;=========================== ; print inventory and stats ;=========================== print_info: lda #$a0 jsr clear_top_a bit SET_TEXT jsr normal_text ; inverse space lda #$20 sta COLOR ; Draw boxes ; HLIN Y, V2 AT A ; hlin_double(0,0,39,0); ldy #39 sty V2 ldy #0 lda #0 jsr hlin_double ; hlin_double(0,0,39,4); ldy #39 sty V2 ldy #0 lda #4 jsr hlin_double ; hlin_double(0,0,39,8); ldy #39 sty V2 ldy #0 lda #8 jsr hlin_double ; hlin_double(0,0,39,46); ldy #39 sty V2 ldy #0 lda #46 jsr hlin_double ; X, V2 at Y ; basic_vlin(0,47,0); ldy #0 ldx #47 stx V2 ldx #0 jsr vlin ; basic_vlin(0,47,20); ldy #20 ldx #47 stx V2 ldx #0 jsr vlin ; basic_vlin(0,47,39); ldy #39 ldx #47 stx V2 ldx #0 jsr vlin jsr normal_text lda #info_name_string sta OUTH jsr move_and_print ; print name jsr move_and_print ; print level jsr move_and_print ; print inventory jsr move_and_print ; print stats jsr move_and_print ; print hp jsr move_and_print ; print mp jsr move_and_print ; print exp jsr move_and_print ; print next jsr move_and_print ; print money jsr move_and_print ; print time ;================== ; print inventory ;================== ldy #10 ; start at 5 (*2) ;============ ; print item1 lda #$1 sta MASK ldx #0 item1_loop: clc lda gr_offsets,Y adc #3 ; indent sta BASL lda gr_offsets+1,Y adc DRAW_PAGE sta BASH lda MASK and HERO_INVENTORY1 beq item1_not_there lda item1_name_addr,X sta OUTL lda item1_name_addr+1,X sta OUTH sty TEMPY jsr print_string ldy TEMPY iny iny item1_not_there: asl MASK inx inx cpx #16 bne item1_loop ;============ ; print item2 lda #$1 sta MASK ldx #0 item2_loop: clc lda gr_offsets,Y adc #3 ; indent sta BASL lda gr_offsets+1,Y adc DRAW_PAGE sta BASH lda MASK and HERO_INVENTORY2 beq item2_not_there lda item2_name_addr,X sta OUTL lda item2_name_addr+1,X sta OUTH sty TEMPY jsr print_string ldy TEMPY iny iny item2_not_there: asl MASK inx inx cpx #16 bne item2_loop ;============ ; print item3 lda #$1 sta MASK ldx #0 item3_loop: clc lda gr_offsets,Y adc #3 ; indent sta BASL lda gr_offsets+1,Y adc DRAW_PAGE sta BASH lda MASK and HERO_INVENTORY3 beq item3_not_there lda item3_name_addr,X sta OUTL lda item3_name_addr+1,X sta OUTH sty TEMPY jsr print_string ldy TEMPY iny iny item3_not_there: asl MASK inx inx cpx #4 bne item3_loop ;===================== ; done printing info jsr page_flip jsr wait_until_keypressed bit SET_GR ; set graphics jsr clear_bottoms rts ; 1 2 3 4 ;01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ;**************************************** 1 ;* DEATER * LEVEL 1 * 2 ;**************************************** 3 ;* INVENTORY * STATS * 4 ;**************************************** 5 ;* * HP: 50/100 * 6 ;* * MP: 0/0 * 7 ;* * * 8 ;* * EXPERIENCE: 0 * 9 ;* * NEXT LEVEL: 16 * 10 ;* * * 11 ;* * MONEY: $1 * 12 0-256 ;* * TIME: 00:00 * 13 ;* * * 14 ;* * * 15 ;* * * 16 ;* * * 17 ;* * * 18 ;* * * 19 ;* * * 20 ;* * * 21 ;* * * 22 ;* * * 23 ;**************************************** 24 ;EXPERIENCE = 0...255 ;LEVEL = EXPERIENCE / = 0...63 ;NEXT LEVEL = ;MONEY = 0...255 ;MAX_HP = 32+EXPERIENCE (maxing at 255) info_name_string: .byte 2,1,"DEATER ",0 info_level_string: .byte 22,1,"LEVEL 1",0 info_inventory_string: .byte 2,3,"INVENTORY:",0 info_stats_string: .byte 22,3,"STATS",0 info_hp_string: .byte 23,5,"HP: 123 / 456",0 info_mp_string: .byte 23,6,"MP: 55 / 99",0 info_exp_string: .byte 22,8,"EXPERIENCE: 123",0 info_nextlev_string: .byte 22,9,"NEXT LEVEL: 123",0 info_money_string: .byte 22,11,"MONEY: $123",0 info_time_string: .byte 22,13,"TIME: 00:00",0 item1_name_addr: .word item1_cupcake .word item1_carrot .word item1_smartpass .word item1_elf_runes .word item1_lizbeth_star .word item1_karte_spiel .word item1_glamdring .word item1_vegemite item1_names: item1_cupcake: .byte "CUPCAKE",0 item1_carrot: .byte "CARROT",0 item1_smartpass: .byte "METRO SMARTPASS",0 item1_elf_runes: .byte "ELF RUNES",0 item1_lizbeth_star: .byte "STAR OF LIZBETH",0 item1_karte_spiel: .byte "KARTE SPIEL",0 item1_glamdring: .byte "GLAMDRING",0 item1_vegemite: .byte "VEGEMITE",0 item2_name_addr: .word item2_blue_led .word item2_red_led .word item2_1k_resistor .word item2_4p7k_resistor .word item2_9v_battery .word item2_1p5v_battery .word item2_linux_cd .word item2_army_knife item2_names: item2_blue_led: .byte "BLUE LED",0 item2_red_led: .byte "RED LED",0 item2_1k_resistor: .byte "1K RESISTOR",0 item2_4p7k_resistor: .byte "4.7K RESISTOR",0 item2_9v_battery: .byte "9V BATTERY",0 item2_1p5v_battery: .byte "1.5V BATTERY",0 item2_linux_cd: .byte "LINUX CD",0 item2_army_knife: .byte "SWISS ARMY KNIFE",0 item3_name_addr: .word item3_chex_mix .word item3_class_ring .word item3_missing .word item3_missing .word item3_missing .word item3_missing .word item3_missing .word item3_missing item3_names: item3_chex_mix: .byte "CHEX MIX",0 item3_class_ring: .byte "CLASS RING",0 ; from golf course? item3_missing: .byte "MISSING",0