Known bugs: + When moving to new screen can get stuck or else wrap at weird offset + Weird glitch at top of screen when printing damage during battle + No sound/music on Linux version + It is not possible to trigger the final battle + Cannot save game Soon: + Battle Sequence --> Sound effects --> enemy uses magic --> Enemy more likely to spawn on appropriate territory --> green background on anti-damage printing --> Disable vortex cannon until you get it from Ken --> Balance the battles --> Do something with experience/leveling up + Ending: --> Boss battle w susie --> Puzzle. Warn if not have all parts --> Erase door once solve puzzle --> Light goes on when solve puzzle? Draw LED light going to sensor + Worldmap --> Make location inverse text to offset it from dialog? --> Make actions inverse to highlight --> Start with 0 money --> Face proper way when entering/leaving certain places (fountain?) --> Play with female hero + Game over screen --> Pause 2 seconds --> Ask "Continue: Y/N?" + Enable getting back on spaceship (with better animation) + Better collision detection on Spaceship land + Better collision detection/walk on+off in College Park + Riding animals + Make transparent color grey2 rather than black Credits: + Running on bird. Stars and words in sky, mountain + Scrolling trees? + Guinea pig running alongside? + Then spaceship flying with planet in the sky Not soon: + Play as either DEATER or FROGGY + Allow spaceship to land on arbitrary grass space + Toggle lowercase/uppercase text