; thick sine ; 105 bytes -- original with table sine ; 89 bytes -- use ROM cosine table to generate sine table ; 86 bytes -- put sine table in zero page ; 89 bytes -- adjust to add #1 to avoid thick line at middle ; 87 bytes -- Y is 0 after HGR2 ; zero page sinetable=$70 HGR_X = $E0 HGR_XH = $E1 HGR_Y = $E2 HGR_COLOR = $E4 HGR_PAGE = $E6 SAVEX = $FE SAVEY = $FF ; ROM routines HGR2 = $F3D8 HPOSN = $F411 ; (Y,X),(A) (values stores in HGRX,XH,Y) HPLOT0 = $F457 ; plot at (Y,X), (A) costable_base = $F5BA ;================================ ; Clear screen and setup graphics ;================================ thick_sine: jsr HGR2 ; set hi-res 140x192, page2, fullscreen ; A and Y both 0 at end ; try to get sine table from ROM rom_sine: ;========================================== ; create sinetable using ROM cosine table ; ldy #0 ldx #$f sinetable_loop: lda costable_base+1,Y force_zero: lsr ; rom value is *256 lsr ; we want *32 lsr sta sinetable+$10,Y sta sinetable+$00,X eor #$FF sec adc #$0 sta sinetable+$30,Y sta sinetable+$20,X lda #0 ; hack, ROM cosine table doesn't ; have a good zero for some reason iny dex beq force_zero bpl sinetable_loop ; x is FF at this point ;============================ ; main loop ;============================ ; dex stx HGR_COLOR ; required ; though in emulator it defaults to $FF draw_circle: ldy #0 sty SAVEY blah_smc: ldx #0 stx SAVEX circle_loop: lda SAVEX and #$3f tax lda sinetable,X ; clc asl ; $60 is midscreen adc #$60 ldx SAVEY ldy #0 jsr HPLOT0 ; plot at (Y,X), (A) inc SAVEX inc SAVEY bne circle_loop done: inc blah_smc+1 ; 14 bytes to flip color ; lda SAVEX ; and #$3f ; cmp #$3f ; bne blah bit SAVEX bvc blah lda #$FF blah: eor #$FF sta HGR_COLOR ; lda HGR_COLOR ; flip draw color $ff/$00/$ff ; eor #$ff ; sta HGR_COLOR ;blah: jmp draw_circle