; Duke Level2 -- Living Dangerously ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; Zero Page .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" .include "common_defines.inc" duke_start: ;=================== ; init screen jsr TEXT jsr HOME bit KEYRESET bit SET_GR bit PAGE0 bit LORES bit TEXTGR jsr clear_top ; avoid grey stripes at load ;===================== ; init vars ;===================== lda #0 sta ANIMATE_FRAME sta FRAMEL sta FRAMEH sta DISP_PAGE sta DUKE_WALKING sta DUKE_JUMPING sta LEVEL_OVER sta LASER_OUT sta DUKE_XL sta DUKE_FALLING sta DUKE_SHOOTING sta KICK_UP_DUST sta DOOR_ACTIVATED lda #enemy_data sta ENEMY_DATAH lda #2 ; draw twice (both pages) sta UPDATE_STATUS lda #4 sta DRAW_PAGE lda #18 sta DUKE_X lda #0 sta DUKE_Y lda #1 sta DUKE_DIRECTION jsr update_status_bar ;==================================== ; load level1 background ;==================================== lda #level2_bg_lzsa sta LZSA_SRC_HI lda #$c ; load to page $c00 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast ;==================================== ; load level2 tilemap ;==================================== lda #level2_data_lzsa sta LZSA_SRC_HI lda #$90 ; load to page $9000 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast ;==================================== ; copy in tilemap subset ;==================================== lda #10 sta TILEMAP_X lda #8 sta TILEMAP_Y jsr copy_tilemap_subset ;==================================== ;==================================== ; Main LOGO loop ;==================================== ;==================================== duke_loop: ; copy over background jsr gr_copy_to_current ; draw tilemap jsr draw_tilemap ; draw enemies jsr draw_enemies ; draw laser jsr draw_laser ; draw duke jsr draw_duke ; handle door opening jsr check_open_door ; draw a status bar jsr draw_status_bar jsr page_flip jsr handle_keypress jsr move_duke ; jsr move_enemies jsr move_laser ;======================== ; increment frame count ;======================== inc FRAMEL bne no_frame_oflo inc FRAMEH no_frame_oflo: ;=========================== ; check end of level ;=========================== lda LEVEL_OVER beq do_duke_loop jmp done_with_duke do_duke_loop: ; delay ; lda #200 ; jsr WAIT jmp duke_loop done_with_duke: bit KEYRESET ; clear keypress rts ; exit back ;========================== ; includes ;========================== ; level graphics .include "graphics/level2_graphics.inc" .include "text_print.s" .include "gr_offsets.s" .include "gr_fast_clear.s" .include "gr_copy.s" .include "gr_pageflip.s" .include "gr_putsprite_crop.s" .include "decompress_fast_v2.s" .include "status_bar.s" .include "keyboard.s" .include "joystick.s" .include "text_drawbox.s" .include "print_help.s" .include "quit_yn.s" .include "level_end.s" .include "draw_duke.s" .include "duke_sprites.inc" .include "move_duke.s" .include "handle_laser.s" .include "draw_tilemap.s" .include "enemies_level2.s" .include "actions_level2.s" .include "sound_effects.s" .include "speaker_tone.s" level2_data_lzsa: .incbin "maps/level2_map.lzsa"