General Note: require an Apple IIe with 128k. I don't use any advanced IIe effects (no 65c02, no double-graphics modes). I mostly just need the 128k of RAM for use as a RAM disk as it's next to impossible to load data while music is playing. Aside about the Disk II, Woz had an amazing design but it's controlled with cycle-accurae assembly bitbanging the hardware and is essentially hard real-time. Interrupts or running other code while loading likely would make the disk fail. I'm only aware of two demos that do this, X by French Touch and X by Y. Haven't had a chance to look at what they did. Music is using my PT3 player that can play .pt3 tracker files. Disk code is by Qkumba. It's super fast. I'm using that with raw disk sector reads, there's no filesystem on the disk (no AppleDOS or ProDOS). Intro horizontal scroll, a bit of a pain Chessboard various ways to do this. cheating and using a sprite as didn't have time to hack up a 3d-render or else some sort of triangle-drawing code re-using existing sprite code, you can see artifacts on edges because the code is working at byte-granularity for speed but each byte holds 3.5 pixels. One way to fix this is to have a separate mask sprite and oring things but that would severely reduce the frame rate and take up a lot more space Tunnel I wasted a week trying to get a good tunnel effect and gave up (after some very interesting chunks of buggy code). Drawing circles is a pain on 6502. So for this I just took 2 screenshots and page flip The real effect here is a bit more interesting that a plain tunnel as it wiggles the camera around too. Interference This one is I think just interference between two circles. This one I used some existing code I had that was doing something vaguely similar with sine waves. I didn't have time to try to do the proper effect. Even with table lookups and self-modifying code and using lo-res the frame rate isn't high and it would probably be worse if I was doing the proper effect. This effect does go on forever though.