; Mist ; a version of Myst? ; (yes there's a subtle German joke here) ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; Zero Page .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" mist_start: ;=================== ; init screen jsr TEXT jsr HOME bit KEYRESET bit SET_GR bit PAGE0 ; bit HIRES bit FULLGR lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE ; init cursor lda #20 sta CURSOR_X sta CURSOR_Y ; init location lda #0 sta LOCATION lda #0 sta DIRECTION ; set up initial location jsr change_location lda #1 sta CURSOR_VISIBLE ; visible at first game_loop: ;================= ; reset things ;================= lda #0 sta IN_SPECIAL sta IN_RIGHT sta IN_LEFT ;==================================== ; copy background to current page ;==================================== jsr gr_copy_to_current ;==================================== ; draw pointer ;==================================== lda CURSOR_VISIBLE bne draw_pointer jmp no_draw_pointer draw_pointer: lda CURSOR_X sta XPOS lda CURSOR_Y sta YPOS ; see if inside special region ldy #LOCATION_SPECIAL_EXIT lda (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y bmi finger_not_special ; see if X1 < X < X2 lda CURSOR_X ldy #LOCATION_SPECIAL_X1 cmp (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y bcc finger_not_special ; blt ldy #LOCATION_SPECIAL_X2 cmp (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y bcs finger_not_special ; bge ; see if Y1 < Y < Y2 lda CURSOR_Y ldy #LOCATION_SPECIAL_Y1 cmp (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y bcc finger_not_special ; blt ldy #LOCATION_SPECIAL_Y2 cmp (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y bcs finger_not_special ; bge ; we made it this far, we are special finger_grab: lda #1 sta IN_SPECIAL lda #finger_grab_sprite jmp finger_draw finger_not_special: ; check for left/right lda CURSOR_X cmp #7 bcc check_cursor_left ; blt cmp #33 bcs check_cursor_right ; bge ; otherwise, finger_point finger_point: lda #finger_point_sprite jmp finger_draw check_cursor_left: ldy #LOCATION_BGS lda (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y check_left_north: ldy DIRECTION cpy #DIRECTION_N bne check_left_south handle_left_north: ; check if west exists and #BG_WEST beq finger_point bne finger_left check_left_south: cpy #DIRECTION_S bne check_left_east handle_left_south: ; check if east exists and #BG_EAST beq finger_point bne finger_left check_left_east: cpy #DIRECTION_E bne check_left_west handle_left_east: ; check if north exists and #BG_NORTH beq finger_point bne finger_left check_left_west: ; we should be only option left handle_left_west: ; check if south exists and #BG_SOUTH beq finger_point bne finger_left check_cursor_right: ldy #LOCATION_BGS lda (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y check_right_north: ldy DIRECTION cpy #DIRECTION_N bne check_right_south handle_right_north: ; check if east exists and #BG_EAST beq finger_point bne finger_right check_right_south: cpy #DIRECTION_S bne check_right_east handle_right_south: ; check if west exists and #BG_WEST beq finger_point bne finger_right check_right_east: cpy #DIRECTION_E bne check_right_west handle_right_east: ; check if south exists and #BG_SOUTH beq finger_point bne finger_right check_right_west: ; we should be only option left handle_right_west: ; check if north exists and #BG_NORTH beq finger_point bne finger_right finger_left: lda #1 sta IN_LEFT lda #finger_left_sprite jmp finger_draw finger_right: lda #1 sta IN_RIGHT lda #finger_right_sprite jmp finger_draw finger_draw: sta INH jsr put_sprite_crop no_draw_pointer: ;==================================== ; page flip ;==================================== jsr page_flip ;==================================== ; handle keypress/joystick ;==================================== jsr handle_keypress ;==================================== ; inc frame count ;==================================== inc FRAMEL bne room_frame_no_oflo inc FRAMEH room_frame_no_oflo: jmp game_loop ;============================== ; Handle Keypress ;============================== handle_keypress: lda KEYPRESS bmi keypress jmp no_keypress keypress: and #$7f ; clear high bit check_left: cmp #'A' beq left_pressed cmp #8 ; left key bne check_right left_pressed: dec CURSOR_X jmp done_keypress check_right: cmp #'D' beq right_pressed cmp #$15 ; right key bne check_up right_pressed: inc CURSOR_X jmp done_keypress check_up: cmp #'W' beq up_pressed cmp #$0B ; up key bne check_down up_pressed: dec CURSOR_Y dec CURSOR_Y jmp done_keypress check_down: cmp #'S' beq down_pressed cmp #$0A bne check_return down_pressed: inc CURSOR_Y inc CURSOR_Y jmp done_keypress check_return: cmp #' ' beq return_pressed cmp #13 bne done_keypress return_pressed: lda IN_SPECIAL beq not_special_return special_return: jsr handle_special ; special case, don't make cursor visible jmp no_keypress not_special_return: lda IN_RIGHT beq not_right_return right_return: jsr turn_right jmp no_keypress not_right_return: lda IN_LEFT beq not_left_return left_return: jsr turn_left jmp no_keypress not_left_return: jsr go_forward jmp no_keypress done_keypress: lda #1 ; make cursor visible sta CURSOR_VISIBLE no_keypress: bit KEYRESET rts ;============================ ; handle_special ;=========================== ; set up jump table fakery handle_special: ldy #LOCATION_SPECIAL_FUNC+1 lda (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y pha dey lda (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y pha rts ;============================= ; myst_link_book ;============================= myst_link_book: ; play sound effect? ; lda #audio_link_noise ; sta BTC_H ; ldx #43 ; 45 pages long??? ; jsr play_audio ; lda #audio_red_page ; sta BTC_H ; ldx #21 ; 21 pages long??? ; jsr play_audio lda #1 sta LOCATION jsr change_location rts ;============================= ; change direction ;============================= change_direction: ; load background lda DIRECTION asl clc adc #LOCATION_NORTH_BG tay lda (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y sta GBASL iny lda (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y sta GBASH lda #$c ; load to page $c00 jsr load_rle_gr rts ;============================= ; change location ;============================= change_location: ; reset pointer to not visible, centered lda #0 sta CURSOR_VISIBLE lda #20 sta CURSOR_X sta CURSOR_Y lda LOCATION asl tay lda locations,Y sta LOCATION_STRUCT_L lda locations+1,Y sta LOCATION_STRUCT_H jsr change_direction rts ;========================== ; go forward ;=========================== go_forward: ; update new location lda DIRECTION clc adc #LOCATION_NORTH_EXIT tay lda (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y cmp #$ff beq cant_go_forward sta LOCATION ; update new direction lda DIRECTION clc adc #LOCATION_NORTH_EXIT_DIR tay lda (LOCATION_STRUCT_L),Y sta DIRECTION jsr change_location cant_go_forward: rts ;========================== ; turn left ;=========================== turn_left: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_N beq go_west cmp #DIRECTION_W beq go_south cmp #DIRECTION_S beq go_east bne go_north ;========================== ; turn right ;=========================== turn_right: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_N beq go_east cmp #DIRECTION_E beq go_south cmp #DIRECTION_S beq go_west bne go_north go_north: lda #DIRECTION_N jmp done_turning go_east: lda #DIRECTION_E jmp done_turning go_south: lda #DIRECTION_S jmp done_turning go_west: lda #DIRECTION_W jmp done_turning done_turning: sta DIRECTION jsr change_direction rts ; Catherine, ; I've left for you a message ; of utmost importance in ; our fore-chamber beside ; the dock. Enter the number ; of Marker Switches on ; this island into the imager ; to retrieve the message. ; Yours, ; Atrus letter: ; 01234567890123456789 .byte 9,1," CATHERINE, ",0 .byte 9,3," I THINK SOME WEIRD ",0 .byte 9,5," GUY IS OUT ROAMING ",0 .byte 9,7," AROUND OUR ISLAND! ",0 .byte 9,9," MAYBE HE CAN SOLVE ",0 .byte 9,11," ALL OF OUR DEEP ",0 .byte 9,13," FAMILY PROBLEMS ",0 .byte 9,15," WHILE I MESS ",0 .byte 9,17," WITH MY BOOKS. ",0 .byte 9,19," YOURS, ",0 .byte 9,21," ATRUS ",0 clear_line: .byte 9,0, " ",0 ;================ ; read the letter read_letter: ; jsr TEXT ; jsr HOME bit KEYRESET bit SET_TEXT jsr clear_all ; clear ldx #0 clear_line_loop: lda #clear_line sta OUTH stx clear_line+1 jsr move_and_print inx cpx #24 bne clear_line_loop lda #letter sta OUTH ldx #0 letter_loop: jsr move_and_print inx cpx #12 bne letter_loop jsr page_flip wait_done_letter: lda KEYPRESS bpl wait_done_letter bit KEYRESET ; turn graphics back on bit SET_GR ; bit PAGE0 ; bit FULLGR rts ;========================== ; includes ;========================== .include "gr_copy.s" .include "gr_unrle.s" .include "gr_offsets.s" .include "gr_pageflip.s" .include "gr_putsprite_crop.s" .include "text_print.s" .include "gr_fast_clear.s" .include "audio.s" .include "mist_graphics.inc" finger_point_sprite: .byte 5,5 .byte $AA,$BB,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$BB,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $BA,$BB,$BB,$BB,$BB .byte $AB,$BB,$BB,$BB,$BB .byte $AA,$BB,$BB,$BB,$AA finger_grab_sprite: .byte 5,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$BB,$AA,$AA .byte $BB,$AA,$BB,$AA,$BB .byte $BB,$BA,$BB,$BA,$BB .byte $AB,$BB,$BB,$BB,$BB .byte $AA,$BB,$BB,$BB,$AA finger_left_sprite: .byte 6,4 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AB,$BA,$AA .byte $BB,$BB,$BB,$BB,$BB,$BB .byte $AA,$AA,$BB,$BB,$BB,$BB .byte $AA,$AA,$AB,$BB,$BB,$AB finger_right_sprite: .byte 6,4 .byte $AA,$BA,$AB,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $BB,$BB,$BB,$BB,$BB,$BB .byte $BA,$BB,$BB,$BB,$AA,$AA .byte $AB,$BB,$BB,$AB,$AA,$AA ;=============================================== ; location data ;=============================================== ; 24 bytes each location LOCATION_NORTH_EXIT=0 LOCATION_SOUTH_EXIT=1 LOCATION_EAST_EXIT=2 LOCATION_WEST_EXIT=3 LOCATION_NORTH_EXIT_DIR=4 LOCATION_SOUTH_EXIT_DIR=5 LOCATION_EAST_EXIT_DIR=6 LOCATION_WEST_EXIT_DIR=7 LOCATION_SPECIAL_EXIT=8 LOCATION_NORTH_BG=9 LOCATION_SOUTH_BG=11 LOCATION_EAST_BG=13 LOCATION_WEST_BG=15 LOCATION_SPECIAL_X1=17 LOCATION_SPECIAL_X2=18 LOCATION_SPECIAL_Y1=19 LOCATION_SPECIAL_Y2=20 LOCATION_SPECIAL_FUNC=21 LOCATION_BGS = 23 BG_NORTH = 1 BG_SOUTH = 2 BG_EAST = 4 BG_WEST = 8 locations: .word location0, location1, location2, location3 .word location4, location5, location6, location7 .word location8, location9, location10,location11 .word location12,location13,location14,location15 .word location16 ; myst linking book location0: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte $ff ; south exit .byte $ff ; east exit .byte $ff ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte $ff ; south exit_dir .byte $ff ; east exit_dir .byte $ff ; west exit_dir .byte $00 ; special exit .word link_book_rle ; north bg .word $0000 ; south bg .word $0000 ; east bg .word $0000 ; west bg .byte 21,31 ; special x .byte 10,24 ; special y .word myst_link_book-1 ; special function .byte $1 ; only north bg ; dock location1: .byte $2 ; north exit .byte $ff ; south exit .byte $ff ; east exit .byte $ff ; west exit .byte DIRECTION_N ; north exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_S ; south exit_dir .byte $ff ; east exit_dir .byte $ff ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word dock_n_rle ; north bg .word dock_s_rle ; south bg .word dock_e_rle ; east bg .word dock_w_rle ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte $f ; all bgs ; by dock switch location2: .byte 3 ; north exit .byte 1 ; south exit .byte $ff ; east exit .byte $ff ; west exit .byte DIRECTION_W ; north exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_S ; south exit_dir .byte $ff ; east exit_dir .byte $ff ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word dock_switch_n_rle ; north bg .word dock_switch_s_rle ; south bg .word $0000 ; east bg .word $0000 ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_NORTH|BG_SOUTH ; dock steps location3: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte $ff ; south exit .byte 2 ; east exit .byte 4 ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte $ff ; south exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_S ; east exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_S ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word $0000 ; north bg .word $0000 ; south bg .word $0000 ; east bg .word dock_steps_w_rle ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_WEST ; only west ; above dock path location4: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte 5 ; south exit .byte 2 ; east exit .byte $ff ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_S ; south exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_S ; east exit_dir .byte $ff ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word above_dock_n_rle ; north bg .word above_dock_s_rle ; south bg .word above_dock_e_rle ; east bg .word $0000 ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_SOUTH|BG_NORTH|BG_EAST ; base of steps location5: .byte 4 ; north exit .byte 6 ; south exit .byte $ff ; east exit .byte $ff ; west exit .byte DIRECTION_N ; north exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_W ; south exit_dir .byte $ff ; east exit_dir .byte $ff ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word step_base_n_rle ; north bg .word step_base_s_rle ; south bg .word $0000 ; east bg .word $0000 ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_SOUTH|BG_NORTH ; steps 1st landing location6: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte $ff ; south exit .byte 5 ; east exit .byte 7 ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte $ff ; south exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_N ; east exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_W ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word $0000 ; north bg .word $0000 ; south bg .word step_land1_e_rle ; east bg .word step_land1_w_rle ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_WEST | BG_EAST ; steps 2nd landing location7: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte $ff ; south exit .byte 6 ; east exit .byte 8 ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte $ff ; south exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_E ; east exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_W ; west exit_dir .byte $00 ; special exit .word $0000 ; north bg .word $0000 ; south bg .word step_land2_e_rle ; east bg .word step_land2_w_rle ; west bg .byte 29,32 ; special x .byte 38,45 ; special y .word read_letter-1 .byte BG_WEST | BG_EAST ; steps outside dentist chair branch location8: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte $ff ; south exit .byte 7 ; east exit .byte 9 ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte $ff ; south exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_E ; east exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_W ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word $0000 ; north bg .word $0000 ; south bg .word step_dentist_e_rle ; east bg .word step_dentist_w_rle ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_EAST|BG_WEST ; ; steps one more time up location9: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte $ff ; south exit .byte 8 ; east exit .byte 10 ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte $ff ; south exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_E ; east exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_W ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word $0000 ; north bg .word $0000 ; south bg .word step_land3_e_rle ; east bg .word step_land3_w_rle ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_WEST | BG_EAST ; west and eastl ; at the top outside temple location10: .byte 11 ; north exit .byte 14 ; south exit .byte 9 ; east exit .byte 16 ; west exit .byte DIRECTION_N ; north exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_S ; south exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_E ; east exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_N ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word step_top_n_rle ; north bg .word step_top_s_rle ; south bg .word step_top_e_rle ; east bg .word step_top_w_rle ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_EAST|BG_WEST|BG_NORTH|BG_SOUTH ; all dirs ; temple doorway location11: .byte 12 ; north exit .byte 10 ; south exit .byte $ff ; east exit .byte $ff ; west exit .byte DIRECTION_N ; north exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_S ; south exit_dir .byte $ff ; east exit_dir .byte $ff ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word temple_door_n_rle ; north bg .word temple_door_s_rle ; south bg .word $0000 ; east bg .word $0000 ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_NORTH|BG_SOUTH ; north and south ; temple inside location12: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte 11 ; south exit .byte $ff ; east exit .byte 13 ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_S ; south exit_dir .byte $ff ; east exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_W ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word temple_center_n_rle ; north bg .word temple_center_s_rle ; south bg .word temple_center_e_rle ; east bg .word temple_center_w_rle ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_NORTH|BG_WEST|BG_SOUTH|BG_EAST ; all directions ; red book shelf location13: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte $ff ; south exit .byte $ff ; east exit .byte 12 ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte $ff ; south exit_dir .byte $ff ; east exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_W ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word $0000 ; north bg .word $0000 ; south bg .word $0000 ; east bg .word red_book_shelf_rle ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_WEST ; west ; pool location14: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte 15 ; south exit .byte $ff ; east exit .byte $ff ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_S ; south exit_dir .byte $ff ; east exit_dir .byte $ff ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word $0000 ; north bg .word pool_s_rle ; south bg .word $0000 ; east bg .word $0000 ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_SOUTH ; clock location15: .byte $ff ; north exit .byte 10 ; south exit .byte $ff ; east exit .byte $ff ; west exit .byte $ff ; north exit_dir .byte DIRECTION_N ; south exit_dir .byte $ff ; east exit_dir .byte $ff ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word $0000 ; north bg .word clock_s_rle ; south bg .word $0000 ; east bg .word $0000 ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_SOUTH ; spaceship far location16: .byte 10 ; north exit .byte $ff ; south exit .byte $ff ; east exit .byte $ff ; west exit .byte DIRECTION_E ; north exit_dir .byte $ff ; south exit_dir .byte $ff ; east exit_dir .byte $ff ; west exit_dir .byte $ff ; special exit .word ss_far_n_rle ; north bg .word $0000 ; south bg .word $0000 ; east bg .word $0000 ; west bg .byte $ff,$ff ; special x .byte $ff,$ff ; special y .word $0000 ; special function .byte BG_NORTH ; Looking North, click enter, go to north exit ; Looking South, click enter, go to south exit ; Looking East, click enter, go to east exit ; Looking North, if east_bg then show left arrow ;.align $100 ;audio_red_page: ;.incbin "audio/red_page.btc" ;audio_link_noise: ;.incbin "audio/link_noise.btc"