; sierpinski-like demo ; based on the code from Hellmood's Memories demo ; by Vince `deater` Weaver ; the simple sierpinski you more or less just plot ; X AND Y ; Hellmood's you plot something more or less like ; COLOR = ( (Y-(X*T)) & (X+(Y*T) ) & 0xf0 ; where T is an incrementing frame value ; to get speed on 6502/Apple II we change the multiplies to ; a series of 16-bit 8.8 fixed point adds ; TODO: ; HPLOT: roughly 30s / frame ; MOVERIGHT: roughly 14s / frame ; MOVERIGHT NO COLORSHIFT:roughly 11s / frame ; MOVERIGHT MOVEDOWN roughly 11s / frame ; INLINE HPLOT roughly 9s / frame ; INLINE EVERYTHING roughly 7s / frame ; XT/YT lookup tables roughly 6s / frame ; zero page HGR_BITS = $1C GBASL = $26 GBASH = $27 MASK = $2E COLOR = $30 HGR_HMASK = $30 HGR_X = $E0 HGR_Y = $E2 HGR_COLOR = $E4 HGR_HORIZ = $E5 SEVEN = $F6 NEXTCOL = $F7 XX_TH = $F8 XX_TL = $F9 YY = $FA YY_TH = $FB YY_TL = $FC T_L = $FD T_H = $FE SAVED = $FF ; Soft switches FULLGR = $C052 PAGE1 = $C054 PAGE2 = $C055 LORES = $C056 ; Enable LORES graphics ; ROM routines HGR = $F3E2 HGR2 = $F3D8 HPOSN = $F411 HPLOT0 = $F457 HPLOT1 = $F45A ; skip the HPOSN call COLOR_SHIFT = $F47E ; shift color for odd/even Y (0..7 or 7..13) MOVE_RIGHT = $F48A ; move next plot location one to the right MOVE_DOWN = $F504 ; clc at f504, needed? ; f505 is applesoft entry point but assumes c? ; move next plot location one to the right ; note moveright/movedown respect HGR_PAGE COLORTBL = $F6F6 XT_LOOKUP_TABLE = $1000 YT_LOOKUP_TABLE = $1100 ;.zeropage ;.globalzp T_L,T_H ;================================ ; Clear screen and setup graphics ;================================ sier: jsr HGR2 ; set FULLGR, sets A=0 sta T_L ; start with multiplier 0 sta T_H sier_outer: lda #$40 ; start on page2 ($4000) sta GBASH ; lda #$7 ; sta SEVEN ldx #0 ; get X 0 for later stx YY ; YY starts at 0 stx GBASL ; GBASL is $00 ; create XX_T lookup table ; note, same as YY_T lookup table? stx XX_TL ; start at 0 stx XX_TH ; calc XX*T ; only really care about XX_TH xt_table_loop: clc lda XX_TL ; 3 tl_smc: adc T_L ; 2 sta XX_TL ; 3 lda XX_TH ; 3 th_smc: adc T_H ; 3 sta XX_TH ; 3 sta YT_LOOKUP_TABLE,X ; 5 eor #$ff ; negate, as we subtract ; 2 sta XT_LOOKUP_TABLE,X ; 5 inx ; 2 bne xt_table_loop ; 3/2 sier_yloop: lda #$C0 ; 192 reset hmask at begin of line sta HGR_HMASK ldx YY ; 3 lda YT_LOOKUP_TABLE,X ; 4 sta yy_th_smc+1 ; 4 ; reset XX to 0 ldy #0 ; y is x/7 ldx #0 ; XX seven_loop: lda #7 sta SEVEN sier_xloop: ; want (YY-(XX*T)) & (XX+(YY*T) ; SAVED = XX+(Y*T) ; clc txa ; XX ; 2 yy_th_smc: adc #00 ; 2 sta SAVED ; 3 lda XT_LOOKUP_TABLE,X ; ~(XX*T) ; 4 ; calc (YY-XX*T) sec ; 2 adc YY ; 3 ; want (YY-(XX*T)) & (XX+(YY*T) and SAVED ; 3 ;============ ; 19 ; and #$f8 clc ; 2 beq black ; 2/3 white: sec ; 2 black: ;===== ; 4? ror NEXTCOL ; 5 inx dec SEVEN bne sier_xloop lda NEXTCOL ; sign extend top bit, cmp #$80 ; matches earlier cool colors ror ; lda #$7f sta (GBASL),Y ; 6 iny ; 2 cpy #36 bne seven_loop ; 3/2 ;================= ; total roughly 19+4+19+16+5 = 63 ; 49152 per inside *80 = 3,145,728 ; apple II cyles/frame = 17,030 ; 1FPS = 1,021,800 ;================================== jsr MOVE_DOWN ; X/Y left alone inc YY ; repeat until Y=192 ldy YY cpy #192 bne sier_yloop ; inc T ; clc lda T_L blah_smc: adc #1 sta T_L bcc no_carry inc T_H no_carry: ; speed up the zoom as it goes inc blah_smc+1 ;flip_pages: ; TODO if frame rate ever gets fast enough jmp sier_outer ; what can we branch on?