Crop to 635x472 Levels: middle to 0.40 Scale to: 280x208 (none) Levels: to 0.35 Indexed, B+W, Floyd Steinberg Crop to 280x192 with top at 8 pixels down "A possibly legal program for your Apple II" Play again? Y/N Excellent! Trogdor demands you watch again anyway. Scene 1: "TROGDOR!" + zoom trogdor scrolls right to left + Left / Right / Left Flame + trog05 / flames Scene 2: "TROGDOR!" + main trogdor scroll up from bottom + trog00 Scene 3: + village scroll from right to left + trog01 / trog02 Scene 4: "TROGDOR WAS A MAN!" + Man + flames left/right/left + "he was a.." + trog03 Scene 5: "DRAGON MAN" + dragonman + "maybe just a..." + trog04 Scene 6: "Dragon" + dragon again + trog00 (trog06?) + "but he was still..." Scene 7: "TROGDOR" + Zoom in/out rapidly + trog05/trog00 + Scroll Down off sreen Scene 8: "TROGDOR" + Dragonman + Flames on left and right, animated + Then rapidly shift trog04/trog05 + trog04 Scene 9: "Burninating the countryside" + Village + on "countrside" two flames + Burninating the... Scene 10: "Pesants" + Burning peasant scrolls rigt/left Scene 11: "Burninatng " + dragon up/down + trog08/trog09 Scene 12: "All the people " + Lots of peasants, appear one by one + 2 4 5 3 1 + trog10 Scece 13: "Thatched roof cottages" + cottage scrolls up Scene 14: "Thatched roof cottages" + alternates trog09 cottage trog08 cottage trog09 cottage trog08 cottage trog09 cottage white screen, twin flames low Scene 15: "Thatched root cottages" two flames, cottage scrolls in upside down Scene 16: Rapid cuts: + trog down + man + peasant + countryside + cottage + trog zoom out + trog zoom out 2 flames Scene 17: "Trogdor comes in the night!" + Strongbad at computer? Space: $2000-$3FFF = page1 (8k) $4000-$5fff = page2 (8k) $6000-$BFFF = 24k Language card = 12k (5k by music) so 7k 1499 trog00_trogdor.hgr.zx02 4839 trog01_countryside.hgr.zx02 1174 trog02_countryside.hgr.zx02 1973 trog03_man.hgr.zx02 1982 trog04_dragonman.hgr.zx02 3525 trog05_zoom.hgr.zx02 1665 trog07_peasant.hgr.zx02 2814 trog08_close1.hgr.zx02 3313 trog09_close.hgr.zx02 2817 trog10_peasants.hgr.zx02 2680 trog11_cottage.hgr.zx02 ===== 28281 = 28k or so