; the following lives on sectors $0E and $0D ; why? ; request sector 2 and 4, and the interleave is ; beneath apple dos (3-23) ; Physical (firmware) : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ; DOS33 mapping : 0, 7, 14, 6, 13, 5, 12, 4, 11, 3, 10, 2, 9, 1, 8, 15 ; Beneath Apple DOS ; p86 (dos reference) ; .org $be00 code_begin: .byte version readnib: slotpatch1: ; smc lda $c0d1 ; gets set to C08C (Q6L) read bpl readnib rts ;fill address array for one track seekread: sty startsec+1 sta tmpadr+1 stx total+1 inittrk: sec lda #$10 sbc startsec+1 cmp total+1 bcs it_skip tax it_skip: stx partial1 stx partial2 jsr seek startsec: ldy #$d1 tmpadr: tmpadr_loop: lda #$d1 sta addrtbl, y inc tmpadr+1 iny dec partial1 bne tmpadr_loop read: outer_read: jsr readnib inner_read: cmp #$d5 bne outer_read jsr readnib cmp #$aa bne inner_read tay ; we need Y=#$AA later jsr readnib eor #$ad ; zero A if match beq check_mode ;if not #$AD, then #$96 is assumed ldy #2 ; volume, track, sector another: jsr readnib rol ; set carry sta sector+1 jsr readnib and sector+1 dey bpl another tay ldx addrtbl, Y ; fetch corresponding address beq read sta sector+1 ; store index for later stx adrpatch1+2 stx adrpatch8+2 stx adrpatch2+2 stx adrpatch3+2 stx adrpatch5+2 stx adrpatch7+2 inx stx adrpatch9+2 dex dex stx adrpatch4+2 stx adrpatch6+2 ldy #$fe adrpatch1: loop2: lda $d102, Y pha iny bne loop2 branch_read: bcs read ; branch always check_mode: cpx #0 beq read ; loop if not expecting #$AD loop33: sta tmpval+1 ; zero rolling checksum slotpatch2: loop4: ldx $c0d1 bpl loop4 lda preshift-$96, X adrpatch2: sta $d102, Y ; store 2-bit array tmpval: eor #$d1 iny bne loop33 ldy #$aa slotpatch3: loop5: ldx $c0d1 bpl loop5 eor preshift-$96, X adrpatch3: ldx $d102, Y ; bit2tbl eor grouped+2, X ; first 86 nibbles use group bits 0-1 adrpatch4: sta $d156, y iny bne loop5 and #$fc ldy #$aa slotpatch4: loop6: ldx $c0d1 bpl loop6 eor preshift-$96, X adrpatch5: ldx $d102, Y ; bit2tbl eor grouped+1, X ; second 86 nibbles use group bits 2-3 adrpatch6: sta $d1ac, Y iny bne loop6 and #$fc ldx #$ac slotpatch5: loop7: ldy $c0d1 bpl loop7 eor preshift-$96, Y adrpatch7: ldy $d100, X ; bit2tbl eor grouped, Y ; last 84 nibbles use group bits 4-5 adrpatch8: sta $d100, x inx bne loop7 and #$fc slotpatch6: loop8: ldy $c0d1 bpl loop8 eor preshift-$96, Y cmp #1 ; carry = !zero ldy #1 loop9: pla adrpatch9: sta $d100, Y dey bpl loop9 branch_read2: bcs branch_read ; branch if checksum failure sector: ldy #$d1 txa sta addrtbl, Y ; zero corresponding address dec total+1 dec partial2 ; adjust remaining count (faster than looping over array) sec bne branch_read2 ; read all requested sectors in one track total: ldx #$d1 beq driveoff inc phase+1 inc phase+1 ; update current track jmp inittrk driveoff: slotpatch7: lda $c0d1 seekret: rts seek: lda #0 sta step+1 copy_cur: curtrk: lda #0 sta tmpval+1 sec phase: sbc #$d1 beq seekret eor #$ff inc curtrk+1 cmp step+1 bcc loop10 step: lda #$d1 loop10: cmp #8 bcs loop11 tay sec loop11: lda curtrk+1 ldx step1, Y bne loop12 loopmmm: clc lda tmpval+1 ldx step2, Y loop12: stx sector+1 and #3 rol tax slotpatch8: sta $c0d1, X loopmm: ldx #$13 loopm: dex bne loopm dec sector+1 bne loopmm lsr bcs loopmmm inc step+1 bne copy_cur step1: .byte 1, $30, $28, $24, $20, $1e, $1d, $1c step2: .byte $70, $2c, $26, $22, $1f, $1e, $1d, $1c addrtbl: .res 16 partial1 = * partial2 = partial1+1 code_end=partial2+1