lda #28 sta PHYSICIST_Y room0_falling: ; load background lda #>(recharge_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(recharge_rle) jmp room_setup_done ;=========================== ; hallway with weird ceiling room1: cmp #1 bne room2 lda #(-4+128) sta LEFT_LIMIT lda #(39+128) sta RIGHT_LIMIT ; set right exit lda #2 sta cer_smc+1 ; set left exit lda #0 sta cel_smc+1 lda #8 sta PHYSICIST_Y ; load background lda #>(hallway_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(hallway_rle) jmp room_setup_done ;=================== ; causeway part 1 room2: cmp #2 bne room3 lda #(-4+128) sta LEFT_LIMIT lda #(39+128) sta RIGHT_LIMIT ; set right exit lda #3 sta cer_smc+1 ; set left exit lda #1 sta cel_smc+1 lda #18 sta PHYSICIST_Y ; load background lda #>(causeway1_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(causeway1_rle) jmp room_setup_done ;======================= ; causeway part 2 / pit room3: cmp #3 bne room4 ; set falling floors lda #48 sta fall_down_destination_smc+1 lda #48 sta fall_sideways_destination_smc+1 lda #(-4+128) sta LEFT_LIMIT lda #(39+128) sta RIGHT_LIMIT ; set right exit lda #4 sta cer_smc+1 ; set left exit lda #2 sta cel_smc+1 lda #18 sta PHYSICIST_Y ; load top high lda #>(causeway2_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(causeway2_rle) sta GBASL lda #$10 ; load to page $1000 jsr load_rle_gr ; load pit background even higher lda #>(pit_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(pit_rle) sta GBASL lda #$BC ; load to page $BC00 jsr load_rle_gr ; load background lda #>(causeway2_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(causeway2_rle) jmp room_setup_done ;====================== ; down at the bottom room4: lda #1 sta NUM_DOORS lda #(16+128) sta LEFT_LIMIT lda #(39+128) sta RIGHT_LIMIT ; set right exit lda #5 sta cer_smc+1 lda PHYSICIST_STATE cmp #P_IMPALED beq r4_impaled cmp #P_FALLING_DOWN beq r4_impaled lda #8 sta PHYSICIST_Y lda #P_CROUCHING sta PHYSICIST_STATE r4_impaled: ; load background lda #>(pit_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(pit_rle) jmp room_setup_done room_setup_done: ; laod bg image sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to page $c00 jsr load_rle_gr ; setup walk collision jsr recalc_walk_collision ootw_room_already_set: ;=========================== ; Enable graphics bit LORES bit SET_GR bit FULLGR ;============================================ ; Setup pages (is this necessary?) ; FIXME: use code from c3 which clears better lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE lda #1 sta DISP_PAGE ;============================ ;============================ ; City Loop ;============================ ;============================ city_loop: ;====================================== ; draw split screen if falling into pit ;====================================== ; only fall in room3 lda WHICH_ROOM cmp #3 bne no_scroll lda BG_SCROLL beq no_scroll lda FRAMEL ; slow down a bit and #$1 bne no_scroll_progress inc BG_SCROLL inc BG_SCROLL no_scroll_progress: ldy BG_SCROLL cpy #48 bne scroll_it ; exit to next room when done scrolling lda #0 sta BG_SCROLL lda #4 sta WHICH_ROOM rts scroll_it: jsr gr_twoscreen_scroll no_scroll: ;================================ ;================================ ; copy background to current page ;================================ ;================================ jsr gr_copy_to_current ;========================= ;========================= ; Handle Falling into Pit ;========================= ;========================= lda WHICH_ROOM cmp #3 beq check_falling cmp #4 beq check_falling jmp not_falling check_falling: ; only fall if falling sideways/down lda PHYSICIST_STATE cmp #P_FALLING_SIDEWAYS beq falling_sideways cmp #P_FALLING_DOWN beq falling_down jmp not_falling falling_sideways: ; if falling sideways lda BG_SCROLL cmp #16 bcc before ; blt lda FRAMEL and #$3 bne no_fall_undo dec PHYSICIST_X dec PHYSICIST_Y dec PHYSICIST_Y dec PHYSICIST_Y dec PHYSICIST_Y no_fall_undo: jmp scroll_check before: lda FRAMEL and #$1 bne extra_boost inc PHYSICIST_X extra_boost: jmp scroll_check falling_down: ; if falling down, and Y>=32, then impale lda PHYSICIST_Y cmp #32 bcc scroll_check ; blt lda #9 sta PHYSICIST_X lda #38 sta PHYSICIST_Y lda #0 sta GAIT lda #P_IMPALED sta PHYSICIST_STATE jmp not_falling scroll_check: lda BG_SCROLL ; if done scrolling, re-enable falling bne scroll_bg_check22 lda #$2c ; re-enable falling sta falling_stop_smc jmp not_far_enough scroll_bg_check22: lda PHYSICIST_Y ; once Y=22, stop falling (scroll instead) cmp #22 bcc not_far_enough ; blt lda #$4c ; disable yinc in falling sta falling_stop_smc not_far_enough: not_falling: ;================================== ; draw background action ;================================== lda WHICH_JAIL bg_room0: ; Room #0, draw pulsing recharger cmp #0 bne c4_no_bg_action lda FRAMEL and #$c lsr tay lda #11 sta XPOS lda #24 sta YPOS lda recharge_bg_progression,Y sta INL lda recharge_bg_progression+1,Y sta INH jsr put_sprite lda FRAMEL and #$18 lsr lsr tay lda #5 sta XPOS lda #24 sta YPOS lda recharge_sprite_progression,Y sta INL lda recharge_sprite_progression+1,Y sta INH jsr put_sprite c4_no_bg_action: ;=============================== ; check keyboard ;=============================== jsr handle_keypress ;=============================== ; move physicist ;=============================== jsr move_physicist ;=================== ; check room limits ;=================== lda PHYSICIST_STATE cmp #P_FALLING_DOWN beq done_room_limits cmp #P_IMPALED beq done_room_limits jsr check_screen_limit done_room_limits: ;============================= ;============================= ; Detect if falling off ledge ;============================= ;============================= ; only fall in room#3 lda WHICH_ROOM cmp #3 bne regular_room ; don't start fall if impaled or already falling lda PHYSICIST_STATE cmp #P_IMPALED beq regular_room cmp #P_FALLING_DOWN beq regular_room cmp #P_FALLING_SIDEWAYS beq regular_room ; only start falling if y>=18 lda PHYSICIST_Y cmp #18 bcc regular_room ; blt ; only start falling if x>=7 and positive lda PHYSICIST_X bmi regular_room cmp #7 bcc regular_room ; blt lda PHYSICIST_STATE cmp #P_JUMPING beq fall_sideways ; if not jumping then fall down lda #P_FALLING_DOWN sta PHYSICIST_STATE lda #2 sta BG_SCROLL jmp regular_room fall_sideways: lda #P_FALLING_SIDEWAYS sta PHYSICIST_STATE lda #2 sta BG_SCROLL regular_room: ;=============== ; draw physicist ;=============== ; if in charger, draw that lda WHICH_ROOM ; charger only room0 bne just_draw_physicist lda PHYSICIST_X cmp #10 bne just_draw_physicist lda GUN_CHARGE cmp #200 bcs just_draw_physicist ; bge lda #P_STANDING sta PHYSICIST_STATE jsr draw_charger jmp after_draw_physicist just_draw_physicist: jsr draw_physicist after_draw_physicist: ;=============== ; draw alien ;=============== lda ALIEN_OUT beq no_draw_alien jsr draw_alien no_draw_alien: ;================ ; handle gun ;================ jsr handle_gun ;================ ; handle doors ;================ jsr handle_doors ;================ ; draw doors ;================ jsr draw_doors ;======================== ; draw foreground cover ;======================== lda WHICH_ROOM cmp #2 beq c4_room2_cover cmp #4 beq c4_room4_cover jmp c4_no_fg_cover c4_room2_cover: lda #0 sta XPOS lda #18 sta YPOS lda #causeway_door_cover sta INH jsr put_sprite jmp c4_no_fg_cover c4_room4_cover: lda #30 sta XPOS lda #8 sta YPOS lda #pit_door_cover sta INH jsr put_sprite c4_no_fg_cover: ;======================== ; handle cinematic action ;======================== lda WHICH_ROOM ; only on causeway1 cmp #2 bne no_action_movie lda FRAMEH cmp #1 bne action_no_trigger lda ACTION_TRIGGERED ; already triggered bne action_no_trigger action_trigger: lda #1 sta ACTION_COUNT sta ACTION_TRIGGERED action_no_trigger: lda ACTION_COUNT beq no_action_movie jsr action_sequence no_action_movie: ;=============== ; page flip ;=============== jsr page_flip ;================ ; inc frame count inc FRAMEL bne city_frame_no_oflo inc FRAMEH city_frame_no_oflo: ;========================= ; exit hack ;========================= lda WHICH_ROOM cmp #4 bne regular_exit_check lda PHYSICIST_X cmp #32 bcc regular_exit_check ; blt lda #5 sta WHICH_ROOM rts regular_exit_check: ;========================== ; check if done this level ;========================== lda GAME_OVER beq still_in_city cmp #$ff ; if $ff, we died beq done_city ;=============================== ; check if exited room to right cmp #1 beq city_exit_left ;================= ; exit to right city_right_yes_exit: lda #0 sta PHYSICIST_X cer_smc: lda #$0 ; smc+1 = exit location sta WHICH_CAVE jmp done_city ;===================== ; exit to left city_exit_left: lda #37 sta PHYSICIST_X cel_smc: lda #0 ; smc+1 sta WHICH_CAVE jmp done_city ; loop forever still_in_city: lda #0 sta GAME_OVER jmp city_loop done_city: rts recharge_sprite_progression: .word recharge_sprite1 .word recharge_sprite2 .word recharge_sprite3 .word recharge_sprite4 recharge_sprite1: .byte 1,10 .byte $eA .byte $ff .byte $ee .byte $ff .byte $e6 .byte $ff .byte $6e .byte $ff .byte $fe .byte $a6 recharge_sprite2: .byte 1,10 .byte $fA .byte $f6 .byte $ef .byte $fe .byte $66 .byte $fe .byte $6e .byte $f6 .byte $6e .byte $af recharge_sprite3: .byte 1,10 .byte $eA .byte $f6 .byte $ef .byte $ef .byte $6f .byte $f6 .byte $e6 .byte $f6 .byte $6f .byte $ae recharge_sprite4: .byte 1,10 .byte $fA .byte $fe .byte $fe .byte $6e .byte $fe .byte $6e .byte $ee .byte $f6 .byte $ef .byte $ae recharge_bg_progression: .word recharge_bg1 .word recharge_bg2 .word recharge_bg3 .word recharge_bg4 recharge_bg1: .byte 2,10 .byte $6A,$FA .byte $27,$f6 .byte $ff,$7f .byte $6f,$7f .byte $ff,$5f .byte $f5,$5f .byte $62,$f2 .byte $72,$65 .byte $5f,$7f .byte $A2,$a5 recharge_bg2: .byte 2,10 .byte $2A,$6A .byte $76,$65 .byte $5f,$f5 .byte $ff,$77 .byte $22,$f2 .byte $5f,$f6 .byte $2f,$75 .byte $52,$f5 .byte $f2,$52 .byte $A6,$a2 recharge_bg3: .byte 2,10 .byte $fA,$7A .byte $f5,$27 .byte $5f,$ff .byte $2f,$5f .byte $77,$ff .byte $f5,$f6 .byte $25,$52 .byte $5f,$52 .byte $5f,$2f .byte $A7,$a2 recharge_bg4: .byte 2,10 .byte $5A,$2A .byte $55,$76 .byte $f5,$5f .byte $77,$ff .byte $75,$22 .byte $f2,$5f .byte $27,$22 .byte $7f,$5f .byte $6f,$f5 .byte $A7,$a2 ; 0x18 causeway_door_cover: .byte 8,8 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$22,$AA .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$22,$AA .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$22,$AA .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$02,$2A .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$22 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$22 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$22 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$22 ; 30x8 pit_door_cover: .byte 8,8 .byte $02,$22,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $20,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $22,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $22,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;clear_c00: ; lda #$94 ; ldy #0 ;clear1: ; sta $c00,Y ; sta $d00,Y ; sta $e00,Y ; sta $f00,Y ; iny ; bne clear1 ; rts door_y: c4_r0_door0_y: .byte 24 c4_r0_door1_y: .byte 24 c4_r0_door2_y: .byte 24 c4_r0_door3_y: .byte 24 c4_r0_door4_y: .byte 24 door_status: c4_r0_door0_status: .byte DOOR_STATUS_CLOSED c4_r0_door1_status: .byte DOOR_STATUS_CLOSED c4_r0_door2_status: .byte DOOR_STATUS_LOCKED c4_r0_door3_status: .byte DOOR_STATUS_LOCKED c4_r0_door4_status: .byte DOOR_STATUS_LOCKED door_x: c4_r0_door0_x: .byte 7 c4_r0_door1_x: .byte 18 c4_r0_door2_x: .byte 29 c4_r0_door3_x: .byte 31 c4_r0_door4_x: .byte 33 door_xmin: c4_r0_door0_xmin: .byte 0 ; 7-4-5 c4_r0_door1_xmin: .byte 11 ; 18-4-5 c4_r0_door2_xmin: .byte 20 ; 29-4-5 c4_r0_door3_xmin: .byte 22 ; 31-4-5 c4_r0_door4_xmin: .byte 24 ; 33-4-5 door_xmax: c4_r0_door0_xmax: .byte 11 ; 7+4 c4_r0_door1_xmax: .byte 21 ; 18+4 c4_r0_door2_xmax: .byte 33 ; don't care c4_r0_door3_xmax: .byte 35 ; don't care c4_r0_door4_xmax: .byte 37 ; don't care