; The Stone Ship Puzzles ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; at start, no electricity ; all lights on umbrella off ; tunnels dark and flooded ; steps to cabin are flooded, lights off past airlock, can't ; touch book ; lighthouse is flooded ; lights are always on in red/blue rooms ; umbrella pump -- only one can be on, touching twice toggles ; #1 drains main cabin ; #2 drains tunnels ; #3 drain the elevator room ; treasure chest ; 1st drain tower room ; 2nd go down, open tap, let water drain ; 3rd close tap ; 4th raise water again ; 5th click on chained key which will unlock chest ; 6th click on key in chest which will get picked up ; 7th open trapdoor. animation. lock and key fall to ; floor down below ; you can still pick up the key down there ; in game if you leave the lighthouse ; while you have the key, the key ends up on the floor ; down below ; charged battery turns on lights in cabin/tunnels ; charge runs down over time ; compass rose puzzle ; press wrong one and lights go out (all energy to zero) ; also siren plays ; blue light at end of corridor ; press right one, lights in the cabin go on ; also light outside the compass window ; lighthouse backgrounds ; water, no trunk, hatch closed ; water, no trunk, hatch open ; water, trunk, hatch closed ; water, trunk, hatch open ; prev two, trunk open/closed ; nowater, hatch closed ; nowater, hatch open ; idea: baseline with water trunk, water no trunk, nowater ; draw hatch as sprite ;================================== ; update tunnel lights ;================================== ; only on when BATTERY_CHARGE is non-zero ; ; darkening the rooms happens elsewhere ; here is where we change up backgrounds ; and turn the lighthouse on and off ; ; FIXME: ; + make the top stairwells dark ; + make inside top stairwells display outside still ; + do something about looking backwards from airlocks update_tunnel_lights: lda BATTERY_CHARGE beq tunnel_lights_off tunnel_lights_on: jmp done_update_tunnel_lights tunnel_lights_off: jsr lighthouse_beacon_off done_update_tunnel_lights: rts ;================================== ; compass puzzle ;================================== ; want to click on 135 degrees ; turns on lights (sets COMPASS_STATE to 1), runs update_compas_state ; click on other pins ; turns off lights, shorts out power ; COMPASS_STATE to 0 ; BATTERY_CHARGE to 0 ; also puzzle only works if battery charge is > 0 ; to keep you from pressing all in dark compass_puzzle: lda BATTERY_CHARGE beq compass_oob lda CURSOR_Y cmp #7 bcc check_top ; blt cmp #38 bcs check_bottom ; bge check_middle: lda CURSOR_X cmp #6 bcc compass_oob cmp #12 bcc wrong_knob cmp #28 bcc compass_oob cmp #35 bcs compass_oob lda CURSOR_Y cmp #32 bcs right_knob bcc wrong_knob check_top: lda CURSOR_X cmp #10 bcc compass_oob cmp #30 bcs compass_oob bcc wrong_knob check_bottom: lda CURSOR_X cmp #13 bcc compass_oob cmp #28 bcs compass_oob bcc wrong_knob right_knob: jsr click_speaker lda #1 sta COMPASS_STATE jmp update_compass_state wrong_knob: lda #0 sta COMPASS_STATE sta BATTERY_CHARGE jsr long_beep jsr update_tunnel_lights jmp update_compass_state compass_oob: rts ;================================== ; draw compass light ;================================== ; underwater light comes on if compass successful ; if in room STONEY_COMPASS_ROOM_RIGHT (facing N) or ; STONEY_COMPASS_ROOM_LEFT (facing W) ; and COMPASS_STATE is not 0 then draw the sprite compass_draw_light: lda COMPASS_STATE beq done_compass_draw_light lda LOCATION cmp #STONEY_COMPASS_ROOM_RIGHT beq light_room_right cmp #STONEY_COMPASS_ROOM_LEFT beq light_room_left rts light_room_right: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_N beq actually_draw_light rts light_room_left: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_W bne done_compass_draw_light actually_draw_light: lda #17 sta XPOS lda #14 sta YPOS lda #compass_light_sprite sta INH jsr put_sprite_crop done_compass_draw_light: rts compass_light_sprite: .byte 6,4 .byte $44,$94,$94,$94,$94,$44 .byte $44,$99,$ff,$ff,$99,$44 .byte $44,$99,$9f,$9f,$99,$44 .byte $24,$24,$24,$24,$24,$24 ;================================== ; update compass state ;================================== ; if COMPASS_STATE is 0: ; disable access to linking book ; if COMPASS_STATE is 1: ; enable access to linking book update_compass_state: ldy #LOCATION_NORTH_EXIT lda COMPASS_STATE bne enable_book_access disable_book_access: lda #$ff bne update_book_access ; bra enable_book_access: lda #STONEY_BOOK_TABLE update_book_access: sta location16,Y ; STONEY_BOOK_ROOM rts ;=================================== ; crawlways ;=================================== enter_crawlway_left: lda #STONEY_CRAWLWAY_ENTRANCE_LEFT sta LOCATION lda #DIRECTION_W sta DIRECTION jmp change_location enter_crawlway_right: lda #STONEY_CRAWLWAY_ENTRANCE_RIGHT sta LOCATION lda #DIRECTION_E sta DIRECTION jmp change_location ;========================== ; handle compass room right view_compass_right: lda CURSOR_X cmp #12 bcs goto_compass_right ; blt goto_left_tunnel: lda #DIRECTION_E sta DIRECTION lda #STONEY_COMPASS_ROOM_LEFT sta LOCATION jmp change_location goto_compass_right: lda #DIRECTION_W|DIRECTION_ONLY_POINT sta DIRECTION lda #STONEY_COMPASS_ROSE_RIGHT sta LOCATION jmp change_location ;========================== ; handle compass room left view_compass_left: lda CURSOR_X cmp #28 bcc goto_compass_left ; blt goto_right_tunnel: lda #DIRECTION_S sta DIRECTION lda #STONEY_COMPASS_ROOM_RIGHT sta LOCATION jmp change_location goto_compass_left: lda #DIRECTION_W|DIRECTION_ONLY_POINT sta DIRECTION lda #STONEY_COMPASS_ROSE_LEFT sta LOCATION jmp change_location ;====================== ; handle umbrella pump buttons umbrella_buttons: lda CURSOR_X cmp #15 bcc left_button_pressed cmp #19 bcc center_button_pressed right_button_pressed: ; drain lighthouse lda #2 bne done_umbrella left_button_pressed: ; drain mist tunnel lda #0 beq done_umbrella center_button_pressed: ; drain room tunnels lda #1 done_umbrella: sta PUMP_STATE rts ;======================== ; handle generator crank handle_crank: inc CRANK_ANGLE lda CRANK_ANGLE and #$3 sta CRANK_ANGLE lda BATTERY_CHARGE cmp #7 beq skip_charge inc BATTERY_CHARGE jsr update_tunnel_lights skip_charge: rts do_draw_umbrella_light: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_W bne done_draw_umbrella lda PUMP_STATE asl asl ; *4 tay lda #$99 ; orange sta $528+15,Y ; page 0 sta $928+15,Y ; page 1 ; 15,20 ; 19,20 ; 23,20 done_draw_umbrella: rts do_draw_crank_handle: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_W bne done_draw_it lda CRANK_ANGLE asl tay lda crank_sprites,Y sta INL lda crank_sprites+1,Y sta INH lda #17 sta XPOS lda #32 bne draw_it do_draw_battery_level: lda BATTERY_CHARGE and #7 asl tay lda battery_sprites,Y sta INL lda battery_sprites+1,Y sta INH lda #16 sta XPOS lda #20 ; bne draw_it draw_it: sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop done_draw_it: rts do_animate_magic_table: ; handle book rising from table lda ANIMATE_FRAME asl tay lda table_movie,Y sta INL lda table_movie+1,Y sta INH lda #18 sta XPOS lda #14 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop lda FRAMEL and #$1f bne done_animate_table lda ANIMATE_FRAME cmp #4 beq done_animate_table inc ANIMATE_FRAME done_animate_table: rts crank_sprites: .word crank_sprite0,crank_sprite1,crank_sprite2,crank_sprite3 battery_sprites: .word battery_sprite0,battery_sprite1,battery_sprite2,battery_sprite3 .word battery_sprite4,battery_sprite5,battery_sprite6,battery_sprite7 table_movie: .word table_frame0,table_frame1,table_frame2,table_frame3 .word table_frame4 table_frame0: .byte 5,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$dA,$dA,$dA,$dA table_frame1: .byte 5,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $dA,$Ad,$dA,$dA,$dA .byte $dd,$Ad,$Ad,$Ad,$Ad table_frame2: .byte 5,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $Ad,$dd,$dd,$dd,$dd .byte $da,$dd,$77,$7d,$da .byte $dd,$dd,$77,$dd,$Ad table_frame3: .byte 5,5 .byte $AA,$dA,$dA,$da,$da .byte $AA,$dd,$dd,$dd,$dd .byte $AA,$dd,$dd,$dd,$dd .byte $AA,$dd,$dd,$dd,$dd .byte $AA,$dd,$dd,$dd,$dd table_frame4: .byte 5,5 .byte $AA,$07,$d7,$d7,$07 .byte $AA,$00,$dd,$dd,$dd .byte $AA,$00,$d5,$d5,$dd .byte $AA,$00,$dd,$dd,$dd .byte $AA,$00,$dd,$dd,$0d crank_sprite0: .byte 5,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$dd,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$dd,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$11,$AA,$AA,$AA crank_sprite1: .byte 5,5 .byte $1A,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $A1,$dA,$dA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$ad,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA crank_sprite2: .byte 5,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$dA,$11 .byte $AA,$AA,$dA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$Ad,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA crank_sprite3: .byte 5,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$Ad,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$dA,$1d .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$A1,$AA battery_sprite0: .byte 1,7 .byte $51,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA battery_sprite1: .byte 1,7 .byte $51,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$FF battery_sprite2: .byte 1,7 .byte $51,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$FF,$FF battery_sprite3: .byte 1,7 .byte $51,$AA,$AA,$AA,$FF,$FF,$FF battery_sprite4: .byte 1,7 .byte $51,$AA,$AA,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF battery_sprite5: .byte 1,7 .byte $51,$AA,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF battery_sprite6: .byte 1,7 .byte $51,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF battery_sprite7: .byte 1,7 .byte $5c,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ;====================================== ; telescope ;====================================== goto_telescope: ; reset to 0 each time lda #71 sta telescope_angle lda #STONEY_TELESCOPE_VIEW sta LOCATION lda #DIRECTION_E|DIRECTION_SPLIT sta DIRECTION jmp change_location ;=================================== ; display telescope ;=================================== display_telescope: ; blink beacon (where applicable) lda BATTERY_CHARGE beq done_blink_beacon lda FRAMEL and #$40 beq beacon_off jsr lighthouse_beacon_on jmp done_blink_beacon beacon_off: jsr lighthouse_beacon_off done_blink_beacon: lda #16 sta XPOS lda #18 sta YPOS ; left tile lda telescope_angle tay lda telescope_tile_lookup,Y asl tay lda telescope_sprites,Y sta INL lda telescope_sprites+1,Y sta INH jsr put_sprite_crop ; right tile lda #20 sta XPOS lda #18 sta YPOS lda telescope_angle tay iny lda telescope_tile_lookup,Y asl tay lda telescope_sprites,Y sta INL lda telescope_sprites+1,Y sta INH jsr put_sprite_crop ; update angle text ; want normal text lda #$09 ; ora sta ps_smc1 lda #$80 sta ps_smc1+1 ; smc the addresses lda DRAW_PAGE clc adc #$7 sta dt_smc1+2 sta dt_smc2+2 sta dt_smc3+2 sta dt_smc4+2 sta dt_smc5+2 sta dt_smc6+2 sta dt_smc7+2 sta dt_smc8+2 sta dt_smc9+2 lda telescope_angle ror bcc even_angle odd_angle: lda #telescope_string_odd sta OUTH jsr move_and_print jsr move_and_print ; 0 should print 0 10 ; 1 should print 10 ; 2 should prrint 10 20 lda telescope_angle tax cpx #71 bne odd_not_zero lda #' '|$80 dt_smc7: sta $750+21 odd_not_zero: inx lda telescope_angle_strings,X ora #$80 dt_smc1: sta $750+19 lda telescope_angle_strings+1,X ora #$80 dt_smc2: sta $750+20 jmp done_display_telescope even_angle: lda #telescope_string_even sta OUTH jsr move_and_print jsr move_and_print ; 0 should print 0 10 ; 1 should print 10 ; 2 should prrint 10 20 lda telescope_angle and #$fe tax bne not_left_zero lda #' '|$80 dt_smc8: sta $750+17 not_left_zero: cpx #70 bne not_right_zero lda #' '|$80 dt_smc9: sta $750+25 not_right_zero: lda telescope_angle_strings,X ora #$80 dt_smc3: sta $750+15 lda telescope_angle_strings+1,X ora #$80 dt_smc4: sta $750+16 inx inx lda telescope_angle_strings,X ora #$80 dt_smc5: sta $750+23 lda telescope_angle_strings+1,X ora #$80 dt_smc6: sta $750+24 done_display_telescope: ; restore inverse text lda #$29 sta ps_smc1 lda #$3f sta ps_smc1+1 rts ; rotate the telescop telescope_pan: lda CURSOR_X cmp #20 bcs telescope_right telescope_left: dec telescope_angle bpl done_telescope lda #71 bne store_telescope ; bra telescope_right: inc telescope_angle lda telescope_angle cmp #72 bne done_telescope lda #0 store_telescope: sta telescope_angle done_telescope: rts telescope_string_odd: .byte 16,21," : ",0 .byte 16,22," 0 ",0 telescope_string_even: .byte 16,21,": :",0 .byte 16,22," 0 0",0 telescope_angle_strings: .byte " 0" .byte " 1" .byte " 2" .byte " 3" .byte " 4" .byte " 5" .byte " 6" .byte " 7" .byte " 8" .byte " 9" .byte "10" .byte "11" .byte "12" .byte "13" .byte "14" .byte "15" .byte "16" .byte "17" .byte "18" .byte "19" .byte "20" .byte "21" .byte "22" .byte "23" .byte "24" .byte "25" .byte "26" .byte "27" .byte "28" .byte "29" .byte "30" .byte "31" .byte "32" .byte "33" .byte "34" .byte "35" .byte " 0" .byte " 1" telescope_angle: .byte $00 telescope_tile_lookup: .byte 2, 3, 4, 3, 0, 0 ; 0 .byte 0, 1, 0, 0, 5, 0 ; 30 .byte 6, 7, 0, 8, 9, 0 ; 60 .byte 3,10, 0, 0,11, 0 ; 90 .byte 0, 0,12,13, 0, 3 ; 120 .byte 10, 0, 0, 5, 1, 2 ; 150 .byte 11, 0,14, 0, 2,15 ; 180 .byte 9, 5, 0, 3,16, 0 ; 210 .byte 16, 1, 0, 2,16, 0 ; 240 .byte 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 270 .byte 3, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; 300 .byte 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1 ; 330 .byte 2 ; 360 telescope_sprites: .word telescope_bg0_sprite .word telescope_bg1_sprite .word telescope_bg2_sprite .word telescope_bg3_sprite .word telescope_bg4_sprite .word telescope_bg5_sprite .word telescope_bg6_sprite .word telescope_bg7_sprite .word telescope_bg8_sprite .word telescope_bg9_sprite .word telescope_bg10_sprite .word telescope_bg11_sprite .word telescope_bg12_sprite .word telescope_bg13_sprite .word telescope_bg14_sprite .word telescope_bg15_sprite .word telescope_bg16_sprite telescope_bg0_sprite: .byte 1,1 .byte $aa telescope_bg1_sprite: .byte 3,6 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff .byte $ff,$55,$55 .byte $ff,$55,$55 .byte $57,$55,$55 .byte $55,$55,$55 .byte $55,$55,$55 telescope_bg2_sprite: .byte 3,6 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff .byte $ff,$ff,$ff .byte $ff,$ff,$ff .byte $67,$67,$67 .byte $66,$66,$55 .byte $66,$55,$55 telescope_bg3_sprite: .byte 4,6 .byte $ff,$ff,$5f,$ff .byte $ff,$ff,$55,$55 .byte $ff,$ff,$55,$55 .byte $67,$67,$55,$55 .byte $66,$66,$55,$55 .byte $66,$55,$55,$55 telescope_bg4_sprite: .byte 3,6 .byte $ff,$5f,$ff .byte $55,$55,$ff .byte $55,$55,$ff .byte $55,$55,$67 .byte $55,$55,$66 .byte $55,$55,$55 telescope_bg5_sprite: .byte 3,7 .byte $ff,$55,$55 .byte $ff,$55,$55 .byte $ff,$55,$55 .byte $67,$55,$55 .byte $66,$55,$55 .byte $66,$55,$55 .byte $66,$55,$55 telescope_bg6_sprite: .byte 4,7 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$55 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$55 .byte $ff,$ff,$55,$55 .byte $67,$67,$55,$55 .byte $66,$55,$55,$55 .byte $66,$55,$55,$55 .byte $56,$55,$55,$55 telescope_bg7_sprite: .byte 1,7 .byte $55 .byte $55 .byte $55 .byte $55 .byte $55 .byte $55 .byte $55 telescope_bg8_sprite: .byte 4,7 .byte $77,$77,$ff,$ff .byte $77,$77,$ff,$ff .byte $77,$77,$ff,$ff .byte $77,$77,$67,$55 .byte $77,$77,$56,$55 .byte $77,$57,$55,$55 .byte $57,$55,$55,$55 telescope_bg9_sprite: .byte 2,7 .byte $ff,$ff .byte $ff,$ff .byte $ff,$ff .byte $55,$67 .byte $55,$66 .byte $55,$66 .byte $55,$55 telescope_bg10_sprite: .byte 4,6 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $5f,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $55,$ff,$7f,$ff .byte $55,$67,$77,$67 .byte $55,$55,$77,$77 .byte $55,$55,$57,$77 telescope_bg11_sprite: .byte 4,7 .byte $ff,$55,$ff,$5f .byte $ff,$55,$00,$55 .byte $ff,$55,$00,$55 .byte $67,$55,$00,$55 .byte $66,$55,$00,$55 .byte $66,$55,$00,$55 .byte $66,$55,$00,$55 telescope_bg12_sprite: .byte 4,7 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$dd .byte $67,$67,$ee,$ee .byte $66,$ee,$ee,$ee .byte $66,$ee,$ee,$ee .byte $e6,$ee,$ee,$ee telescope_bg13_sprite: .byte 4,7 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $dd,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $ee,$ee,$67,$67 .byte $ee,$ee,$ee,$66 .byte $ee,$ee,$ee,$66 .byte $ee,$ee,$ee,$e6 telescope_bg14_sprite: .byte 4,7 .byte $ff,$77,$7f,$77 .byte $ff,$77,$77,$77 .byte $ff,$77,$77,$77 .byte $55,$57,$55,$77 .byte $55,$55,$55,$77 .byte $55,$55,$55,$77 .byte $55,$55,$55,$77 telescope_bg15_sprite: .byte 4,7 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $77,$ff,$ff,$55 .byte $77,$77,$67,$55 .byte $77,$77,$55,$55 .byte $77,$77,$55,$55 .byte $66,$66,$55,$55 telescope_bg16_sprite: .byte 4,6 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $55,$ff,$ff,$ff .byte $55,$55,$55,$ff .byte $55,$55,$55,$67 .byte $55,$55,$55,$55 .byte $55,$55,$55,$55 lighthouse_beacon_off: lda #$dd sta telescope_bg12_sprite+13 sta telescope_bg13_sprite+10 rts lighthouse_beacon_on: lda #$d1 sta telescope_bg12_sprite+13 sta telescope_bg13_sprite+10 rts draw_doorway1: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_N bne done_doorway lda BATTERY_CHARGE bne done_doorway ldx #0 lda #doorway1_dark_list sta INH jmp hlin_list draw_doorway2: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_N bne done_doorway lda BATTERY_CHARGE bne done_doorway ldx #8 lda #doorway2_dark_list sta INH jmp hlin_list done_doorway: rts draw_airlock_doorknob: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_N bne done_doorway ldx #16 lda #airlock_doorknob_list sta INH jmp hlin_list draw_light_doorway: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_S bne done_doorway lda BATTERY_CHARGE bne done_doorway ldx #12 lda #doorway_light_list sta INH jmp hlin_list ; at 0 doorway1_dark_list: .byte $00,15,12 .byte $00,15,12 .byte $00,15,12 .byte $00,16,11 .byte $00,16,11 .byte $00,16,11 .byte $00,16,11 .byte $00,16,11 .byte $00,17,10 .byte $00,17,10 .byte $00,17,10 .byte $00,17,10 .byte $00,17,10 .byte $00,17,10 .byte $00,17,10 .byte $00,17,10 .byte $00,17,9 .byte $00,24,2 .byte $00,24,2 .byte $00,24,2 .byte $00,24,2 .byte $00,24,2 .byte $00,24,2 .byte $00,25,1 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff ; at 8 doorway2_dark_list: .byte $00,16,10 .byte $00,17,9 .byte $00,17,9 .byte $00,18,8 .byte $00,19,7 .byte $00,20,5 .byte $00,21,4 .byte $00,22,3 .byte $00,23,2 .byte $00,23,2 .byte $55,21,2 .byte $55,20,3 .byte $55,16,7 .byte $55,16,7 .byte $55,16,8 .byte $55,16,8 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff ; at 12 doorway_light_list: .byte $ff,19,2 .byte $ff,19,2 .byte $ff,19,2 .byte $ff,19,2 .byte $ff,19,2 .byte $ff,19,2 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff ; at 16 airlock_doorknob_list: .byte $d0,19,2 .byte $ff,$ff,$ff