New: scoll up, 2 pixel high stars randomly chosen? myst book falling guy various of the riven symbols Loading: Demosplash logo? Count down as loaded? Intro: Driven animation Atrus: Talk1 Talk2 (TODO: have him look up?) Scrolll text Plasma (have plasma expand to fill screen?) Maglev: Number Counting: Mine-cart / Circles Images Spiky 233 ????Catherine? Atrus standing by the rift saying to go for it? White Guy in void Fade out? Perhaps the ending has not yet been written... Seriously, how is it mid November already... Or perhaps we ran out of time before the deadline... Credits Add random stars that scroll up? Add little visualizer to both sides? Myst linking book float by? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATRUS: + fix centering of book + at end have it grow out of book CREDITS: + fix centering + add all credits + Make the music people look like Atrus and Moiety?